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120 player sandbox setup

over 9 years

70 town, 30 mafia, 20 thirds

this saturday at this time

over 9 years

fine says

It only takes one suicide to break it.

That person will be N1ed until the end of Sandbox
over 9 years
It only takes one suicide to break it.
over 9 years
80 town, 15 arsonists, 15 anarchists. carnage
over 9 years
ur all wrong

it's gonna be 70 gallis, 30 paralyzers, and 20 lynchers
over 9 years
How is this even going to work
over 9 years
70 vigs
30 hitman
20 killer

yes plz
over 9 years
20 werewolves ftw
over 9 years
this is when it starts

don't have to worry about time zone with that link, it handles that automatically
deletedover 9 years
Ya, and what time zone?
over 9 years
what time are you thinking because i have saturday off and i would so be down for this
deletedover 9 years
119 trees, 1 hitman

May the massacre begin.
over 9 years
lightkeeper with 120 people oh my god.
over 9 years
i would consider invisi man...can you imagine going to a meeting with 30 mafia....
deletedover 9 years
yes very much
over 9 years

Ptrol says

>20 anarchist
>30 terrorist
>70 bomb

with unique roles it'll copy each role the same number of times until it reaches the required count

so if you have 4 thirds but only lover and killer as third, you'll get two of each
over 9 years
i would love a mass granny extinction event
over 9 years
>20 anarchist
>30 terrorist
>70 bomb
over 9 years
maybe add hitman and granny?
over 9 years
right now the roles im thinking are

gallis bomb sheriff mason priest oracle lightkeeper santa agent crier gunsmith blacksmith dreamer mimic

voodoo stalker terrorist sniper spy gramps fabricator

lover killer cultist cthulhu survivor werewolf amnesiac anarchist
deletedover 9 years
what time in what timezone
over 9 years
Fool wins!
over 9 years

mja9678 says

My body is ready for the n1 clockmaker win ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

over 9 years
yeah you should actually keep CM and CG out of the setup
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
My body is ready for the n1 clockmaker win ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)