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Anti-policy movement

about 10 years

This discrimination against no-avi's needs to be stopped. They get n1'd or they get policy lynched or shot and they sometimes even get kicked from games just for being a no-avi. It is rude and discriminatory.

People engaging in this rude behaviour should be stopped by all means. The anti-policy movement is there to punish the policy-lynchers. They should be n1'd, be policy lynched or shot and they should sometimes even be kicked from games so they know how it feels.

When they quit their terrible behaviour their punishment should be over and they should be considered reformed.

I am a hateful policy lyncher, punish me
I am a nice person and I don't policy
I am reformed, don't punish me anymore
about 10 years

SpiritOfFire says

*slams fist down on table*


To these forty hate-filled policy lynchers (that's as many as four tens), I say; for shame, for shame! You support an unworthy cause, and provide not the slightest of valid arguments!

So I say to you, scourges of the new players... nay, I /challenge/ you! I call you all out, every last one, that you might put forth your case, to be destroyed before my unflinching gaze! Come forth, foes of innovation, and give this duel your all. Pray you are not found wanting.

tl;dr come at me bro I'm spirit von karma an' you can't justify your noavi hatred

Check urself b4 u shrek urself m8
about 10 years
*slams fist down on table*


To these forty hate-filled policy lynchers (that's as many as four tens), I say; for shame, for shame! You support an unworthy cause, and provide not the slightest of valid arguments!

So I say to you, scourges of the new players... nay, I /challenge/ you! I call you all out, every last one, that you might put forth your case, to be destroyed before my unflinching gaze! Come forth, foes of innovation, and give this duel your all. Pray you are not found wanting.

tl;dr come at me bro I'm spirit von karma an' you can't justify your noavi hatred
about 10 years
Ah, the anti-policy movement might not have a majority yet, but I'm very happy to see there's a substantial group supporting the movement! And two people are reformed already! That's an awesome score in just 10,5 hours.
about 10 years
save a noavi lynch a weeb
about 10 years
The first time I see a noavi I tell him that he needs to get an avi in a very nice manner, if I see him again without an avi he will receive no mercy.
deletedabout 10 years
is this serious? is this a serious thread? alternatively, what is wrong with you?
about 10 years
about 10 years
the first thing u should do when u join a site is upload an avi tbh
about 10 years
if we allow noavis into games we are going to have to learn our abcs
about 10 years
4 noavis at that
deletedabout 10 years
noavis are generally new to the game and have no idea whats going on and treating them poorly is going to drive them off. personally i would rather not be stuck with the same 20 players all the time
about 10 years
I love how a noavi called himself a noavi hater.
about 10 years
worst thread since faces of em :doge:
about 10 years

Psy420 says

policy lynching ... just turns people away from playing the game.

this is the only argument against policy that i can endorse
about 10 years
i weaponize noavis
about 10 years
Implying anyone really knows how to play the Em, I've been here 4 years and I still don't know. When in doubt, lurk.
about 10 years
policy lynching is a stupid and silly thing and just turns people away from playing the game. don't be a jerk.
about 10 years
Emote avatars are the same as noavi avatars, disgraceful P:
about 10 years
How about all new users are assigned an emote avatar so their lack of avatar won't be so disturbing anymore
about 10 years
rip hexes
about 10 years

~ Honor Hexes's legacy, do not tarnish it with these silly anti policy movements ~
about 10 years
kill all noavis
about 10 years
Have you ever considered the fact that we do this and tell them in every game to get an avi with specific instructions to that they'll get one ._. + it aint sandbox if it aint policy'n.
about 10 years
SpiritOfFire is a nice person, fighting against the evil majority.

NoAvi's! It is not too late to stop the self hate! You are people too!
about 10 years
Sure, why not. *sign*