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Anti-policy movement

about 10 years

This discrimination against no-avi's needs to be stopped. They get n1'd or they get policy lynched or shot and they sometimes even get kicked from games just for being a no-avi. It is rude and discriminatory.

People engaging in this rude behaviour should be stopped by all means. The anti-policy movement is there to punish the policy-lynchers. They should be n1'd, be policy lynched or shot and they should sometimes even be kicked from games so they know how it feels.

When they quit their terrible behaviour their punishment should be over and they should be considered reformed.

I am a hateful policy lyncher, punish me
I am a nice person and I don't policy
I am reformed, don't punish me anymore
almost 10 years
Policy lynchers don't need to be stopped by anything but their own self-awareness, when they realize how unfunny and dead a joke "lel policy" lynch is

it's lazy humor even if you're not doing it for humorous intentions
almost 10 years
all noavis and players with less than 2k points who registered after 2012 are banned users with an agenda

also are we talking exclusevely about closed setup? bc if yes i don't think no avis should be there.
deletedalmost 10 years
lady pls
about 10 years
We have a community that works, those that stay become part of the community those that leave would not have fit in.

Changing how one enters the community will change the community, alienate the base and ultimately destroy the community you think you are serving in the name of niceness.
about 10 years
It'd be easier for me personally to trust noavis if lucid fixed his bug allowing people to keep registering new accounts (you can't log in from another account but you can register and auto-login an infinite number of them??) to troll and harass
about 10 years

gistofeverything says

Sandbox is not moderated. Why must I be forced to choose to lynch someone with an avatar versus someone who does not have one when both have an equal likelihood of being mafia? Most of the time noavis stay in main lobby anyway so this shouldn't even be an issue.

Sandbox /is/ moderated for hate content, though. I'm pretty sure harassing people because of their (lack of) avi is hate content.

Waxxx says

no-avi 9/10 mafia

*points down*

SuperChimpy says

It should be noted the 'They're more likely to be maf' argument is based on noavis being more likely to be killed n1, leading to a relatively lower chance of surviving as town/thirds and a relatively much higher chance of surviving as mafia. The 'statistical' argument against noavis is based on existing prejudice.

Then again a noavi is a great lynch option to divert attention from yourself so who cares.

Ashe says

Some noavi's are actually trolls, spamming, hostkilling, starting arguments-- saying excessively lewd and 18+ context, (pg 13 pls)
So I guess that's -only- MY PERSPECTIVE. ((Opinion))

That's absolutely true; some noavis /do/ do that. The vast majority don't, though - in fact, the vast majority play one or two games and never come back. Judging all noavis for the few that do bad things would be like saying all Germans are bad 'cause Hitler was (Godwin's Law). It just doesn't make sense.
about 10 years
Some noavi's are actually trolls, spamming, hostkilling, starting arguments-- saying excessively lewd and 18+ context, (pg 13 pls)
So I guess that's -only- MY PERSPECTIVE. ((Opinion))
about 10 years
I can't even tell if this is a joke topic or not. Truly these are dark days for sandbox.
about 10 years
no-avi 9/10 mafia
about 10 years
20 nice people already!
That's a good start!
about 10 years
They stay in main lobby because we are so rude and so mean.

I met the cutest noavi the other day, he was in a sandbox game and was NOT policied. He did a good job at the game and he was very friendly. He joined the next game too. The host said: "Aha! A noavi! POLICY!" We told the host there was nothing wrong with the noavi and that we already played a nice game with him. The host didn't give a @^#&! It was policy, after all......

That's not welcoming at all.

If a noavi comes in a game and rants and screams and shouts and is overall mean, or suicides every game, by all means, kick them out! But that is not solely no avi territory, the exact same thing can be done and will be done to people WITH an avi.
about 10 years
Almost every noavi I see in a game getting policied, I tell them how to avoid this type of interaction for their next game via whisper. I've seen many, after uploading an avatar, join in on the next policy.

I've found it pretty inclusive if you're not a bad person.
about 10 years
>mfw a bunch of noavis voted in favor of policy
about 10 years
Sandbox is not moderated. Why must I be forced to choose to lynch someone with an avatar versus someone who does not have one when both have an equal likelihood of being mafia? Most of the time noavis stay in main lobby anyway so this shouldn't even be an issue.
about 10 years

spankyham says

and it made me look into the game deeper, to find out what policy meant to start with and then to learn the roles so as to not be a bother to people trying to have a good game.

And how many turned away from Epicmafia at this stage, never to return? For every player who uploads an avi and researches the roles (do note that the best way to do this is to play as them, which is what Sandbox allows you to do), there is undoubtedly a half-dozen or more who leaves.

I can hardly fault them, seeing as their first contact with the site is through ostracism by elitist players with a superiority complex.

spankyham says

Someone new that ruins the game, but has at least bothered to add an avi, is not an insult like it is when a lazy no avi does it.

Noavis /are/ new players. Just because they haven't uploaded an avi, that doesn't make them any less of a person; perhaps they prefer to focus on the game itself, rather than details such as personalised avis. Maybe they haven't settled on a nice avi to use yet. And maybe they simply don't know how to upload an avi. It would probably be a better idea to help them with this, rather than shunning them from society as those of your ilk tend to do.

