
Report #249,826

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years
Report Spam. See comments.
over 6 years
good call moderators
deletedover 6 years
o fk off go jump off a cliff (with a parachute made in china)
over 6 years Another one appealing the round DQ. Third report on this + multiple PMs to mods and admin.
over 6 years - complaint thread where Nathan was accused of improperly using mod powers. He explained himself, everything was sorted out, it's fine.

Two hours after the thread, mt files this report against Nathan: It was closed and ruled on.

mt then files new report: attempting to appeal the admin decision which had been justified in the thread, and closed by mods.

Another report on Nathan: asking for #249757 to be OTd. This is a report Nathan ruled on himself, and was addressed in the forum thread 89824, and the reports 249767 and 249769. That's three reports and a thread for one issue.

An appeal for her round suspension which she accepted was fair:, then decided wasn't fair. This was already appealed and received admin ruling days ago: