
Report #236,547

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 7 yearsfor Game 6324849
throwing for minie. Claimed to be disguised and tried to get lynched day2 when they disguised minie. I also coded that bomb was janned and they did not even try to claim this for auto mafia win. they instead disguised someone and asked to be lynched!!!!!!!!
almost 7 years
hey konata hows jack and petermh doing
almost 7 years
never change konata
almost 7 years
throw against this *puts cigarette out in ur eye* loser
deletedalmost 7 years
you claimed disguised and selfed. minie would not do that. you wanted lynched. then you asked partner to lie test you to get obviosly lynched next. why would you disguise someone that normally would flip tracker there anyways so you would clearly be disguising them? you wanted caught cause you are throwing
almost 7 years
saying i was guised is called reverse psychology and hiding in plain site, and it actually got me out of being lynched that day. so fr*ck off
deletedalmost 7 years
minie may or may not be involved with this. they could be throwing against me instead. they were throwing clearly though