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Anti-policy movement

about 10 years

This discrimination against no-avi's needs to be stopped. They get n1'd or they get policy lynched or shot and they sometimes even get kicked from games just for being a no-avi. It is rude and discriminatory.

People engaging in this rude behaviour should be stopped by all means. The anti-policy movement is there to punish the policy-lynchers. They should be n1'd, be policy lynched or shot and they should sometimes even be kicked from games so they know how it feels.

When they quit their terrible behaviour their punishment should be over and they should be considered reformed.

I am a hateful policy lyncher, punish me
I am a nice person and I don't policy
I am reformed, don't punish me anymore
deletedabout 10 years
even no-avis realize they are worthless.
about 10 years
It is so sad to see even no avi's themselves are lured into the ranks of the evil policy-lynchers. Can you imagine what they must feel like? Hating no avi's while being one themselves. Oh the self hate they must feel.

Maybe we should even organize support groups for these poor people.
deletedabout 10 years
about 10 years
Some time ago I myself have shamefully killed people for just being no avi's. I'm ashamed of myself. It is really really bad. However I am a nice person now and I stand up for no avi's because they are people tooooo!