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anon opinions (again)

over 5 years

ANON OPINIONS ARE BACK B ITCHES! we know you want it and we know you can't help yourself. get your Tea ready sis cause we're about to let it all spill.

pick the number of users you're ready to drag and comment it below (1-5) and I'll pm you that amount of usernames. the one thing I ask is that you write your honest opinion down below. brutally.

I'll try to pm usernames of people you know but if i send anyone unfamiliar just shoot a pm back saying who and i'll give you a new name (ps if ur commenting below ur name will definitely be one of the usernames i send someone else)

don't worry everything will be completely anonymous.


check out wertyo's competition for best opinion here!

why do u still play epicmafia in 2019?
i have no life
shwartz99 threatened my family
to find an e-gf
to actually play mafia
over 5 years

Artic says

aquarius says

NoKillPapa says

aquarius says

nepenthe says

2. such a wonderful friend. genuinely one of the best ppl i’ve ever met. being friends with her made me a better person and i can’t thank her enough. i could go on for hours about why she’s an incredible human being (nerd)

who is she

that's the point of anon opinions..

who is she

its me sorry

hey fartic
over 5 years
over 5 years
1. i know not many people like her but i actually rate the fu/ck out of her. she has many unpopular opinions but she's fearless as fu/ck and i love that and she's really nice too :)
2. we dont really get along but we're civil ig. other than that i dont really have an opinion on her. her and her bf are cute tho
3. CUTE USER i love him i wish he would stop self deleting
4. i dont really know him i play with him quite often tho but he seems nice :)
5. he probably angers me more than anyone on this site. doesnt really form his own opinions just follows whatever his friend group thinks also is a major d/ick/hypocrite :)
over 5 years

Shwartz99 says

HuskyJiminie says

10. oh queen! Your name is ace

inb4 this one is about ace

Nice try but its not XD
over 5 years

ReadyForBready says

3: this guy is Pretty dAmN cool. I caN't fInd anytHing bad to say about him. definitEly one of the best epicmAfia users arounD.

i hate u lmaoooo
over 5 years
1. This user's only flaw is that they use that trUCKING tmnt emote

1 more pwease
over 5 years

HuskyJiminie says

10. oh queen! Your name is ace

inb4 this one is about ace
over 5 years
8. boiiii I cant remember the last time we played a game together where you at. We should play more games or smth its sad without you.

overall: hella funny boi and super fun to play with

9. tbh im guessing you're a new player cause I have only recently played mafia with you. Anyway, from the games I have played with you, I can tell you're a great character and most likely to grow well with the em community. I hope you keep at it! The people here arent bad uwu

Overall: A great addition to em (if you are new lol), very good person

10. oh queen! Your name is ace, it makes me think of swimming pools and British summer rain, its super relaxing. Although I have only played a few games with you I can tell you're hella chill and not looking for trouble, we need more people like you!

Overall: chill vibes, makes me think of summer rain
over 5 years
1. Actually really nice and can be funny too. Hope kichi is going well <3
2. Can be a bit too serious for my liking at times but is nice too. Pfp is a bit weird though. P.S: I hope the guy in the pfp crashed in the aeroplane. : )
3. Barely speak to him but still a nice friend. They have a cool death sound.
over 5 years
give me 3
over 5 years
i forgot to do these

1. pretty fun user who i feel is pretty similar humor-wise. playing sandbox games is 10x better when ur around
2. cool dude who i was a bit iffy about at first but i've definitely warmed up to you. super fun but if you make me watch more sports videos i'll have to fly across the continent and fight you myself
3. was on good terms with you forever ago but certain events put that to a stop. don't really mind you but you're definitely a bit too arrogant for me to care for
4. ur cool and all but take the hint fam
5. super fun in group convos but not super close with them. absolutely love your username
6. hard to have conversations with, especially when taking their sense of humor into account. not a bad guy but i'm not sure why you're so liked
over 5 years
3 more pls thank!
over 5 years
1. I've always liked you, haven't seen you around lately though. Definitely one of the best users on sandbox.
2. Opinionated but that's not a bad thing. Willing to tell it like it is which I really like. Also quite attractive.
3. Memey player but doesn't overdo it. Still takes the game seriously and makes it fun.
4. I can't remember the last time I played with you but you're likable.
5. Ayy! Old-timer! Never have had any negative feelings towards you. Super good person inside and out :)
over 5 years
6. A sweet pea, would love to get to know them more tho. Has a great sense of humour like i'm saying I actually laugh a lil irl. Genuinely wish I could talk to them more often tho; we're not in any discord servers together so thats sad.

Overall: funny, sweet and fun to talk to

7. I haven't said this before but thank you for the pics you always send me! I love them, some of them make me laugh jdskflk keep em coming! We should be in a discord server together but we aint which sucks, also I hope you like the gifts I send you and you're not just saying they're nice to keep me happy that would hurt a lot more

Overall: Extremely sweet, like think of a chocolate cake that could easily cause diabetes. He is also hella adorable when texting, also doggo memes :3
over 5 years
1 I like you I guess, you are funny sometimes but other times I strongly disagree with what you have to say, I hope you are satire
2 I don't know you that well but you are okay to be around
3 You are really smart and funny, and you are a good friend, thank you for what you have done for me and the rest of sandbox
4 I don't know you too well, but from being around you I know that you are funny and nice, and I am thankful for your impact on epicmafia
5 I am always drawn to your name n1 for some reason, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, idk why, I like your name I guess
over 5 years

aquarius says

NoKillPapa says

aquarius says

nepenthe says

2. such a wonderful friend. genuinely one of the best ppl i’ve ever met. being friends with her made me a better person and i can’t thank her enough. i could go on for hours about why she’s an incredible human being (nerd)

who is she

that's the point of anon opinions..

who is she

its me sorry
over 5 years

NoKillPapa says

aquarius says

nepenthe says

2. such a wonderful friend. genuinely one of the best ppl i’ve ever met. being friends with her made me a better person and i can’t thank her enough. i could go on for hours about why she’s an incredible human being (nerd)

who is she

that's the point of anon opinions..

who is she
over 5 years
over 5 years

aquarius says

nepenthe says

2. such a wonderful friend. genuinely one of the best ppl i’ve ever met. being friends with her made me a better person and i can’t thank her enough. i could go on for hours about why she’s an incredible human being (nerd)

who is she

that's the point of anon opinions..
over 5 years

nepenthe says

2. such a wonderful friend. genuinely one of the best ppl i’ve ever met. being friends with her made me a better person and i can’t thank her enough. i could go on for hours about why she’s an incredible human being (nerd)

who is she
over 5 years
I'll take five.
over 5 years
love this user lots and hope they have a successful career in cooking or whatever and did i mention i love them??

idk if i want more this is hard
over 5 years
Pleasantly, surprised the penguins got three tic-tac-toes to played with.

1) I enjoyed playing with this user though they left EM at the end of last year. Memories of this player remains even among many of the regular sandbox players. Although this player isn't as active on the forums as in-game, this user is an outstanding meme worthy player.

2) I am generally surprised by this player. This player has updated their avatar recently, but yet stayed true to the same character. The character of this player is just look like a younger version of the character. Oh wait, the avatar is still the same one. Classic, subtle. This is the pinnacle player to choose if Shwartz99 had to chose a mod.

3) The worst scum to enter Sandbox, but a star player in Main. Nothing noteworthy to write since player rarely played in Sandbox.
over 5 years
Give us five, mutie. Looks like the pub's getting quite full now with all those orders.
over 5 years
I'm bored and making a competition for the greatest opinion. Prize is 20 tokens.