
Report #252,018

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedabout 6 years
appeal: you cant even say how this is not harassment?:

i have asked him to stop many times. being a mod does not excuse his behavior. please see all the links in the original report
deletedabout 6 years
charley the fact that you and i have a history of not getting along, especially when it comes to harassment vios should be enough to exclude you from this. you have always supported harassment of me, because you too felt harassed by me....

i think that you were one of the outspoken people that said dangelo joining my game to spam that i am a gt account and then following me game to game was not a vio because i "was a gt acct".
deletedabout 6 years
What ally said vvvvvvv
deletedabout 6 years
i should have a right to play this game and avoid toxic relationships. i often avoid his games, especially after he like threw against me because of the toxicity 1 month ago. why should he be allowed to go out of his way to do all of my reports when i asked him to just leave me alone.

its pathetic that you guys let this get so out of hand to the point that i try to get banned from the site permanently to avoid his harassment
deletedabout 6 years
2. how can i block someone that constantly seeks out my report to vio them and mails me bs rules like i should block someone that constantly slanders me or i cant report them?

1. he intentionally mishandles my reports to vio farm me. for example why else would he refuse to remove his notes on his reports when nathan overturned them?

3. him kicking me is just another example of how he mis-uses his powers against me and it shows how toxic our relationship is. i feel totally harassed by him for this and many reasons, and its clear that he cant stand me too or he would not be booting me!

4. how is fighting against wrong report verdicts harassing you? this statement shows why you are not able to process this report at all in an unbaised way. i am sorry that you feel harassed but i can stand up for myself when i am bullied..

5. hateful comments including attacking intelligence so how is that not hc? his comments again show how toxic the relationship is
deletedabout 6 years
1) you cannot ask him not to handle your reports. him handling your reports has no impact on any of this and i'm disregarding it completely.

2) we always ask people to block before reporting for harassment. it's not harassing you for him to tell you this. again, he's doing his job.

3) he was reprimanded by nathan for kicking you, this isn't harassment.

4) he told you to leave him alone. you harass him, me, charley, and any mod that moderates your reports in a way that you don't agree with. he has the right to stand up for himself.

5) idiot and moron are not hc, nor are they harassment.
deletedabout 6 years
he has harassed me here for months. i basically tried to get myself banned because of what he was doing to me and he would not leave me alone like i had asked several times