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Role Mechanics - Third Party

over 7 years

Other role mechanics threads:

Village Mechanics:

Mafia Mechanics:


  • Angel powers saves the target from lynches (angel dies instead obv)
  • Still wins when dead if target is alive when game ends


  • Vested and hit CL will kill all other cult members as if CL died
  • Vested cultists will survive CL death and become a leaderless/unstoppable cult
  • If there are two or more cultists, vegged/sui'd CL will not kill cult and will create a leaderless/unstoppable cult
  • Is not affected by Cthulhu and Cures Cthulhu insanity (ty FilthyLawn)
  • Cannot cult the Cthulhu
  • Still wins even when dead if Cthulhu is the only man left in town
  • Doctor cannot save a cultists whose cult leader is being killed


  • If cthulhu uses a key they go crazy lolz
  • Cannot be culted
  • Wins by itself if they are the only one left alive (even with if only sidekick and thulhu are left)
  • Still wins even when dead if cultists win


  • Can be converted into cyborgs
  • Can joint with village if only one town person remains and they are bitten/infected (but not yet a zombie)
  • Butterflies revert zombies but does not remove infections
  • Doesn't visit


  • Will kill you for any reason at all
  • Masoning/Cult/etc. can break link
  • Cannot win when dead
  • Lover/Lovered will still die if one suis but will be delayed by a night
  • Lover link breaks when either one is converted
  • A vegged love/lover will not cause the other to die


  • If you're cupided with X and X vegges/suis, you will not die but cupid loses :(
  • Still wins even when dead if couple is alive
  • Does not visit


  • Targets changes if butterfly dies
  • If target becomes a tree you lost lol
  • Cannot win when dead even if target is lynched


  • Cannot be role-blocked (via drunk/snowball ; will turn nilla if hooker hooks them)


  • Dies instantly if gambles granny
  • Causes conditional night activities (??) to trigger in the middle of night (dreamers get dreams, tink get guns, slasher get knives) which also get triggered at start of day. AKA they trigger things twice.
  • Cannot win when dead


  • Still wins even when dead


  • If eats a doctored target or on virgin night, will still gain immunity but target doesn't die
  • Cannot win if dead


  • If Toreador'd at night will turn into Toreador
  • If monkey chooses amn as first target, monkey's role will turn into second target's role. Amn will stay amn, second target's role will stay same. (ty xfire1994)


  • If there are multiple admirers, only one will become a copycat killer at a time
  • If an admirer turns into a copycat killer but butterfly dies, will revert back and stay as admirer therefore being unable to win
  • Still wins even when dead if killer wins


  • Will have a meeting with amn and keep its meeting even after amn chooses a target
  • Will not have a sidekick meeting if paired with Old Maid
  • Does not have a meeting if paired with a sidekick, also can't win
  • Still wins even when dead if their third wins

Old Maid

  • tbh i forget
  • If maid maids a yak who is yakking, yak goes through and both maid and yak die
  • If an old maid steals a sheriff, they get regunned
  • If multiple maids steal the same person, they all get the role
  • Can maid granny safely
  • if mimic mimic's old maid, then the old maid's target turns into old maid, the mimic turns into old maid, old maid turns blue. (you get two maids and lose one role)
  • If mimic and old maid target X, both will get X's role and X will be blue
  • will not have a sidekick meeting
almost 7 years

Nurse can still fully roleblock ww
So it depends on the voting log order. If ww goes second he wont be roleblocked fully ...
almost 7 years

drunked ww is like snowballed ww.

nurse and drunk supposes to work like each other

so I blame Lucid for this
almost 7 years
If werewolf is nursed but guesses right, they become invincible.
HOWEVER, if werewolf is snowballed but guesses right, they don't become invincible.

This should be tested for drunk/hooker as well.
almost 7 years

fabbed knife from trickster still works even tho the target avoids the crime.

that was a hella creepy knife
almost 7 years

lzayaOrihara says

lyncher can be on red maf

Actually they just misread Entil as Emil. They were really on the alien.
almost 7 years
lyncher can be on red maf
about 7 years

Clock dies if he kills a mimic that just turned into amn in that night

So I think clock will die if he kills someone that is culted/maid ... that night too
about 7 years
luis ur not a mod why did u do this for free
about 7 years
Killer show as having a knife (but cant slash at day)

During the night a fluffy penguin visits you and tells you that moonlightseal is carrying a knife.
about 7 years

Gambler doesn't get killed by bomb if they win against them
about 7 years

dooze says


"If an admirer turns into a copycat killer but butterfly dies, will revert back and stay as admirer therefore being unable to win"
about 7 years
about 7 years

Siren is apparently no longer a hostile role and the village can win without having to lynch her
about 7 years

Anarch bomb can theoretically explode post game, and this will not take away the wins from other parties. In this game, the bomb killed the fiddler postgame, but it did not take away the mastermind win.
about 7 years
heres a mechanic creepygirl ruins every setups shes put in
about 7 years
what happens when gambler tries to go on someone who uses a key
about 7 years
Mimic'd lover still dies with their target (idk if it works the other way around)
about 7 years
the yak maid thing is false. Maid ends up being yakked, yak ends up becomes maid, yak dies

check the logs
about 7 years
Zombies cant whisper each other in parties :(

I also forgot the game link but you can't tell from that anyways
about 7 years
Autocrat can still win if no village roles are alive, similar to how Mastermind can win if no mafia roles are alive.
about 7 years
Gambler can receive carol, when he fails the kill

(Look at the last day)
deletedabout 7 years

The Ruling Social(ist)-"Democratic" party in Romania just took away the rights of the opposition to propose ammendments, right after their leader was accused of corruption ad nothing was done about it and after they forced the opposition to stop speaking by shutting down their mic durin a debate

You guys are crying about your internets but democracy is Literally fading away in Romania
about 7 years
Survivor will die if they hide behind a previously stabbed target.

it's implied by the role description but this might be something that slips by people?
original anarch will still die even if maided when the bomb holding the bomb blows up
over 7 years
also thlu cant be roleblocked