
in love with 
part of  family

Beware the bunny... he is here, watching...

cloud speaks in third person, so don't be surprised.

Guise test: ask cloud to rant about his avatar. Or maybe about his eye color. Just make him rant. And remember, if it doesn't sound like a rant, cloud is guised.

cloud's bestest EM buddy evar: Liva148

other bestest buddy evur: IcyFlame

Married to: wakemeupxo

sometimes life isn't about getting laid or being successful; it's also about having a close relationship with people you resonate with. if you are suffocating from a lack of purpose in life, at the very least you can find some purpose just by being nice to each other. but the worst thing you can do is buy into the mentality that society wants you to have, because ultimately it is designed to make you unhappy. -lucidrains


If you need to contact cloud, send an email to


you can't go wrong with fruit -AdrenalineMime

cloud was a part of the 1 millionth game!

Favorite report:

<a href="" target="_blank" title="hit counter"><img border="0" alt="hit counter" src=""></a>



deletedabout 12 years
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
A lot moar for a bunny than for a human :(


10 / 10Scumhunter
8 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 10I'm Towntelling!
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
almost 13 years
I also wanted to thank you somewhat for letting my friend JakeIsTheGuy off relatively easily for accidentally gamethrowing, he's still learning. Thank youu <3
almost 13 years
Yeah... I will.
almost 13 years
You're alright cloud. You're alright.
almost 13 years
I'll do my best <3 not sure i could be this awesome though :3 *gets transfixed by background*
almost 13 years
ohmygosh, i love you <3
almost 13 years
Thank you (:
almost 13 years
Why the violation if you thought it was a minor harassment. Why?
almost 13 years
Dat page background.
almost 13 years
Cloud, Reginelf is doing it again.
almost 13 years
I was saying that the troll thing on me was uncalled for because it actually helped town, and that they lost on their own account and my "troll" had no viable consequences on the game other than helping town lynch terminator the scum, and now I'm banned from playing games til 1900 today, and bored as fuck not knowing what to do with my life - that's why I'm pissed. Bear is just a crybaby who whines, and finds scapegoats for his losses like all noobs do.
almost 13 years
How do I report someone
almost 13 years
Is there even a set definition for what trolling is on this site - it seems to be what ever the mods disagree with. The violation was completely uncalled for since it had no impact on the game, and if anything it helped town since I a blue was lynched, and terminator the scum claimed and was lynched the next day. I will be going up to higher mods over your abuse, enjoy your modship while it lasts.
deletedalmost 13 years
your youtube videos gave me cancer. why.jpg
almost 13 years
Yes i am ;3
almost 13 years
Gooby pls
almost 13 years
Goku 4 days 8 hours
gooby pls
deletedalmost 13 years
gooby pls
almost 13 years
There were people trolling and swearing aswell, why isn't that a site offense?

it's so unfair, no one is just going to smile and get over while people are still yelling and screamming at you. It is true, if you feel like your being bullied/hurt just get up and walk away. That's what I did and I had a reason to go.
almost 13 years
I think it's fine. :)
almost 13 years
Ty for handling the reginleif case. It is much appreciated. +k; also, you're background trips me out almost as much as Troll's does. :3