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anon opinions (again)

over 5 years

ANON OPINIONS ARE BACK B ITCHES! we know you want it and we know you can't help yourself. get your Tea ready sis cause we're about to let it all spill.

pick the number of users you're ready to drag and comment it below (1-5) and I'll pm you that amount of usernames. the one thing I ask is that you write your honest opinion down below. brutally.

I'll try to pm usernames of people you know but if i send anyone unfamiliar just shoot a pm back saying who and i'll give you a new name (ps if ur commenting below ur name will definitely be one of the usernames i send someone else)

don't worry everything will be completely anonymous.


check out wertyo's competition for best opinion here!

why do u still play epicmafia in 2019?
i have no life
shwartz99 threatened my family
to find an e-gf
to actually play mafia
over 5 years
6. Another good kid. I lowkey witnessed them went from being a complete noob to having friends and being part of the community which was really nice to see. I think this pretty much reveals who you are, if you're reading this. But hey, I do appreciate us playing together, even when most of the time we tunnel each other for no reason.

7. my hoMIE boiii. We aint that close but you're a pretty fly guy and I enjoy playing games with you or just banter freely.

8. I've only had my first interaction with this person today

9. Repeated name mutie you're FORUM BANNED for the next 24 hours

10. Have only ever talked to them once or twice, but seems to be pretty sensible and chill from what i've heard from others.

over 5 years
I am officially addicted to this thread. Give me 5 more ples. c:
over 5 years
16. This guy's alright I guess? I don't have too much to say about him, but he's pretty good at the game and stuff.

17. Before we were in a mutual discord server, I didn't talk to this guy too much, but now that I do, I can say he's great, and that it seems good for him that he hasn't gotten addicted to EpicMafia, as I don't see him on games that often, unlike a lot of others (including myself). I think this guy should also put his discord posts in the right channel, as only yesterday did I have to put one in the right channel for him, despite him saying it was already in the right one...

18. I've already had this person's main, but thanks anyway mutie.

19. I've already given my opinion on this person as well, but thanks for trying to give me new people anyway mutie.

20. All I remember about this guy is he was a former sandbox owner, so I guess that's good?
over 5 years

wertyo says

Mutie is actually doing this to get blackmail material on everyone for future use

Hit me with 5 more names, I'm handing out free blackmail materials
over 5 years
i'd like 5 more names
over 5 years
1. I can only rank them as decent because I have never spoken to them before, but they seem nice to other people.
2. Who?
3. Never spoke to this person before :L
4. Good person, don't they they remember me tho :S
5. ???
6. Who are these people? Don't blame me, I joined in December.
7. Never spoke to this person, but the name is recognizable. (Did I spell that right?)
8. Decent dude, a bit too memey for my liking, and I'm memey.
9. Never spoke to this person but they have nice numbers on the end ¬w¬
10. Never seen this person before.

I do not know so many people..
over 5 years
give me 10 more and I'll hope to make it out alive
over 5 years
oops sorry, i messed up. give me more though.

1 - you were nice to talk to, well at least to me. but there are things that were said, and i don't blame people not liking you, however, our little chats we had were fun, and i would like to do them again. but tone down your verbal attacks.

2 - so, we're friends, but legit there are so many things that you do that really kind of iffy in my opinion. i'm not going to lie, you're a nice person and i love talking to you, but sometimes (i wouldn't name specifics because you would know who you are) there are things you do that makes me a bit ticked off, but i think that i can get used to it most of the times. don't get me wrong, i do like talking to you and like to talk more. i don't know if you consider us friends, but i do.

3 - i like you as a person, and i really hope you like me back, but legit, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you have to blast them with repeated comments saying the same thing over and over. get your head out of your áss and realize that people don't have to have the same views as you. i honestly won't be surprised if you didn't like me.
over 5 years
1 - you were nice to talk to, well at least to me. but there are things that were said, and i don't blame people not liking you, however, our little chats we had were fun, and i would like to do them again.

2 - so, we're friends, but legit there are so many things that you do that really kind of pisses me off. i'm not going to lie, you're a nice person, but the things you do sometimes tick me off, both in games and out of games. i wouldn't name specifics because you would know who you are. don't get me wrong, i do like talking to you.

