The question posed in this thread is not necessarily one of the moderation team, the site owner lucidrains/Phillip Wang, or other moderators/admins on the moderation team of this website.
People are calling for Ethereal's head because they were recently promoted from role moderator to moderator. The people calling for Ethereal to be demodded are generally viewing and accusing Ethereal as a predator.
My question is, if you guys care so much about Ethereal being a potential predator, should you not be arguing that Ethereal should be site banned? (Personally, I don't think Ethereal should be site banned. She has done her time for being banned and is currently a very big help for the moderators and cheating investigation team, in my opinion.) Your argument seems to not want to rid the website of possible predators, but to just make sure they don't become moderators. It doesn't really make much sense to me.
And even if Ethereal is demodded, guess what? She's still going to help with Cheating cases and finding banned users... nothing is going to change (except that she won't be able to do reports). Is that really going to be a sigh of relief for all of you?
So if Ethereal is demodded, what difference is it to you people if she's still allowed to be on the website...?
I am in favour of demodding Ethereal to please the community fwiw (I was before I even made this thread), but if we do that I don't really get why they are even allowed to be on the site anyways. I'm seeing these arguments I just don't agree with them; potential is potential at the end of the day, and I believe Ethereal should be allowed to stay on the site