i'm curious to see how the community feels about diagnosing yourself at home, whether it'd be mental illness(or lack of mental illness) or physical stuff. i personally think it's a terrible idea, and i also think pointing that out isn't wrong.
deletedabout 9 years
I mean that's only a problem for people who are clinically unlikable to the degree they can't even manage internet tail.
deletedabout 9 years
People shouldn't self-dx in general because people are for the most part idiots. There's a reason tumblr is full of self-diagnosed BPDs and Aspergers people and it's not just a matter of tumblr being self selecting for those traits.
i mean there are other factors that aren't money that could also prevent you from getting medical attention which i didn't mention but it's very obvious that self-dx will never be as good as a real diagnosis and shouldn't be used as a substitute when a real diagnosis is available to you
but shÃtting on people who have have no access to real medical attention and are forced to self-dx is all this thread is really about, so why even contribute
theres no inherent problem with self diagnosis, just hypochondria. if you're s ting blood it's fair to assume something might be wrong. of course, you go to a real doctor to confirm and/or treat it, same with any other problem you think you have. even if you're absolutely positive in your "diagnosis," that's just more reason to see a doctor. so nothing wrong. doing nothing about it is the problem
however if you live in a country that has free healthcare and you can actually access that healthcare then self-dx is dumb even if you're right probably
i already presented the pretense that being unable to afford getting a medical diagnosis is a valid reason to self-dx which implies none of what you asked. if you can't afford the dx how are you gonna be able to afford medication
it's all about understanding what's potentially the problem so you have a better chance of managing yourself mentally
the whole idea behind self-dx/self-medication being bad for you is being dumb and thus doing it badly. your argument is "idiots shouldn't self-dx" not "people shouldn't self-dx"
On the other hand if someone kills themselves it leaves more for me and kills a typical tumblr user off so perhaps self-diagnosis and self-treatment is the way forward.
deletedabout 9 years
(in america) a lot of people can't afford medical bills so it boggles my mind that americans can be against self-diagnosis
Would you be for self-treatment too? Would you be ok with someone operating on themselves? What about someone grinding down their own tooth and cementing a self-made crown on top? If someone diagnoses themselves with major depression shall they perform CBT on themselves? Order some prozac online?
There's a reason above and beyond profit motive why disease shouldn't be self-diagnosed just like it shouldn't be self-treated. Doing a bad job of it is, hur hur, dangerous.
if someone is on some type of other medication the side effects from those could also give symptoms for mental illnesses too, so it really is necessary to see a doctor no matter what
One time I thought I had diabetes. Turns out I had a brain tumor. Don't diagnose yourself. WebMD is the devil.
deletedabout 9 years
Listen, if you're f'ing crazy, your f'ing crazy like poser who self diagnosed himself with a stroke. What an idiot
deletedabout 9 years
I'm slightly ok with self-diagnosis, since you know yourself and the internet can tell you just about everything you need to know.
Well I wouldn't tell people it's okay to self diagnose because "they know themself" because what if, again, they sit there and are like "Oh yeah, I have Schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, and anxiety because I'm really sad, I get scared a lot, and one time something scared me so bad it's pretty traumatic so it's probably that?"
Very unhealthy especially if you ultimately believe you have it
And lol about the Internet being your doctor
deletedabout 9 years
I Google all my problems! Like how to get duct tape residue off my boots!