
Report #252,221

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedabout 6 years
appeal why is this guy allowed to harass me for months and only get a warning. you warned him yesterday and he did it again. i reported it again and it was nv. then he again did it again here. he needs harassment 1. stop this bs. if this was not your mod friend it would have been harassment 1 like months ago,
deletedabout 6 years
about 6 years
Alright points have been made IMO
deletedabout 6 years
the common denominator in all the threads again was you were doing my reports badly like normal, after i asked you nicely to leave me alone...

maybe i cant complain about you if you do not do my threads?

about 6 years
I got bored here's more facts! In this thread ( )you started more drama about Feenikss and how he should be banned and not you even though if you got vio'd properly you'd be on 8 or 9 by now. You again blamed me for harassing you but you ignored the fact that you cause all the trouble for yourself.

If you think I'm blaming you for something you didn't do, remember that you refuse to let 3 mods do your reports (Poser, me, Ally), and you've been reported for harassment by 3 more (Jess, Charley, Justin).

You hate any mod who ever gives you a vio because you think you never do anything wrong.
about 6 years
You asked me to leave you alone so I did but here's a thread where you kept posting complaints about me:

After you asked me to leave you alone (and i did) here's another thread where you quoted me talking in general forums and started lying about me: Bonus! In this one Pranay agrees with me!

Here's another one after you asked me to leave you alone, after I filed a report against you for harassment and got a note telling you to leave me alone: In this one you knew I'd agreed not to touch your reports, you knew I'd been told not to by Nathan, and you'd been told by Charley that it wouldn't happen, but you continued to scream harassment.

Is 3 facts enough facts or should I find more facts
deletedabout 6 years
start putting facts/screenshots where your mouth is. i looked back at my history on all accounts for the past 3 weeks. (2weeks ago i told you in a thread to leave me alone period)

every one of my messages to you was a reply to your initial mail except the following:
1. i sent an email to you to discuss the trolling vio that you gave me that the other mods overturned
2. i sent this joint one to like all the mods:
3. i sent a message replying to what you said in forums requesting that you put screenshots instead of empty accusations. i also again asked you to stay away from me for both of benefit...

you on the other hand messaged me countless times to tell me things like man up and take my ban....
about 6 years
I did leave you alone, and you reported me and started threads complaining about me lmao
deletedabout 6 years
dude you continue to email me and talk in my threads and say you will not leave me alone after i ask you to. i will contact you obviously when you keep doing my reports wrongly as you always do.

why not just leave me alone completely. then when i do not, you can like report me.
about 6 years
This report is you saying I harass you, which I haven't done. Every time you ask me to leave you alone, you message me 5 minutes later asking to speak to Nathan. Or you ask me to join a chat with you to help you with something. Or you make a thread about me.

You've never asked me to leave you alone and then left me alone.

You've never shown me doing anything that is harassing you.

All you've done is lie and accuse me of being biased when I've done the exact fcking opposite.
deletedabout 6 years
black this report is not about what i did wrong. if you think that i did something wrong, report me.

this is about the fact that i have asked you to just leave me alone entirely for 1.5 months now and like at least 5x and you still constantly are not avoiding me as requested and you do this to just make me upset...

you even know that i got myself banned to get away from you, yet you continue to bother me in threads and reports. get a clue and just leave me alone
about 6 years

Here's five different mods from previous mod teams that gave you five violations for spamming the forums or the reports

This isn't new behaviour so you're aware of the rules and can't claim that I'm harassing you when I give you multiple warnings and notes and you ignore it all
about 6 years
You've also been reported by multiple mods for harassment and either given vios or been told to avoid them: Jess, Justin, Charley. You complained that Ally and Poser were biased mods when they did your reports and tried to get that stopped. You said the same about Nathan (that's how you got your Report Spam vio). You clearly have a problem with mods in general, and not me.

I can pull out PMs where you ask me to help you because you think other mods are being biased towards you, but now it's me because you need to blame someone.
deletedabout 6 years
i apologized for spamming the reports in your last post. i was a banned player and i thought that it was a permanent ban, so there was no reason for me to not spam reports there to annoy you guys. i wanted to get back at you for harassing me and enabling him and poser to harass me so long. i was wrong to do this though.

again the question is not about this though. it is about the fact that i ask you to leave me alone for months now, but you continue to talk on my reports and threads just to make me upset. there was no need for you to do this. there are other mods that can handle things, but you cant stay away as your whole mission on here is to harass me
about 6 years
This one shows you asking me to leave you alone then spamming me with reports

Which you also didn't get a vio for somehow??
about 6 years
Woops, forgot the image.

about 6 years
I haven't harassed you though.

