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anon opinions (again)

over 5 years

ANON OPINIONS ARE BACK B ITCHES! we know you want it and we know you can't help yourself. get your Tea ready sis cause we're about to let it all spill.

pick the number of users you're ready to drag and comment it below (1-5) and I'll pm you that amount of usernames. the one thing I ask is that you write your honest opinion down below. brutally.

I'll try to pm usernames of people you know but if i send anyone unfamiliar just shoot a pm back saying who and i'll give you a new name (ps if ur commenting below ur name will definitely be one of the usernames i send someone else)

don't worry everything will be completely anonymous.


check out wertyo's competition for best opinion here!

why do u still play epicmafia in 2019?
i have no life
shwartz99 threatened my family
to find an e-gf
to actually play mafia
over 5 years
ill have uhh 4 more review copies
over 5 years
26. havent talked to him recently but he is really funny and used to be a good user 8/10

27. barely any interaction with this user but probably the only one that has actually helped this site 7/10

28. havent had any interaction with this user at all and havent ever been a fan of her 2/10

29. no interaction with this user and based on the name he seems like a SCUM 3/10
over 5 years
1. I know you want me to ROAST this user but since I'm a truther I need to tell the twuth...ok yeah he's pretty basic but still a good guy and means well.

1 more pwease
over 5 years
gimme three more mutiepie :)
over 5 years
Quicker turnaround this time.

6) I haven't seen you around for a while. Maybe it's the time zone difference, or maybe you just took a break. Maybe I'll run into you on discord. At least barring my work schedule.

7) Interactions dropped off a lot lately, so I'll try to fix that. I'll look forward to being kicked from your games soon.

8) Don't know you well personally but I've seen enough of your posts and the chatbox to know that you've got a quick sense of humor.

9) Despite the edgy stuff I think we get along really well. We need to start sh!tposting more about life again.

10) Very friendly, I've never had a problem with you. Though I suggest if you don't feel like keeping your post or doing much with it, just hand it to someone else. It'll save you a lot of headaches, and this is a good time to save headaches.

5 more please.
over 5 years
1. I don't really know that person aside from their avi
2. I don't really know that person aside from their avi and the fact that they're on my friend list
3. I don't know her all that well but she seems to be nice. I also really like her art. I also like the way we greet eachother both for it's simplicity and because the way she initiated that meme was funny.
4. This user is so wholesome and always extremely nice to me. I wish he was online more often.
5. Out of all players who still regularly play sandbox games this one makes them the most fun. Just really fun to be around.

[in no particular order]
over 5 years
Hi i just wanna leave a nice message saying that GodStephCurry aka Steph has been saying he will lose in every chess game u send him.He said it himself. :doge:
over 5 years
11. Was a good former sandbox owner, still seems like a good person nowadays.

12. From what I can remember, their old accounts were alright, and they seemed like an alright person too.

13. Haven't spoken to this guy in a while, but he's good, despite seeing him get into a short argument with someone else. Oh well, at least that's over now.

14. I don't really know too much about this guy, but he seems ok, I guess?

15. I don't see him in games or speak to him that often, but he's a great lad, and I can't really think of anything bad to say about him.
over 5 years
Hi i just wanna leave a nice message for mutie because she's been working hard to make this an entertaining thread and doesn't get to read nice comments about her, i'm really glad that horrible town crier charged up our friendship, you're truly special and everyone who knows you is better off from it, you have a fun personality and it's easy af talking to you about pretty much anything okay goodnight thats all you get
over 5 years
4 more reviews pls
over 5 years
22. a great lad. there are some things he says that are questionable to me but hes still one of the best people from this site, though i think hes a bit too hard on himself. 9/10

23. havent had to much interraction with this lad but he seems funny and from what ive been told hes super nice 8/10

24. havent had too much unterraction with this user but based on profile its a 6/10

25. rarely ever talk with her anymore but whenever i do im happy. 9/10
over 5 years
do me
over 5 years
i made this thread cause i wanted to read ppls tea but honestly the gushy stuff you guys are writing about your friends is warming my heart i love this community
over 5 years
1: I'd do anything to have a mutual discord server with this guy. He's one of the nicest dudes on Sandbox and, according to a recent poll, the majority of Sandbox thinks so too! I wouldn't mind getting to know you better, buuuuut I'm sure your fan club is already big enough as it is. :)

2: Former owner. We haven't really talked to each other much but we accept the other's presence. Seems cool. I'd go to their party if they invited me, but I probably wouldn't go to their funeral, ya get me?

3: this guy is Pretty dAmN cool. I caN't fInd anytHing bad to say about him. definitEly one of the best epicmAfia users arounD.

4: Gaaaaah I don't know. I'd like to think that you're alright, because we've had some good talks in the past, but I've heard you've done some pretty terrible things to a few particular people on the site. I don't think I want anything to do with you.

