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Meteor rules

almost 9 years

Admin please clarify the meteor rules.

Last time I checked it was pretty clear. But your current mods seem to have absolutely no idea about it.

They are absolutely blank about it. Any person is not allowed to force nl on meteor day if lynching gives them a chance to win. Because NL= confirmed loss. This moderator does not understand the simple thing that he can't know for sure if the person being voted was town. If he wanted to lynch the other guy he should have convinced the other person to vote his way. He is not allowed to force NL and confirm the loss for both parties. Else town will just force NL by saying that 2 different people have 2 different fos. This was clearly resolved by the earlier by each admin. How could you let the new moderators handle this without him knowing the rules.

Just clarify if the moderators judgement is correct or not. If it is then you know what is allowed. It literally means that players are allowed to split votes on MYLO in a meteor.

What if the person getting lynched was mafia? This new moderator just looks at it from a rookie point of view. He is being biased towards the town win scenario. Since the person being voted was town he is saying he was allowed to force NL. He should look at it from a neutral point of view and should judge without knowing what alignment was being lynched.

deletedalmost 9 years
quality post
deletedalmost 9 years

Mellifluous says

giga delete your last post please. as mod you should not bypass censor and set bad examples. we give vios for this. delete this comment as well

You traded Demod Jericho Now for this.
almost 9 years

hedger says

meteors dont get refunded lol.

they do sometimes, but not most of the time
deletedalmost 9 years
Are you guys sad that you traded my complaints threads for Lust's yet?
almost 9 years
meteors dont get refunded lol.
almost 9 years
Melli change your strategy as GT always asks for intent you will not be able to prove for 100% that it was GT.
The action however can be defined as ISP by negligence. refund policy does not dictate that only GT can be refunded, ISP by negligence can also be refunded when actions done in the game lead to autoloss
almost 9 years

moon says

giving notes for gold heart games is silly

I've stepped down, and couldn't do the report anyway.
almost 9 years
giga delete your last post please. as mod you should not bypass censor and set bad examples. we give vios for this. delete this comment as well
almost 9 years

moon says

giving notes for gold heart games is silly

Yeah it should be a GT violation, I missed some s*** in the game; the guy knew what he was getting himself into by nling to the meteor day
almost 9 years

Giga13 says

Mellifluous says

what do you mean intent lol?????????????? he can see its kicked and he knows its meteor because he brought it to meteor day by nling? so he knows that voting otherwise will force NL on meteor? Is it so hard for you to understand this?

I already said I'd give a Note for GT but I change my mind and would probably give a violation for it since that is true. I'm really tired right now

Thanks giga. But you should take rest right now. I know how it is when we are tired. Come back after sleep and review this case.
almost 9 years
giving notes for gold heart games is silly
almost 9 years
I was thinking you were talking about meteor in this sense:
almost 9 years
And by intent I meant

Giga13 says

Giga13 says

I would, ideally, like everyone to know what is allowed and what isn't but not everyone does therefore intent is the determining factor more often than not

But the guy in this game clearly knew, (which I missed since again I'm really tired) so it's GT
almost 9 years
I just saw the game, that is town gt as mafia didn't have to kill. QED
almost 9 years

Mellifluous says

what do you mean intent lol?????????????? he can see its kicked and he knows its meteor because he brought it to meteor day by nling? so he knows that voting otherwise will force NL on meteor? Is it so hard for you to understand this?

I already said I'd give a Note for GT but I change my mind and would probably give a violation for it since that is true. I'm really tired right now
almost 9 years
The most foolish excuse mods give is that it has been closed already so it can't be resolved. When it clearly can be as we have seen in the past and because logic dictates it. It is not hard to do the right thing. If you give him the gt vio it will not kill him. It will make him stop doing it. Many players have gotten away with this because of bad moderation.
almost 9 years
There is many things you can do. Just because it is sustained by rookie mods does not mean it should stand. The rule should be followed. The 2 moderators clearly do not understand. Their judgements make it clear what they are thinking. They are assuming they knew the mafia and are allowed to force nl to save town from losing. That is what they think. But it is completely wrong as confirmed by all moderators. Please resolve this by reopening.
almost 9 years
well he kept talking about how he townread todi before voting riza so it seemed like he knew what he was doing, especially with reading post-game as he was blaming it on someone else
almost 9 years
what do you mean intent lol?????????????? he can see its kicked and he knows its meteor because he brought it to meteor day by nling? so he knows that voting otherwise will force NL on meteor? Is it so hard for you to understand this?
almost 9 years
this is so freaking simple man.

kingtodi has 2 votes on him. the person dysfunk comments in gy at 45:08 that it is kicked.

then at 45:19 curry votes rizakor with kingtodi. kingtodi's vote does not matter because he had 2 votes on himself. he was not going to self vote to make it 3. so curry had more than enough time to think after the kick and 2 votes on one person
almost 9 years
If I was modding this I'd probably give a Note for Gamethrowing anyway (so if anything it prevents this kind of stuff from happening again in the future) but clearly a lot of people don't know about the rules still. But I didn't mod this and it was sustained therefore there is nothing I can do about it
almost 9 years
Ok still: INTENT
almost 9 years
2 votes on kingtodi was kicked at 45:08 and then curry voted against it at 45:19
almost 9 years

Mellifluous says

It is not about what sucks. It is about a player who knows the meteor rules very well and still forces it. I suspected he was throwing for or against someone.

I was just saying that it would suck to play that long for everyone to lose?

And alright, great, it could really go either way because again, I don't know the intent of the players

Until more people know that this isn't allowed, intent is going to end up playing a factor. That's the bottom line
almost 9 years
the second vote on kingtodi was at 44:59 and curry voted 30 seconds after that