3 - i like you as a person, and i really hope you like me back, but legit, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you have to blast them with repeated comments saying the same thing over and over. get your head out of your áss and realize that people don't have to have the same views as you.

give me more please lol
over 5 years
1. one of my first genuine friends in sandbox, i love love love when you join lobbies and start talking about random things like lab grown meat or dinners with saudi princes or meeting tony abbott, never a dull moment when you're around, you're a stellar human being and ghandi can attest to that, you and shayne are my threesome dream. You rub some people the wrong way i guess? but i value someone who can have interesting conversations highly so A+ homo fam dm me if you want his insta he a cutie
2. hi i doubt you ever see this but you're a walking living legend, you were one of the few people to originally have my back when some drama unfolded and that type of friendship means a lot to me, i love our sport banter or talking big brother or reality tv (you've even seen aus versions). you're a gem who has come out the other side of life struggles as a SUPERSTAR human being please don't ever change. also i hear doctors are hot af and in season ;) warriors>celtics
over 5 years
can i have 3 thank u dearie
over 5 years
4) I haven't really met you before, but you've been in games with me. Pretty damn sure that you get bias against me when we are different alignments too! But overall you seem like you have a great personality, and realise what is important to life.
over 5 years
Ok, here goes:

11) Another good person that I talk to somewhat regularly. I think you overreact sometimes to my schtick, but ultimately you know I'm kidding. (Maybe)

12) Do you ever come here any more? You were definitely easygoing when you were in sadbox a lot. Though I have yet to reach out to you outside of that.

13) I don't remember you as much as I thought I would. Maybe that'll change this year. Can't say we've ever had an argument about anything though.

14) Good owner, definitely has the kind of leader strategy I would have if I was in charge of this place. We don't talk much otherwise.

15) Don't know you outside of memeing in sadbox games. You do make the game entertaining though.

5 more please. I'm going all the way down my friends list so this may take a while.
over 5 years
1: No opinion on this person. They're a main lobby player, and we all know I'm not about that life. Not after... the ɪɴᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛ.

2: Every time I see you in a game, you always say some some form of offensive shit that raises numerous eyebrows. I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned outright. And unlike other users who'll act edgy and degenerative to amuse themselves and their two other friends who aren't even in the same game, I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. It's extremely concerning, and I actually believe you're a racist homophobe. Thankfully you've toned yourself down a bit after receiving your third HC vio, but I'm still waiting for the day that you slip up so that you'll never have to plague the community again.

3: This user is a bit more recent in the Sandbox community, but he's cool. Think he used to be a regular Dice Wars player in the Games lobby. He plays seriously, but not to the point where it's obvious he has a rod up his , which is kind of refreshing what with all the gimmicks that Sandbox players usually adopt. Plus they seem smart af.
over 5 years
1. Honestly, didn't have a good first impression with them. I was doing a report on them and
ruled it as a vio according to the new rule change by Lucid and they hated me for the LONGEST of times, not understanding that business is seperated from personal. We are on fair terms now but idk, I feel like they are nice to people they like but towards people they don't like they're just... kind of a d/ick.

2. Pretty good kid. Jokes a ton, makes fun of people with no ill intentions and such. We don't talk all that much now but when we do I think he's a fun one to talk to.

3. Yikes, feels like if I give an honest opinion here it'll be really easy to figure out who they are. But anyway, I think they kind of have a notorious reputation for being toxic? from what I've heard before I knew them. Upon knowing them more though, I can say that they're serious when it comes to things that needs to be addressed, but they still get a bit pissy when it comes to people they don't like so I guess I can see where the toxicity comes from.

4. Ooo. Okay so, when I first started playing I find that a lot of people tend to dislike this person, which I was kind of weirded out about because I found them pretty okay, though their strats in games sometimes are annoying. ...tbh they've said things that are... questionable and it seems like they flip a lot in terms of views... I don't trust them all that much...

5. Seems a bit overly aggressive at first, softens up a bit when you get to know them. Lowkey an whenever they lose a game though
over 5 years
Neat list.

1. I do not know you that well but your profile music is very interesting.

2. You. Are a good friend. A pure friend. One of the BEST friends in fact. And I love you. When we were segregated into our own chat in a discord server, we were comrades, forged in the FIRES of mobile game hell. And we still are THE BEST of friends. And I hope that you are VERY very good.

3. I don't know who this person is at all. But I went to their profile and they take great care for incel visibility and that's probably among the more normal side of epicmafia to be quite honest. (Still weird though)

4. You're a good enough user and are friendly to me even though we have just met! I like seeing you in games.

5. Vivor lobby is better, sorry sweetie. Real opinion : You seem nice and make me chuckle a little whenever you post. I hope you are well.

6. You are the lifeblood of the planet. You are art. You are beauty. You are magnificent. We the people of planet Earth rely on you and your brethren to provide us with oxygen. The basic necessity to keep ourselves alive. Though few will ever truly understand the gravitas and bravado of your tempered, silent soul, I understand. I underSTAND.

And I guess behind the persona of a plant you are a decent epicmafia user.

