I couldn't find a similar topic so let's do it in here let's dive STRAIGHT IN
only make original roles, nothing like 'batman'
Hijacker - Non-Meeting Mafia role that doesn't do anything. Upon dying, possesses a random town player. This means though his body is in the graveyard, he lives on through the town character, and can even speak through that persons mouth as if he he were venting him. Because of this, it will quickly become obvious who the hijacker possessed. The hijacked person counts as a live mafia player, so the town will have to decide whether it's worth lynching him or not. Maybe he is a detective and would still be worth keeping alive, or a sanity confirmed cop, etc. Maybe shrinks or visiting a priest will cure the possessed person and properly kill the hijacker.
Bo oby Trapper - Mafia role that can lay down a trap during the day once per game. Upon laying the trap, a system message will read 'Somebody laid a trap!' so it's anonymous. After this system message, the very next person to speak that day blows up, and then the trap is gone. For the rest of the day, nobody will be allowed to speak if they don't want to die, but they will be able to continue speaking to each other in whispers. People wearing vests can activate the trap and lose their vest.
Collector: -Third party -Wins if holding three different kinds of items (Gun, crystal, bread, vest, their fabbed counterparts, keys and an anarchist bomb all count as items)
Was thinking about this the other day. Just have it like traitor, so they're sided with the mafia but don't count towards mafia majority, meaning boulder alone can't win.
Question is whether you have it so they can claim tree, thus meaning trees now can't just steamroll games (as we can't trust a tree to not be boulder) or make it known that they are the boulder on the basis town can't kill them anyway.
Gamethrower -Sided with mafia -Does not attend night meeting -Appears to self and others as sniper -Appears as sniper in graveyard -Begins with a fabricated gun
Easter Bunny -Each night, the Easter Bunny gives an egg to one person. -The next day, it is announced to the town that someone is carrying an egg. -Each person (including the unknowing egg-holder) can make one guess as to who is holding the egg. -The first person to find the egg is immune that day and the following night. -If no one finds the egg, the Easter Bunny receives immunity. -Third party, wins if survives.
Riddler -Each night, chooses one person. -The next day, the target will see all messages appear to come from random people in the game. -Does not attend mafia meetings. -Sided with the mafia.
Mummy -Whoever visits the mummy gets the mummy's curse. -Anyone who is cursed will die at a random time the next day. -Once the mummy has been visited at least once, he is awoken and can kill someone each night, and is it announced to the town that the mummy has awoken. -If ever shot or targeted by a killing role, dies one day later (like bleeder). -Becomes a bleeder if he visits a priest. -Cannot be converted. -Wins if survives.
Monkey -Each night, chooses one person for their "Monkey See" meeting. -Mimics the actions of that person, but on the person they choose for their "Monkey Do" meeting. -Sided with the village.
Genie -Aligned with a random side at the start of the game. -Each night, chooses one person to give a wish to. -The next day, the person will have the option to select their wish. -Wishes include: receiving an item of choice, receiving protection, killing/saving someone, or switching roles with someone. -Their wish will take effect that night.
deletedalmost 10 years
Super Cthulhu -Wins if among last two alive or with cult. -Has a vote weight of 2. -People who visit the Super Cthulhu become thulu'd just as with a normal Cthulhu. -Can choose one person each night and, if the Cthulhu is not visited, that person will become thulu'd. -Is content because he is how the normal Cthulhu should be
Boulder -Sided with Mafia -Once per game can assume the form of a boulder -When they do so, they can no longer vote during the day or night meetings. -Boulders can't be lynched or shot once they assume boulder form.
Maf sided treestump, because that won't break the game at all. Nope. Totally a good idea.
deletedalmost 10 years
(I mentioned this once in lobby but I'm gonna mention it again here)
Beekeeper -Town sided -Visits one person every night. That person will be slathered in honey and pollen. -Once per game during the day can choose to Release the Bees, killing the people they visited. -Essentially a townsided arsonist
Bait -Town sided -All mafia and town actions during night 1 are redirected to the Bait if the Bait is an eligible target (actions can still be driven). -3rd parties unaffected
- Town sided - Can fix fabricated items to use them normally - Can kill the mafia with an associated gun - Cannot have a gun sabotaged
deletedalmost 10 years
this would be a good idea, apart from the fact that dead players can see the dead chat, whispers, all day actions and night actions. if there was a way to work a set-up that doesn't let dead people see anything or talk it would probs work
deletedalmost 10 years
- Town sided - Can bring back a player from the dead once a game (chooses from the players that haven't quit the game, that is)
- Third party. - Does not win if town wins. - At day and night can choose to follow any player or not, will know who that player visited. - If follows lover, will be naked. A message will show saying that he visited the love of his life. - If follows cop, or any other investigative role (town or mafia), will be naked. A message will show saying "The police are looking for me. (´・ω・`)"
Hero -Third-party -Once per game they can select someone to kill at night. -If the target is Mafia, Hero wins. -If the target is Town or Third, Hero dies along with their target. -Hero can opt to NL, but cannot win with Town or Mafia.
RickAstIey -Can kill any person at night. Can choose unlimited targets to kill at once. Bypasses protection such as vests, monk, granny, etc. -Starts out with a gun during the day. Gun holds 15 rounds, and can be reloaded. Bullets pierce all protections. -At the start of the game, knows the roles of all players. -Each night, learns the actions of every player that night. -All items given to any player are redirected to the RickAstIey. -Can give any item to any player at night. -Cannot die. -Regardless of the result of the game, the RickAstIey wins, and all other roles lose.
Visits one person every night. That person receives a gun. When that gun is fired, it will randomly shoot one person other than the shooter and The Chaotic Neutral. People who shoot the guns have a 50% chance of staying anonymous. Wins if one of the last two people alive.
If Partygoer is in the game, one random player starts out with the Bottle.
Every night, the player holding the Bottle must pass it to another player who hasn't yet held it. The Partygoer receives a message informing them of who has the Bottle. This does not count as a visit.
Partygoer dies immediately if the player holding the Bottle dies.
Wins if every living player has held the Bottle. All living players also win with the Partygoer.
If the Antichrist is lynched, the following night, all protections fail and anyone can be killed (Granny, Gramps, BP, Bleeder, Treestump, those with a vest, or those protected by Doctor / Nurse / Surgeon / Monk).
Wins if one person who would normally have survived gets killed the following night.