
Report #252,153

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closeddeletedabout 6 years
im done tolerating this fcking trash. i had blocked him as told by mods but the block feature does not block threads. im done tolarating his lies. he is lying in every thread in every sentence. first lie: "i feel harassed, but i want to play with him" how the fck does that work?/??? if a person feels harassed then he would not want to play with the harasser. this is not hard to understand, moderators you need to fcking tell him out loud that you are no longer to accept his lies. second lie: "i join only open tables" this is fcking ridiculous, i have made dozens of games over the past 12+ months while he is in another game and he just leaves his own game, comes in mine and types in pregame "i can join whatever i want", then after i leave and remake he rejoins again and types exactly the same thing. this has happened dozens of times, the level of this lie is fcking ridiculous, moderators themselves have seen this happening yet they ignore it and allow him to continue to lie. 3rd lie "feenikss got no punishment for harassment" wtf is this guy smoking? i was banned 2 times 3 months each ban in total of 6 months. how the f is that no punishment????. 4th lie "no games fill now" that's completely idiotic lie, there has been no changes in games filling or not filling just because i was unbanned. i have always avoided trolls and tried to not play with gamethrow accounts on the account im running and i have never had a problem to play 25 golden hearts per day, except for the times epicmafia was broke and offline. these are lies he keeps spamming in every thread. "he joined my game and told me to leave" - this has never happened, he himself has joined my games, he is just openly lying about him joining first, charley even confirmed on one of those occasions that i was first in game but he ignored it and kept spamming his lies.
about 6 years
He left that comment six months ago. He's quoting Sunshines which she deleted in March. It's been dealt with already (he got a vio and a ban for it) and she's bringing it up again because he hasn't done anything today lol
deletedabout 6 years
are you really trying to say a girl saying she feels harassed by him leaving an aggressive comment is harassment towards him?
about 6 years

New thread, another screenshot from months ago targeting Feenikss.
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

see pranay describe the situation if it not filling cause of his beef with the kitty
deletedabout 6 years
dude you have been unbanned for 2 weeks and we have both spent hours waiting for games to fill and just rehosting to have 2 empty tables. i have screen shots...

sorry that you are bothered by me and my threads, but like i do have the right to fight my ban. you can just not open threads that i started?