Here's a chain of PMs where you accuse mods of treating you unfairly just because I reported you. But I only reported you for report spam (here ) and Spamming (here ).

In the report spam one you filed seven reports which were all unnecessary. How is that not fair?

In the spamming report you admitted to spamming and multiple moderators agreed it was spam. How is that not fair?
deletedabout 6 years
also while i did call you the b word a few times, i like normally keep my temper and i dont call people names and stuff. i maybe even did not do this to charley when we were at war. i am sorry for these cases.

this however just shows how badly you have gotten to me with your harassment over the past few months. i should not have to continue to get harassed in spite of asking you to just leave me alone for months. it should not have gotten to the point that i thought that the only way to get away from it was to like leave the site (and get myself banned so i could never come back since i am too addicted to just leave on my own)
deletedabout 6 years

enough is enough
deletedabout 6 years
the point is that i feel harassed by you for months, yet you intentionally do not leave me alone. i have asked you to just leave me alone for 1.5months now at least

this report is not about me harassing anyone here. if anyone feels harassed by me, they can report it. this report is about you harassing me for months now and the fact that you cant listen to these warning and requests to leave me alone for 1.5 months now....

you should be arguing how what you did is not harassment. the fact that you again just attack me about other things instead is again harassment
about 6 years
You got a vio last year under a different mod team, reported by a different mod, that had nothing to do with me.

The point is that we are and always have been extremely lenient with you. I have only given you one violation and it was overturned, and I've no vio'd every other report you do. I don't harass you. You lie and make things up.

On the list: 1st(Minie) report is harassment, 2nd(Justin) is harassment, 3rd(feeniks) is harassment, 4th(me) is harassment, 5th(feenikss) is harassment, 6th(charley) is harassment, 7th(justin) is harassment, 8th(feeniks) is harassment.

Stop lying thanks. I can post the logs again where I tried to stop you getting vios that would ban and suspend you.

I can post this report which shows I gave you a verbal warning for forum spam instead of a note or a violation and you still did it and then blamed me when Bebop gave you a violation.

I can post the statistics of your reports again. In six months, 65 against you, 10 modded by me, 1 violation. No bias.
deletedabout 6 years
literally i kept asking him to stay away from me entirely, but he still processed reports, threw against me, and more.

he screwed up that trolling vio big time. it was clear that he did not even read it and/or was using it as away to just attack me like normal and i had enough that i wanted to leave this site and i got myself banned to do this.

like i have a right to keep away from someone that has harassed me for months. it is pathetic that this has been allowed to go on for months. stop enabling his harassment of people...

finally this has been noted several times before, and he needs the vio. it is just 1 vio and he clearly does not learn from the warnings. when is enough enough?
deletedabout 6 years
i do get harassment vios:

your list: half are not even reporting me for harassment

its normal that you get noted before given a vio, and after that, i try to stay away from that person. you on the other hand continue to do the same thing over and over again....

harassment can extend outside of main, as i am in sandbox now, and harassment exists there too. also if we cant submit reports and i am already banned, why do you continue to try to vio farm me in reports, even within a day after you were supposedly told to stay away from my reports. that report had nothing to do with you at all. like how many times do i need to ask you to leave me alone. i have asked for months now. i even got myself banned intentionally because i was trying to escape your harassment. when is enough enough seriously? i have rights to...
about 6 years
I can comment on this one since it's about me, right?

Firstly, banned users can't submit reports.

Below she claims she would be on harassment 4th. She doesn't get harassment vios despite replying to people, talking about people, and reporting people she's been told to avoid. Here are harassment reports where she got NVd or noted by this mod team.

All I did was point something out to the moderators about her actions with Feenikss (who she's been told to avoid). I felt it would be fairer to do it in public so there was no accusation of corrupt mods.
about 6 years
I don't really want to involve myself too hard into this one but I agree with mtlve he got his warning and it's sorta our job to uphold the rules n all. I don't want to see a vio on him but I think fair is fair.
deletedabout 6 years
who is not wrong shoopie. 3 girls here :P