
Report #231,078

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedabout 7 years
forum spam
deletedabout 7 years
9/25/17 started thread to make poll to see if people read reports. This is of general interest to the community and benefits us if we know what people read
9/24- proposed a mod abuse court, which again will greatly benefit society
9/22/17 made a thread to discuss 1 specific game by another community member. I disagreed with the vio and I wanted a more clear discussion on this one, instead of grouping like 5 games together in the other thread. I also wanted a pole so people could vote for a verdict to compare. This again was for the good of the community. I had a few good discussions in private on this subject after.
9/21/17- made 2 threads to appeal vios that were not deserved on me and others in the community. This resulted in reversal of many of these
9/18/17 made a thread to propose a new comp in the community. We had some good discussions.
about 7 years