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Question RE: Ethereal

over 8 years

The question posed in this thread is not necessarily one of the moderation team, the site owner lucidrains/Phillip Wang, or other moderators/admins on the moderation team of this website.

People are calling for Ethereal's head because they were recently promoted from role moderator to moderator. The people calling for Ethereal to be demodded are generally viewing and accusing Ethereal as a predator.

My question is, if you guys care so much about Ethereal being a potential predator, should you not be arguing that Ethereal should be site banned? (Personally, I don't think Ethereal should be site banned. She has done her time for being banned and is currently a very big help for the moderators and cheating investigation team, in my opinion.) Your argument seems to not want to rid the website of possible predators, but to just make sure they don't become moderators. It doesn't really make much sense to me.

And even if Ethereal is demodded, guess what? She's still going to help with Cheating cases and finding banned users... nothing is going to change (except that she won't be able to do reports). Is that really going to be a sigh of relief for all of you?

So if Ethereal is demodded, what difference is it to you people if she's still allowed to be on the website...?


I am in favour of demodding Ethereal to please the community fwiw (I was before I even made this thread), but if we do that I don't really get why they are even allowed to be on the site anyways. I'm seeing these arguments I just don't agree with them; potential is potential at the end of the day, and I believe Ethereal should be allowed to stay on the site

over 8 years

Cody says

JeffreyAaron says

leo says

Solace says

no, I wasn't aware of the Skype logs

Sammie was picked because of her stellar performance in the role moderator team

Did any of the mods come forward if you told any of them about thinking of promoting her?

I'm not even trying to fight you here just letting you know that admins are not required in any way to bring up to their mod team their future mod selections. So, this may be a null question.

There were enough voices of approval from the more active members of the team that we felt justified to green-light it.

I realize that when it comes to someone with Sammie's background that we should have been more diligent; this was a procedural mistake, and I'm currently dealing with the fallout of the mistake.

God that's almost an apology.

Fine, I'll take it. Thanks Cody.
over 8 years
someone who's hacked the site numerous times, stolen passwords, and has horded people's god damn personal information should not be a moderator. nobody wants him as a moderator for you two. what it comes down to at this point is if you value the tools he makes more than the people you moderate
over 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

leo says

Solace says

no, I wasn't aware of the Skype logs

Sammie was picked because of her stellar performance in the role moderator team

Did any of the mods come forward if you told any of them about thinking of promoting her?

I'm not even trying to fight you here just letting you know that admins are not required in any way to bring up to their mod team their future mod selections. So, this may be a null question.

There were enough voices of approval from the more active members of the team that we felt justified to green-light it.

I realize that when it comes to someone with Sammie's background that we should have been more diligent; this was a procedural mistake, and I'm currently dealing with the fallout of the mistake.
over 8 years
Is arcbell like a legitimate hacker or something lol
over 8 years

Solace says

leo says

Solace says

I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.

Sorry, did you miss my question? I'm honest-to-God curious if really none of the mods knew who Petri was.

The mods are mostly newer users, I don't think anyone brought it up

So was it in mod chat? Several of the mods have stated they didn't know that Petri was even being modded. Or I'm taking it that way... it was in another thread, but, still.
deletedover 8 years
I want a full list of beneficial uses Arcbell has brought to the website. I also want to know why he needs to be a site moderator or in fact have any position of power to be able to help the site.
deletedover 8 years
I'm fairly certain giga would have been aware of all of this if he was present during the discussion
over 8 years
over 8 years

Solace says

I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.

over 8 years
over 8 years

leo says

Solace says

I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.

Sorry, did you miss my question? I'm honest-to-God curious if really none of the mods knew who Petri was.

The mods are mostly newer users, I don't think anyone brought it up
over 8 years

Solace says

I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.

no offense but you're a complete dunce
over 8 years

Solace says

I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.

R u kidding me?????????
over 8 years
i use the same password for more than a few things so i really don't feel safe having arcbell have access to my email address among other things
over 8 years

Solace says

I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.

Sorry, did you miss my question? I'm honest-to-God curious if really none of the mods knew who Petri was.
over 8 years
I support Arcbell being a mod - they've written a lot of helpful userscripts for the cheating team.

I don't believe arc meant any harm with the pm they sent to the mods.
over 8 years

Hibiki says

cody do u really need me to provide proof that arcbell explicitly stated on the forums that he was lifting his promise to not hack me because i wouldn't unban ian?

someone bump the thread lmao, also cody check your pms
over 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

leo says

Solace says

no, I wasn't aware of the Skype logs

Sammie was picked because of her stellar performance in the role moderator team

Did any of the mods come forward if you told any of them about thinking of promoting her?

I'm not even trying to fight you here just letting you know that admins are not required in any way to bring up to their mod team their future mod selections. So, this may be a null question.

over 8 years
If petri ever threatens to shut down the site and mods are frozen n stuff can we call it

Petri-ficus totalus?
over 8 years
my password for kerry is ridiculously insecure
over 8 years
cody do u really need me to provide proof that arcbell explicitly stated on the forums that he was lifting his promise to not hack me because i wouldn't unban ian?
over 8 years

leo says

Solace says

no, I wasn't aware of the Skype logs

Sammie was picked because of her stellar performance in the role moderator team

Did any of the mods come forward if you told any of them about thinking of promoting her?

I'm not even trying to fight you here just letting you know that admins are not required in any way to bring up to their mod team their future mod selections. So, this may be a null question.
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years

ling says

Solace why is arcbell modded, he personally threatened you and your team a month ago

Did he suddenly change or are you this spineless

No need to insult Solace dude :/
over 8 years
holy crap im turning 18 in less than 2 years