
Report #252,221

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedabout 6 years
appeal why is this guy allowed to harass me for months and only get a warning. you warned him yesterday and he did it again. i reported it again and it was nv. then he again did it again here. he needs harassment 1. stop this bs. if this was not your mod friend it would have been harassment 1 like months ago,
about 6 years
Tbh she's not wrong :p
deletedabout 6 years
like literally the following happened
1. you warned him
2. he did it again and i reported him-u did nv since it was soon i presume
3. then he again did it.

he had sufficient knowledge. i have told him this for months. you never even gave it an actual full note. wtf can you guys never stop people from harassing me? charley you specifically tend to nv everyone i report for harassment. stop this, as if i was doing this i would have harassment 4 already