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Role Mechanics

over 7 years

This is meant to be a sort of master thread for all role mechanics and interactions.

If you have things to add or corrections or questions, post them down below

This thread contains only Village-sided roles

Mafia mechanics:

Third Party mechanics:

Note: This is not some strategy guide for each role but simply states role interactions and such that may not be obvious which in turn can be used to strategize things.

Mechanics will be either be placed on the role which performs the action or affected by it. Sometimes both. IDK.

I'm following the order of the role list, too lazy to alphabetize them, just use the search function.

Red Text are things i'm not sure of or want to test/confirm. please post games/screenshots for reference


  • Will stop mimic from converting to stolen role

Insane Cop/Non-sane Cops

  • Will have a suit
  • If role is stolen, the stealer will see which cop they are


  • If mimic'd etc., gun will have a 50% chance of revealing like a normal gun
  • fabbed guns will always take priority over any gun


  • If mimic'd etc., gun will have a 50% chance of revealing like a normal gun
  • fabbed guns will always take priority over any gun


  • Will roleblock the hooker (takes priority)


  • Receiving a vest will stack with its vest like normal


  • While bleeding, can take any number of gun shots, bomb explosions, and voodoo (will continually get chills) but won't die until the end of the day
  • Can survive famine even without bread (will bleed instead as usual)


  • A vested bomb will still kill the killer but bomb will not die


  • Will not die from stab wounds (will never bleed to death)
  • Visits the person they kill


  • Still activates if gov/don OTs to them


  • If a role is missing, that role has been converted


  • Will always appear as celebrity despite being converted/stolen unless oracle or crystal reveals them again
  • If celeb is janned and guised, celeb will be guised without any trace except for the usual (reports, patho meeting, etc.)

Loudmouth - Using a key will make loudmouth visit themself


  • Can kill Cult, Cthulhu, and Killer (though the killer one shouldn't be but w/e)
  • Will mason mafia if driven to mafia with masoning
  • Will mason mafia if monkey'd to mafia without mismasoning
  • masons in the first conversion to happen, then all other roles (cult/borg/etc.), yak is last to convert
  • Masoning a person who is being mimicked on the same night will cause the mason not to go through (mimic will take original role and the masoned person will see themselves as mason they are actually blue)
  • Cures Cthulhu insanity
  • Not affect by Cthulhu


  • If gator and jailer jail/gator each other, they will appear in the other's cell alone
  • Takes priority over chef meetings (aka if chef also targets A, A will appear in jail still but should get the chef report anyway)
  • Jailers share a meeting and will be in the jail room together
  • Visits "undefined" if they are alone
  • Cannot jail-kill if snowballed (still has meeting)


  • Chef will still go through when lynched
  • Meetings goes through suits or acted selves (aka actress will appear as actress)
  • apparently this is prioritized over jail meetings
  • Chefs share a meeting


  • If they are shrinked, will they be immortal to maf kills?


  • Crystalling an oracle is useless, they will only show their orc target not the crystal's


  • Only kills werewolf if they are eaten by the werewolf, werewolf failing will not be killed
  • Does not detect zombies visiting them
  • Self-vists
  • Will be auto-killed by trapper and interceptor


  • Will be revealed like Interceptor does
  • Can auto-kill the priest


  • Famine also happens when they veg or sui
  • Amn on baker will stop famine


  • Will not redirect jail/gator kills
  • Self-visits but will visit their target if they are redirecting a kill


  • Noot not
  • Can give reports of who ninja visited


  • Puts non-hostile third as town alignment (aka town and vivor are same)
  • Will report miller and villager as same alignment (compared to sane/insane cop which gets them different)


  • Can be converted into cyborg (Ty LekkuLover)
  • Can be maided
  • Can die via voodoo (as well as arson and strongman)


  • Proposal cannot be accepted if the player is already in love (via lover, cupid, heartbreaker etc.) cannot accept if that person is lover or heartbreaker
  • If bride brides disguised person, the proposal will go to the person in the graveyard, however the person in the graveyard can't accept it, leading the guiser to veg


  • Umm, probably too many to list
  • See lover Do to X. will cause X to see lover message but won't actually be in love and lover will still have lover meeting until not monkey'd
  • If monkey chooses amn as first target, monkey's role will turn into second target's role. Amn will stay amn, second target's role will stay same. (ty xfire1994)


  • its death message "virgin has been sacrificed!" will always appear when they die
  • gov OT counts as being lynched (ty FilthyLawn)


  • Vests infinitely stack


  • If vested and hit, will reveal orc target. Allows for multiple orcing in a game
  • Can update already revealed roles (aka orcing culted celeb will show them as cult)


