
Report #249,706

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years

if you will ban me for the round over this game, i deserve a detailed description using the site rules and evidence for the game to justify this verdict and ban from your mouth. you clearly did not even read my bin refuting this.
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
nathan seriously i deserve an explanation on how that is trolling based on the site rules. you know that it is not. failed rs is not trolling. faking claims is not trolling. there has to be more to it than just this.

black's only argument was that other players were antagonized so they reported me, but this player reports a person for this like every day and its always nv. they also said that i literally do it every game, which is a lie. read my bin and you see when i did it. i had like a 30% fake claim rate this round period as town

finally jm said i always do this, which again is a lie and that i had a warning for trolling. my trolling warning was for not asking for claims when shooting though.....