
Report #236,548

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 7 years
harrasment accusing someone is throwing for me when i dont know them and when i have played like 2 hearts on this account. i told them repeatedly to stop saying that in gy and been asked to stay out of my games previously too
almost 7 years
i was already dead in game and u rerorted him stating the same thign i asked you to stop doing. i clearly stated if you are accusing people of throwing to keep my name out of your mouth.
deletedalmost 7 years
end of day3 she told me to stop saying that Kassidy is throwing for her or its harassment. I stopped in game saying that she was getting thrown for and just accused kassidy of throwing, as she was. Reporting someone that threw for throwing is not harassing the person that was not even reported!

minie why are you so defensive that I accused kassidy for throwing for you? Maybe it is a sign that you were thrown for actually?
deletedalmost 7 years
if you report someone for harrasment again i will report you for harrasment
deletedalmost 7 years
Minie please stop reporting people for harrasment becuase mods will just give people the vio.
almost 7 years
you did not stop, this report is the proof that you did not stop there
deletedalmost 7 years
i stopped and I said that they were maybe not even connected but that kassidy was throwing. Them over reacting here maybe suggest that they are being thrown for though?