For shame. For shame.

(Post 2/2, max character limit)
about 10 years

spankyham says

Noavis veg, they suicide if people don't listen to them, they suicide if being lynched, they screw up simple roles and they troll.


As I have previously stated, /very few noavis do this/. Many of Epicmafia's players are noavis; have you ever wondered why relatively few are seen in Sandbox?

It is because of the frosty welcome we give them. People like you have let the few trolls that /do/ exist tarnish the reputation of the innocent. Do the actions of the few represent the many? On today of all days, I should hope you don't hold this opinion.

Those noavis who, as you put it, 'mess up simple roles' do so because they don't know how to play; which is why they come to Sandbox in the first place. We have a reputation for being a carefree lobby, full of japery and good-humoured shenanigans; people like you, who greet noavis with hatred and animosity... how can you claim to be better than those you despise so much?

spankyham says

The simple fact is, they are too lazy to add an avatar

Or, y'know, they're trying to learn how to play before fiddling with the details such as avis and bios and whatnot.

spankyham says

they are probably too lazy to ever learn how to play.

That's conjecture; you have no evidence to suggest this. Have you considered they are perhaps /trying to learn how to play/? We are all here to learn, some to more of an extent than others. Rather than acting so hostile, would it not be prudent to teach these noavis to play well? As it stands, an elitist attitude like yours hardly helps matters. I wouldn't be surprised if some perfectly innocent noavis turned to trolling simply because they were persecuted so.

spankyham says

When I first started I was policied

Two words: Stockholm Syndrome.

(Post 1/2, max character limit)
about 10 years
Noavis veg, they suicide if people don't listen to them, they suicide if being lynched, they screw up simple roles and they troll.

The simple fact is, they are too lazy to add an avatar, they are probably too lazy to ever learn how to play.

When I first started I was policied and it made me look into the game deeper, to find out what policy meant to start with and then to learn the roles so as to not be a bother to people trying to have a good game.

Someone new that ruins the game, but has at least bothered to add an avi, is not an insult like it is when a lazy no avi does it.
about 10 years

LadyNemesis says

YES! If we stop n1-ing and policy lynching no avi's, we'll find out that no avi's have no higher chance at being mafia than avi's!
This extreme prejudice is just keeping itself in tact.

I have seen the nicest no avi's being kicked from games, just because they are a no avi. It is an unwelcoming and unfriendly environment and they don't deserve the harsh treatment.

Precisely. Every human (or immortal fire spirit) deserves the same rights; let us judge them by their actions, rather than by their avi. If a noavi joins a game and insults everyone, by all means kick them; but never simply /because/ they are a noavi. Do not condemn the many for the actions of a few; whilst it is true that the occasional noavi (and definitely not all of them) acts inappropriately, I ask you this; given the reception they receive at the moment, can you blame them?
about 10 years
YES! If we stop n1-ing and policy lynching no avi's, we'll find out that no avi's have no higher chance at being mafia than avi's!
This extreme prejudice is just keeping itself in tact.

I have seen the nicest no avi's being kicked from games, just because they are a no avi. It is an unwelcoming and unfriendly environment and they don't deserve the harsh treatment.
about 10 years

luis4rod says

We've all gone through policying and we're all still fine so rly what's the harm amirite???

Whilst it is true that all of us in Sandbox have survived the ordeal, this does not apply to others. How many players have been driven away by the hostile atmosphere of what is supposed to be the friendliest, most relaxed lobby? How many have taken one look at the reception they received upon joining, and left for good?

A significant number, no doubt. And - whilst I do not mean to demoralise you all - it is mostly our fault. It is us, the sandboxers, who new players turn to first; and out of all of the site, it is us who give them the harshest welcome.
about 10 years
no ladynemisis no
about 10 years
We've all gone through policying and we're all still fine so rly what's the harm amirite???
about 10 years

Nitroxium says

blah blah blah


SuperChimpy says

It should be noted the 'They're more likely to be maf' argument is based on noavis being more likely to be killed n1, leading to a relatively lower chance of surviving as town/thirds and a relatively much higher chance of surviving as mafia. The 'statistical' argument against noavis is based on existing prejudice.

True. Noavis almost invariably die N1 in most games; if they're alive... well, they were either saved, or are mafia. The fallacious logic of "surviving N1 = mafia" just leads to more noavi lynches - when they are seen as town, they're dismissed as 'dumb town'; but when a noavi flips maf, everyone loses their minds, furthering the established prejudice against them.

SuperChimpy says

Then again a noavi is a great lynch option to divert attention from yourself so who cares.

Should this campaign succeed, they would be less so. They'd be less capable of defending themself, of course, owing to their (presumed) inexperience, but policy for the sake of policy will no longer occur.
deletedabout 10 years
It should be noted the 'They're more likely to be maf' argument is based on noavis being more likely to be killed n1, leading to a relatively lower chance of surviving as town/thirds and a relatively much higher chance of surviving as mafia. The 'statistical' argument against noavis is based on existing prejudice.

Then again a noavi is a great lynch option to divert attention from yourself so who cares.
about 10 years