
Report #249,795

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years
1. you cant mod games you are in
2. you cant see the game period, and you guys have a rule that you cant give vios for games that you cant see
3. history of doing something does not mean anything. the first report could be wrong and they could have learned from that report
4. the game was obviously chaotic to some extent or town did not try to win after, as the game was 4min long and you lynched the doc save. this means you threw as town or that doc was cced and the save was cced. if this is the case, it is clear that the game was messy and the odds are that you can miss a claim, especially when you are gunned. this could have been just isp based on ally's description of this player seeming confused
5. gt requires intent but you cant establish this without a game
6. stop giving nonsense vios because you hate someone...where is your class?
over 6 years