5: I want to like you, I really do. You have a wonderful personality from what little I've seen of it, and we share a lot of the same interests... but why the absolute shitbiscuits do you have to ruin it by saying some edgy offensive shit every other sentence like some sort of 11 year-old CoD fanboy high on Redbull who's just learned his first rude word? It's not cool like you think it is (actually some of things you say are absofuckinglutely disgusting), it's extremely annoying, and it's a massive turn-off to people who would otherwise love to get to know you. The drama you cause isn't any less distasteful either. With the way that you portray yourself, it's no wonder people have bullied you to the point where you've deleted your account numerous times for the sake of causing drama.
over 5 years
give me 5 more i luv my novels
over 5 years
1) I love u so much - im so glad I decided to invite you to slorp’s server when I did because you have quickly grown into one of my closest friends. never have I met someone as thoughtful or as passionate as you. I think I’ve told just about all of my irl pals about you because you never cease to amaze me. you are always there to cheer me up or give me advice. i genuinely don’t know what I would do without u in my life. thank u for always being there for me, my heart holds so much love for you.

2) i thought you didn’t like me for the longest time so i didn’t try to talk to u. then, I got a lot of negative information about you from your ex so I grew to have this image of you in my head that was extremely negative. that image completely dissolved when we decided to actually talk to eachother. I can safely say that you are turning into one of my good pals now since you’re so fun to talk to and share things with. this user is a literal legend and I would walk walk walk and skip skip skip with him anyday! remember to try the wine and dine plan!!!!

3) I LOVE YOUuuuUu! you are so peng, so kind, and so funny and I love being your wife. you were literally one of the first people i met on this god forsaken site and we became best friends right away. i love every thing about you! you are always there for every single one of ur pals no matter what and are quick to call people out on their bs. We’ve been through so much together and I’m glad we’ve stayed so strong. I hope everything in your life gets better! and I can’t wait to start our farm life together and plant 10000000+ trees and have a bunch of cute animals. thank u for being in my life!

4) I’ve not actually talked to you much but you are a super cute user! I wish you all the best in life even though you are a mod and mods r sods…

5) i think you’re really funny and appreciate the level of trolling that you do. I also like how u add like literally any account that breathes. keeping doing u lad!
over 5 years
Sorry for the double post but I need 5 more.
over 5 years
I took a lot longer than I thought to get back to these.

1) We've had our arguments, but I think if I was ever in your homeland we'd probably get along pretty well.

2) One of the best. Very friendly, always says hello, and pretty competitive in mafia on the off chance I'm in the lobby.

3) Never ceases to amaze me in the fine art of good-natured trolling, on multiple platforms no less. It's almost like magic.

4) Patient enough to put up with my sh!t on a nearly daily basis, and I think that takes a lot of skill. I can't remember how many servers we share on discord but I've probably annoyed you in all of them.

5) Perhaps the least well-known on this (admittedly all-star) list, seems to share my love of self-trashing and sarcasm, so I'll have to keep that up.
over 5 years
1. I've gtd for u before in sandbox.I know u from dyke and whitey i think.

2. :doge: u r a cool dude and u have good emotes and I think i met u through MrBernke.Also for ur sometimes chill. oh that's rude..

3.I was in ur family before and i think u kinda hate me that's why u kept on n1ing me and i knew u from a girl named Georgia.

4.I've played some bakerswag games with you and i kinda knew u from keldran.and u took my emote :dryn: : (

5. So we meet again Tay's friend i kinda know u because u probs know my main and that's all :doge: ur still gay for starting the emu war.
over 5 years
1. awful at survivor horror games, good danganronpa waifus, types really slow lol it's cute

1 more pwease
over 5 years
give me another 5 :weary:
over 5 years
1. i LOVE u a lot ur prob one of my closest friends on here. our friendship is literally based on us fake arguing pls marry me ty
2. i dont know u that well, but ur friends with benny and u seem pretty nice and cool :)
3. i used to be friends with u but u dont really go on em anymore. i dont really have an opinion on u tbh ur a little odd at times but fun to be around
4. also another one of my bestfriends who I LOVE VERY MUCH. id do anything for u and u always know how to make me laugh. wtf i love Australians now????
5. i played with u a few times and u seem really overwhelming/angry all the time so i steer clear of ur games.
over 5 years
1 pwease
over 5 years
give me 3 to do tomorrow
deletedover 5 years
1. hi i am in love with u u always message me when i am doing poorly or absent. you let me know youre thinking of me and youre so thoughtful... youre honest and vulnerable and i LOVE playing games with you. youre outspoken and passionate. thank you for being my friend <3

2. idk you that well but you are friendly to me in the sandbox discord!!! you seem cool!

3. hi i am in love with u aswell is this even possible??? i am slowly stealing u from ur mans... i am honored that you are vulnerable with me and i know that means a lot as you are not like that with everyone. you are sweet and deserve all the goodness ur putting out in the world. i love your creativity and that you share it with me oh my god i love ur art. thank you for being my friend <3

4. wuss poppin

5. we were friendly in 2016 but i only vaguely remember u so good looks. you seem nice.