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Roguelikes & Roguelites

about 6 years

I realized that there was no proper topic for these kinds of games, so here we go.

For those unaware, roguelikes are games taking off of a game from 1980 called Rogue. It featured permadeath, procedurally generated levels, tile-based levels, and turned base combat, and thus the term roguelike was used to describe games that use the same mechanics. "Roguelite" is a blanket term for games that follow the roguelike formula, but take off with unique styles and mechanics that make it more of a roguelike-like if anything.

I'd love to get a discussion going about some roguelikes/lites here, since it's where I spend the majority of my time on on steam nowadays.

I'm also gonna be posting "roguelike showcases" to bring some more attention to them on my alt Charlotte, so it's easier to see them there.

PS my favorite roguelike game of all time is Nuclear Throne, try it ty!

Favorite of these more popular roguelikes?
The Binding of Isaac
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Dwarf Fortress
Risk of Rain
Nuclear Throne
Enter the Gungeon
Faster Than Light
Dead Cells
Slay the Spire
over 5 years
^^^^i have around 5 hours in it solo and around 3 co op with my sister and so far its quickly becoming one of my fav roguelikes

im a fair bit biased here tho cause necrodancer is my all time fav roguelike and zelda is my fav nintendo franchise but believe me when i say its well worth the 25 bucks it costs and im excited to finish this playthrough simply so i can immediately start another one and experience this all over again as link
over 5 years

gotta plug in the new roguelike somewhere! Rhythm games have never been my thing but wow does this look amazing
over 5 years
gimme a tag awyssa
over 5 years
Btw Enter the Gungeon is currently free on the Epic Store.
deletedover 5 years

Haven't done a review in a while, oops

Spelunky is our next subject matter today, as it is one of the more well known roguelikes and easily one of the ones I'd suggest first for people to get into. Being a 2D cave exploration roguelike, it's a game for new(or experienced) players to get into and see what boundaries they can push, in either crazy situations where they'd be lucky to get out alive, or once mastered to push the boundaries in how much money they can squeeze out the game in one of the craziest min-maxing time-consuming runs I've seen in video games.

If this review feels a bit weird, these are mostly to bring attention to roguelikes. Spelunky has already been dissected countless times as a near-perfect roguelike, so if you haven't heard of it go check it out. I linked spelunky world, which also has the option to play spelunky classic for free now. (The game almost always goes on sale though, as cheap as it is already)
over 5 years
Rogue Legacy just got a new big update (only on PC). They added a mod to the game called The Lament of Zors (including new bosses, areas, etc. as well as many gameplay changes).
almost 6 years

LeChuck says

In case anybody hasn't heard already: The Binding of Isaac is getting a new DLC called "Repentance" within the next few months. For the most part, it's gonna be a port of the mod "Antibirth" (featuring a better coop mode among many other things) but it will also include completely new content.

The release has been postponed to winter 2019. So judging by the way the release dates of the previous DLC's were handled, we'll probably have to wait till summer 2020
almost 6 years
I have Gungeon, Dead Cells, Crypt and Isaac on switch.

I finished 0 cell mode on DC and might tackle 1 cell one day, gungeon is pretty good.

I have an issue with Isaac tho, and that's how much you need to know about the upgrades to play properly. I don't have access to the list of items when i'm playing in the subway...

didnt touch Crypt yet
almost 6 years
Just started Enter the Gungeon. Liking how it's fun but you can't play too much in one go.
almost 6 years

luis4rod says

This was a month ago but for those who didn't know /forgot Enter the Gungeon put out their final update "Farewell to Arms" which feature 2 new playable characters. "there are apparently dozens of new weapons and items to discover, as well as a secret floor with a new boss to tackle. There's also Rainbow Mode, in which players will find a rainbow chest at the start of each floor. The catch is that the items you take from these chests are the only ones you'll get during your run."

i've been playing more gungeon recently because of it. lots of fun
almost 6 years
This was a month ago but for those who didn't know /forgot Enter the Gungeon put out their final update "Farewell to Arms" which feature 2 new playable characters. "there are apparently dozens of new weapons and items to discover, as well as a secret floor with a new boss to tackle. There's also Rainbow Mode, in which players will find a rainbow chest at the start of each floor. The catch is that the items you take from these chests are the only ones you'll get during your run."
almost 6 years

coolkidrox123 says

i play pixel dungeon if that counts as one.
ive recently cleared the game for the first time.

cleared pixel dungeon for the first time 3 weeks ago

i have always wanted to legitimately complete nethack

respect to anyone who has
almost 6 years
Risk of Rain 2 is good.
almost 6 years
I wrote a very nice review for Night of the Blood Moon but I haven't seen the devs in weeks :(

In other news Blazing Beaks is cute and is finally going to be fully released in a week or two, so I'm looking forward to reviewing this next. Slow nd steady
almost 6 years
i play pixel dungeon if that counts as one.
ive recently cleared the game for the first time.
almost 6 years
the only roguelike i remember to like is Crypt of the necrodancer and somebody already has teh tag :(

oh yea and darkest dungeon
almost 6 years
I haven't forgotten about this topic, just have been busy. Wanted to share a fun video that got me to appreciate slay the spire a whole lot more(one of the roguelikes I'm currently focused on). I know a card game as a roguelike sounds like a weird concept, but this goes more in depth on how the game stands out. I'm not usually interested in card games, but the way he explains it made me realize why I enjoy playing it so much. I've been subbed to him for a while so if you like this, check his other videos out!

about 6 years
In case anybody hasn't heard already: The Binding of Isaac is getting a new DLC called "Repentance" within the next few months. For the most part, it's gonna be a port of the mod "Antibirth" (featuring a better coop mode among many other things) but it will also include completely new content.
about 6 years
I really like The Ground Gives Way.
about 6 years
I don't know anything about roguelikes but I just wanted to post in here any way. Please notice me female.

Thank-you all for your time. Have a nice day.
about 6 years
it seems like every other game has roguelike elements at this point
recently i've been playing mothergunship, an fps roguelike with the gimmick of you being able to build absurdist weapons
about 6 years

Dungeon of the Endless is one of the toughest games I've played but that makes it even more enticing. You unlock new characters, game modes, and pieces of the story even if you lose the run. The art and music and top quality as expected of Amplitude and the pace of game play is determined by the player which means this is a game you can rush or take your time with.
about 6 years
I've seen cultist simulator here and there but haven't looked in enough to try it, but I definitely will eventually. Not atm though else I'd dip unto the bundle
about 6 years
By the way, it’s spelled “rouge.”
about 6 years
Not technically a roguelike or roguelite, but it has a similar style and feel to the formula: Cultist Simulator.

I picked it up on humble bundle like 3 days ago and I've already logged 36 hours.

Its a card based narrative experience chronicling your characters descent into madness (and death). Every time you die, your next game ties into your old one somehow, and you unlock new starts based on how you lost/won. Worth a look for those people who like occult stuff or puzzle games with roguelike elements.