  • Includes hostile thirds if maf is dead
  • If there's a gambler alive, will receive a dream in the middle of the night regardless if visited. This allows for dreamer to have 2 dreams in 1 day (1 at night 1 at day)


  • Does not turn off the lights if vested and hit thank goodness


  • Keys cause a role to self visit. This can make loudmouth message say they visited themselves and can make Cthulhu insane (ty riskitforthebiscuit)
  • You will still be sent to jail if you key yourself in but cannot be killed


  • Their guns will be overridden by fab guns


  • If there's a gambler alive, will receive a gun at night even if visited
  • Will not receive a gun if there are no night meetings


  • If surgeon'd/shrinked, will steal role of person (they turn blue) but mimic will remain as mimic and can mimic again
  • Can steal roles of non-hostile thirds
  • Stealing cop reveals their sanity
  • If it steal lm/gallis/etc., will still appear as blue to themselves
  • mimicking someone who is masoned on the same night will take their original role but the one who is masoned will appear masoned to himself but is actually blue
  • mimics can mimic lover, rival, prophet, alien, sidekick, survivor, and angel (otherwise they turn amn)


  • Changes lyncher and angel targets


  • Holding its own bomb will reveal self like anarchist
  • Gives out fabbed items including bombs which will not detonate and will cause the holder to veg (ty riskitforthebiscuit)
Mythbusters EM Edition
15 signed
I am willing to participate and cooperate in any role mechanic testing if needed, just hmu
almost 7 years
Yes, jailer can be roleblocked by drunk ...

And also
Jailer can be monkeyed (if u monkey see jailer u can kill s.o that night)
But Toreador doesnt affect jailer (the jail kill goes normally)
almost 7 years
nurse roleblocks gator so gator can't kill, probs the same for drunk and jailer??
almost 7 years
Nvm. Drunk only roleblocks things that visit too ...
almost 7 years

drunk roleblocks all roles
nurse roleblocks role that visits that night
almost 7 years

Turncoat is sided with both mafias when it turns traitor.
about 7 years

maid tinkerer, tinkerer was visited and killed but no one gets gunned

in an other game I played, orc was mimiced and killed, no one got revealed
about 7 years
Party host seems to visit at the end of the day that they choose to host a party, as Medusa gets the 'turned 1 person to stone' message at the start of the night, and can kill the party host with it the next day.
about 7 years

tailor (lead) killed + gave suit

but penguin only gave the suiting visit report
about 7 years
ok I just checked. mismason still happens
about 7 years
Masons will not mason mafs that do not attend maf meeting but mismason will not happen

according to EM wiki
about 7 years

monkey see associate do other will give asso gun

this gun is absolutely an asso gun.

But if asso no kill, monkey cant steal the kill, unlike when monkey target yak
about 7 years

monkey see anar do s.o else will create a broken bomb, aka a veg bomb
about 7 years
Ghoul mechanic by monkey help

When no one tries to kill ghoul, ghoul only (backdoor) self visit

When someone tries to kill ghoul, ghoul (backdoor) self visit and (buggy) visits a victim target. The one killing will visit both the ghoul and the new target

In the game, we see
(1) vig tried to kill the monkey, who stole the ghoul
(2) the ghoul has no visit in n2, means that its ability was used n1
(3) Maf was killed by gambler n1. Maf might kill vig, or monkey n1

I think ghoul mechanic is: ghoul can visit twice a night: self visit to protect himself and to see if he's attempted to kill, and if he is he can visit another person, redirect that kill to them (like driver). Those two visit will be gone when the redirect happens.
Monkey only steal the first visit, making its the monkey protect himself from maf kill and vig kill, redirect that kill to no one at all (since the redirect-driving would be between the original ghoul and his old target, but the maf kill is on the monkey). So as the result, the vig dies (as vig effect) and the ghoul loses its ability

In summary:

Ghoul chooses 1 person each night.

When no one tries to kill ghoul, ghoul only (backdoor) self visit

When someone tries to kill ghoul, ghoul (backdoor) self visit and (buggy) visits a victim target.

The backdoor self visit is to protect themselves from killing, and checked if they are being killed. If they are, the (buggy) visit happen and ghoul will lose his ability

The (buggy) visit is a visit redirect whos killing ghoul that night into killing the new victim instead.
about 7 years

turncoat does not visit when maf kills them
turncoat turns into traitor normally when be killed by monkey
about 7 years

monkey on nomad: nomad will get drunked (no visit) but still get report, the report is depended to who the "monkey do" was on
deletedabout 7 years

last night (or early morning), on my alt Galimatias, i was able to mimic sheriff and get gun.
about 7 years
Mason monkey test:

In each test, we have a mason on town, and a monkey see that mason, do another person

