
Report #252,124

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years
Requesting a formal harassment note to tell her to leave me alone, stop stalking me through threads, stop accusing me of vioing her when I haven't, and to stop spamming reports on me.
about 6 years
I'm sick of this shït. You've been reported 138 times, not counting your deleted accounts. Are they all harassment? It's not fùcking harassment for me to report you for breaking rules. If you don't like it STOP BREAKING THE RULES.

It's not harassment for me to sustain reports that OTHER mods have vio'd BECAUSE THAT'S TWO MODS WHO AGREE.

I haven't fùcking viofarmed you once

I asked Nathan if we could STOP you being round suspended

deletedabout 6 years
Mtlve block bsm on the forums and from PMs. Bsm you do the same to mtlve. You are both childish af and need to stop. Stop talking about each other. Stop interacting with one another. Stop commenting on these reports (warning to both of you) goodbye
deletedabout 6 years
if you want me to stop fighting you about the poor way that you treat me, you will stop doing my reports period. if you do reports, this means you are okay with me emailing you and starting threads when you have a bs verdict on me
deletedabout 6 years
i was not told to stop talking with you and i have been banned or reporting only you for like 2 days now...

post the 9nv you gave me? i call this bs. you had given me 2 of my vios and reported me for 2 others of my 6. 2/3 of my vios involved you, and who knows about what happened behind the scenes
about 6 years
Also, I volunteered to stop doing reports with you in them out of good faith. You can't ban me from your reports. It was an offer which you've rejected by continuing to harass me.
about 6 years
1. I don't seek out your reports, and I've only given you 1 vio, but 9 NVs.

2. I haven't said a word to you in 24 hrs but you've mentioned me ten times in threads and filed two reports against me, and another report to Charley about me.

3. You were told to block me and stop communicating with me 24hrs ago by Charley.

The last report I did related to you was 2 days ago, before the block.
deletedabout 6 years
i have posted 4 comments in this report, and he deleted them all and told me that i basically could not speak to defend myself in this report.

1. if he would have stopped doing reports on me like i asked him to 1 month ago, then we would not be in this situation. he does not want to interact with me at all, but he continues to search out my reports to vio.
2. yes i asked you to leave me alone, but you continued to harass me so of course i will defend myself.
3. i was asked to block you less than 1 hr ago, and you sited things from in the past few days here. also the fact that you continue to do my reports voids any agreement that we need to leave each other alone
about 6 years
Maybe just up this to a vio tbh
about 6 years
I can't be bothered taking a screenshot right now but she's also spammed my inbox to bits over the last month with reports and requests to Skype her.
about 6 years
Oh in this one she calls me a b1tch in the main post and titles the thread after me
about 6 years
On this one she asked me to leave her aline but continued to be rude about me elsewhere
about 6 years
Quotes more stuff from the forums after she's banned saying that I was toxic to her about her suicide attempt
about 6 years
Accuses me of plotting to ban her from playing with people with the lobby camping rule
about 6 years
Accuses me of gamethrowing against her, making up rules to harass her, and intentionally handling her reports (I've handled 10/64 reports against her since I became a mod - hardly harassment or seeking out reports).
about 6 years
Another thread and a reply quoting me after told to not communicate with me
about 6 years
Six replies in one thread after being told to block me