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Role Mechanics - Mafia

over 7 years

Village mechanics:

Third Party mechanics:

This only contains mafia roles obv


  • Can veg yak (vote in yak meeting but not maf meeting)
  • Will not die from yakking if virgin night or angel save
  • If Maid Maids a Yak who is Yakking, Yak goes through, and both Maid and Yak die


  • prioritizes over drunk?
  • Can't roleblock non-visiting roles? (i.e. watchers, ninjas, etc.)


  • Can guise celeb unnoticed if celeb is also janned
  • Anarchist/Tricksterer bomb will reveal the guiser's real name not the name they are guising as
  • Reports will show guiser's real name (but the guised name in the meeting)
  • Pathologist will see the real dead player's name in the gy
  • Can't guise people they didn't kill
  • If bride brides disguised person, the proposal will go to the person in the graveyard, however the person in the graveyard can't accept it, leading the guiser to veg
  • Butterfly death kills guiser


  • If actress is revealed via orc/crystal or dies, the last role they acted as will be the one shown
  • Is shown as actress in chef meetings


  • Can't suit people who are jailed
  • Suits overlap
  • If someone suited is revealed (via orc/crystal), their suit will be shown not their actual role


  • Can jan people they didn't kill


  • Don's overturn will override governor's overturn


  • Votes counts twice in maf meetings as well


  • If gets jailed but gators jailer, will appear in jailer's cell alone and vice versa
  • Visits "undefined"


  • Doesn't get a knife if there is no night meetings
  • If there's a gambler alive, will get a knife regardless if visited or not
  • If receiving a cutler knife, has a chance of revealing like a normal knife


  • Can forge wills of people they are not killing and the forged will will still show up if they die later


  • Vests will delay the poison but target will eventually die unless doc etc.
  • Poisoning the same person every night will prevent them from dying from the poison
  • Can't kill granny


  • If they drive mason to the mafia, mafia can be masoned (but mismason will still occur)


  • Toreador on the amn will make amn be Toreador


  • Gramps self visits
  • If killing self due to mm, will get a report on himself (as well as know who the mm and maf partners are)


  • Killing priest with witch powers will not turn the witch


  • Cannot vent someone using "/me ...", will show up as the vent using it instead


  • Diab still works during the day even if they die at night
  • This role exists for some reason, lucid pls remove


  • Can also take mastermind if they want to be a scrub


  • Fabbed guns override any guns a player has
  • Fabbed knives still work contrary to the system message


  • Can kill through granny, tree, vests, etc. if so cannot kill a tree that has been vested


  • Lighting a match will light all the gas from every arsonist (ty riskitforthebiscuit)
  • Lighting up the bomb will kill the arsonist


  • Can be saved by monk when revealing bomb, kill will still go through but no system message appears, just the sound
almost 7 years

if Toreador and monkey (see) are both on a person

That person will be roleblocked
Monkey will do the thing that person do

aka monkey wins in this case

so toreador doesnt create any new visit, which means I have no idea how to answer Shwartz99 question. Wait, may be I will try:
not voting = voting a player that automake people veg. the thing that make you veg is your vote, not your visit
almost 7 years

Toreador doesnt affect jailer kill
almost 7 years
Ok I was wrong
Toreador doesnt create extra visit
If the person who was toreadored got drunked, they remain roleblock
almost 7 years

Shwartz99 says

Toreador on vegged player will still make the player veg but the vegged player will visit the toreador (in this case, I got a vest from the vegged bs)

I guess toreador mechanic works like this:

Toreador doesnt simple change the target. It creates a same visit with different target, and roleblocks the original visit
almost 7 years

FilthyLawn says

Guiser still uses stolen identity after being converted to another role.

Well I dont see the problem here :3
almost 7 years

Guiser still uses stolen identity after being converted to another role.
almost 7 years
Toreador on vegged player will still make the player veg but the vegged player will visit the toreador (in this case, I got a vest from the vegged bs)
about 7 years
Strongman can kill ghoul when ghoul is using their redirect, the redirect kill also goes through though.

This shows that the ghoul isn't simply changing the target of the kill, but rather making its own separate kill while shielding from the attacker's kill.
about 7 years
Yo, if hooker hooks drunk and drunk drunks hooker, the drunk rolls first.
about 7 years

Saboteur ability still goes through even if Butterfly resets the gun.
about 7 years
Diab's power still works even if they're culted
about 7 years
You can toreador maid

Which I think is a bug cause toreador shouldn't affect non visiting role and maid doesnt visit
deletedabout 7 years

The Ruling Social(ist)-"Democratic" party in Romania just took away the rights of the opposition to propose ammendments, right after their leader was accused of corruption ad nothing was done about it and after they forced the opposition to stop speaking by shutting down their mic durin a debate

You guys are crying about your internets but democracy is Literally fading away in Romania
about 7 years

hitman cant turn turncoat into traitor
about 7 years
ninja recieved carol.

priest doesnt get report on ninja but can turn ninja into traitor

ninja can be trapped
about 7 years

Apparently, Journalist can see Informant's message but not vice versa. May need to test this multiple times to be sure this isn't a random chance thing.
over 7 years

luis4rod says

Newly yakked target cannot see already exposed paparazzi target

The same thing works with amnesiac on mafia.
over 7 years
Newly yakked target cannot see already exposed paparazzi target
over 7 years

Assoc nerfs fabbed guns because they don't work when the gunned shoots mafia after receiving both guns.
over 7 years

Governor's overturn overrode don's overturn. Don could still use the overturn in the following day - governor couldn't.
over 7 years

PatrykSzczescie says

PatrykSzczescie says

When paparazzi is lynched and overturned by a gov, the paparazzi may still reveal a role without being lynched.

... although the bold part is still some extra information.

Oh I didn't see it in the op sorry
over 7 years

PatrykSzczescie says

When paparazzi is lynched and overturned by a gov, the paparazzi may still reveal a role without being lynched.

... although the bold part is still some extra information.
over 7 years
When lynched, paparazzi goes before governor. Therefore, if governor overthrows, paparazzi can still reveal someone and live. Untested if paparazzi reveals again if it is lynched again. This should also be tested for other roles.

We should find out which end of the day actions happen in order.
over 7 years

I don't see guiser being affected by butterfly death except for showing the original guiser's name twice on death and that the recently guised player appears as alive, but doesn't attend any meetings, including village meeting.
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

Gramps can vote the forbidden vote without anything happening

Of course you would be the one to try that :^ )