7. We have a friend group that overlaps very much yet we don't talk very much! But I guess I'm thankful that you are a good person + friend, at least from my perspective! Just don't troll up online flash games anymore :doge:
over 5 years
1. What happened to you was absolutely bull. There was no way the past should have been brought up. Good thing you dropkicked him to the curb, as anyone would have. We haven't talked frequently, but I have seen you around with the cute doggo and I think you are an amazing person. We were mafia together, where we kicked and took the W. It's good to see that someone will treat you properly, and that it makes you happy. I hope you guys continue together. Oh and BTW, you're also cute ;)

2. There is alot I could say about you, within the few months I have met you. You have a brilliant personality, one which shines in the crowd. I endeavour your efforts in the game, and how amazing your EM skills are. You are definitely one of my few idols I look up to as a player, knowing how skillful and empowering you are. We always, like always, have our little arguments because of cross TvT interactions, but in the end I will always love youu, or is it watashi? Haha thats a pure gold memory. I still haven't mastered the japanese, but I promise you that is it on my list. Keep being the amazing moderator you are, and forget the haters, which you probably vio'd, because "they hate cause that ain't us", well you mainly.

3. Well well well, if isn't one of the cutest little puppers I have met in EM. The first time we met, I wasn't aware of your main and thought you didn't like me on it. Remembering that time we were towntelling together in a game, in which I believe we still ended up losing. Then I began to realise that your alt I towntold with, was the same as the main I thought you didn't like me on. Turns out that you are seriously kickback and one of the chillest dudes around. You are a Leonardo da Vinci, to say the least, very nice skills in that aspect too. Has my back, which I respect and is there to support me.
over 5 years
1. great person!!! everyone shits on u cus u might not have the same views as others but i dont have anything bad to say about u. im glad u were one of my very first friends on em and i really enjoy u as a person!! maybe just try to calm down a bit and not take the site so seriously all the time

2. i can see right through u.....

3. ur a good mod and a great player!!! i respect u hardcore idk why but i think very highly of u and ur usually rly nice to me in games so ur A-OK in my book!!! (for now)

4. i dont rly like u, bullying is very 2018 (cant relate) so pls stay away from me thanks

5. i love u so much !!!! ur one of the sweetest most unproblematic ppl on em and thats rly hard to find nowadays, ur face is so cute and ur dog is adorable i love him
over 5 years
Still need those extra 5.

Also, Public Service Announcement:

The only person I'll be bashing in these kinds of threads is myself.

Thank you.
over 5 years
2 please so u dont strain urself in finding people for me
over 5 years
3 please ;D
over 5 years
1) nice person to talk to and hang out with (most of the time) enjoyed watching that episode of community together on rabbit (would do it again) but sorta annoys me how loud you are, so ya know, maybe tone it down a little :)

2) idk not a huge fan, still remember you calling me and NCRAW irrelevant when we first joined the EM discord lmao

3) nice person, good mod. haven't really talked to you much but you seem pretty genuine and ur boyf is a lovely lad

4) still remember you having a full blown conversation with your alt on a report and acting like you were both two different people, what a fkn laugh lmao

5) big fan, loved playing league on OCE + NA with you, very nice person with a kind heart. fantastic mod as well. wish you'd pick easier words when we play jotto so i'd have a chance at winning but you deserve all the W's you get :fufu:
over 5 years
5 thanks
over 5 years
5 pls :)
over 5 years
1. this absolute racist cuntknuckle right here i want to batter him with my nans 40 year old rockhard pair of crocs hes such a bellend jesus christ how can u be white and arguing against racists when u are the actual racist urself ??? stop using slurs that arent urs to claim u soggy lump of pussycheese ffs i want u to go and flush urself down the toilet and for u to never return

2. ur an absolute cumcruncher and i bet ye sniff yer sisters panties u absolute freak no wonder u got battered the other day ur probably part of the edl pal i bet tommy robinson the octagonal headed twit is ur hero u speccy 0.4 braincelled cretin i hope ur mum cooks u ur least favourite meal this week

3. honestly i swear to god if u make any more of ur shitey little racist and homophobic posts and dont shut the mcfuck up u cheap shish kebab ill shove an apple up ur grandmas ARSE** and then throw her in the oven and u wont even know about it but when u start putting out missing posters for ur poor grandma i will show up to ur door with a gift of some nice new meat i bought from the butchers because ur going through a hard time right now but it wont be meat from the butchers it will be ur DEAD GRANDMA AND U WILL EAT HER BECAUSE U R A SAVAGE CARBON BASED ATOM

4. u have the mental capacity of a cheese grater that has been used on someones to torture them by peeling all the skin off of it and why do u always try and beef me over ur shite country america when my left bawbag weighs more than u ye fooken twiggy melon give it a rest

5. dont chat to me when ur grandma wore an adidas tracksuit to prom.