Game 2 proves that monkey blocks all actions of mason, but in game 1 it seems monkey doesn't do anything at all. The reason is mason was drunked in game 1, making monkey unable to steal anything. So monkey can't steal drunked visit

In Game 3 we see a mismason happen, and maf became mason. So this looks like the driver - mason stuffs right? The main different thing here is MONKEY is the one visiting maf, not mason.
So lets reread what I said

moonlightseal says

Ok full mason mechanic:

Masoning has 2 steps: checking step (S1) and visiting step (S2a or S2b)

S1: check the person (called X) to see if they can be masoned or not. If they can, go S2a. If they r mafs or cult or killer, go S2b. In this step, mason does NOT visit

S2a: Masons visit X to convert them. Mason visit is counted as a normal group visit. The method of this visit is converting. This can be driven, making maf AND cult can be masoned.

S2b: Masons will visit X, this is also a normal group visit, but has no method.

In S1, mason does not visit, monkey cant steal this. In step 2, both of mason visits are not just a normal convert / do thing visit, they are named MASON CONVERT/MASON FOR FUN visit. So when monkey does the MASON CONVERT on maf, it triggers the mismason, making maf visit the mason and kill them

You also notice in game 2 that monkey can not steal mason visit if they are in group of 2+ people
about 7 years
The game 3 is similar to this game

You can steal a maf role by having mimic + driver/monkey
about 7 years
Lets talk about the situations above with mimic and monkey

The simple mechanic here is monkey only touch mimic's first visit and does NOT even stop the second one

Game 1:
1. Mimic on monkey, monkey see mimic do mimic. What we have is monkey checked mimic. Code: town
2. Mimic goes on monkey to steal his role. Monkey turns into blue. Mimic turns into monkey

Game 2:
1. Mimic on celeb, monkey see mimic do scout. What we have is monkey checked scout. Code: maf
2. Mimic goes on himself. Turning himself into blue. Every other roles stay the same

Game 3:
1. Mimic on scout, monkey see mimic do celeb. What we have is monkey checked celeb. Code: town
2. Mimic goes on scout to steal his role. Scout turns into blue. Mimic turns into scout. Game 4 ( I posted up there) is just for proving that monkey doesnt stop all mimic meeting
about 7 years
All about mimics

First, read Patryk's post I quoted above and read the role description in learn page

Then, you need to know the conversion order, currently its maid->3rd ->yak-> mason -> town

3rdly, you need to know what happen at night with convert

moonlightseal says

Ok. With mimic so far. I assume the actions with converting happen in this order:

1. All old role actions and mechanics (except convert)
2. Converting
3. New roles death + vest check
4. New roles effect if die (in role description, it says die, not "was killed")
5. New role other mechanics

4th. Let me tell u again about mimic visits, this time through monkey breaks

Step 1: mimic normal visits A to check his alingment
Step 2: If A is town, mimic will hidden visit A to convert A into blue, mimic hidden visit himself to turn himself into A's role
Step 2: If A is maf/untowny 3rd, mimic will hidden visit self to turn himself into blue

Hidden visit cant be driven, watched, but can be caught by tracker trapper and drunked
about 7 years
About justice:

- Justice normal visit 2 target
- Monkey doesnt affect justice at all
- Justice gets no report if drunked

Which is WEIRD because monkey supposes to roleblock justice AND do the justice report.

I need an explain on this
Also it seems like monkey steal all meetings he can, not just one
about 7 years

monkey steal both baker meeting
about 7 years
monkey test with yak:

monkey can monkey both yak and mafia killing from yak if he yaks someone but no kill

monkey can monkey only mafia killing from yak if he kills someone but no yak

monkey can monkey both yak and mafia killing from yak if he yaks someone and kills someone
about 7 years
Btw let me talk again about my basic visit types:

1. Normal visit: visits that can be tracked, watched, drunked, trapped, driven
2. Hidden visit, or shortcut visit, or backdoor visit: visit that can be tracked, drunked, trapped
3. Drunked visit: visits that were drunked. Can be tracked, wake loudmouth in halfass way, makes dreamer, tinkerer, slasher, santa, psychic not activate their role
4. Ninja visit: this thing is so buggy.

Things in role description:
Visit: means if the role does 1 of the 4 types above
Be visited: Was visited by type 1 or type 2, sometime type 3 or type 4 too
about 7 years
Ok here it is. Monkey see priest thing

If monkey see priest do A

1. Monkey normal visit both priest and A. Monkey roleblock priest. Monkey copied any type of visit its "see" target (priest) would do

2. Monkey got priest report about who visited A that night, after removed Monkey

3. From point 2, we see priest self visit is a kind of watcher report that removed self from report

4. From point 3. Plus lookout doesnt see himself in his report. We can say all watcher kind report doesnt catch themselves in it