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Mod abuse IS real

about 6 years

Never forget, brothers & sisters of EM - we play on an unstable child's personal echo chamber. Please spread this message and ignore any moderator decisions until charley has been overthrown and her sycophants removed from power.

I'm encouraging everyone to play the game how it's meant to be played; push the meta forward, never follow a strategy just because it's enforced, and above all don't make gameplay choices because of how you feel about someone personally. If you get a violation or a ban from our corrupt mod team (and I can't stress enough the word "team" there), ask me how to download & install Tor. It's actually really easy these days, it's not super clunky like how it used to be.

When I'm actually unbanned I'm not going to play any games on this account (the less ammo they have the better), I'm just going to use it for my Carmen For Moderator campaign. Soon we can actually end this, the TRUE reason Epicmafia is dying. It's not Lucid or even the coding problems, it's the selfish, arrogant clique who hate their own community, and are saddled with running it.

about 6 years

Bebop says

ashkenazi IQ

i don't think that's a compliment
about 6 years
i am jealous of corys big tits and ashkenazi IQ
about 6 years

Entil says

Dag says

big brain btw

Fancy seeing you here. Y u no stay in main, you left sandbox ages ago.

this quote chain is already gross

CoCr belongs in hell
deletedabout 6 years

Entil says

Dag says

big brain btw

Fancy seeing you here. Y u no stay in main, you left sandbox ages ago.

cory has this weird friend cult that follows me around to downvote me and occasionally shitpost in reply to me
it's a bit creepy
about 6 years

Dag says

big brain btw

Fancy seeing you here. Y u no stay in main, you left sandbox ages ago.
about 6 years

CorysBackInDaHouse says

''hi welcome to olive garden how may i take your order''

this is actually a really good pic lol, what are you trying to prove here
about 6 years
big brain btw
about 6 years

CorysBackInDaHouse says

''hi welcome to olive garden how may i take your order''

hahahaha celebrating trans solidarity by not taking showers
about 6 years
idk what this is but its been the most active sandbox has been in forever, keep it on
about 6 years
Enjoy being on the wrong side of history Cory.
about 6 years

CorysBackInDaHouse says

Bebop says

mod drama in sandbox lol can someone give me a /quickrundown/ im not reading 12 pages of this

carmen is a tran and will never be a woman so he is calling females corrupt mods because he is a misogynist and promotes violence against women

It would be easy for me to become a misogynist out of some misplaced envy, but that would be like, objectively wrong of me. You're the one who designates the female sex as nothing but a breeding station for men, so I'm pretty sure you're the misogynistic one here.

And yes, you can be a female misogynist, just as you can be a trans transphobe. The latter is why all of these personal attacks don't bother me, like you're not saying much I disagree with lol (except when you go farther than personal attacks and start attacking your own sex, the superior one).
about 6 years
youre just jealous of my big t.its and ashkenazi IQ
deletedabout 6 years
why are females too low iq to put everything they want to say in one post
about 6 years
they're just jealous of my big t.its and ashkenazi IQ
about 6 years
as a woman, i am sick and tired of coming to epicmafia, my safe zone, and continuing to have MEN attack me and my other girlfriends just for being girls.
about 6 years

Bebop says

mod drama in sandbox lol can someone give me a /quickrundown/ im not reading 12 pages of this

carmen is a tran and will never be a woman so he is calling females corrupt mods because he is a misogynist and promotes violence against women
about 6 years
mod drama in sandbox lol can someone give me a /quickrundown/ im not reading 12 pages of this
deletedabout 6 years
i really like that pic actually
thank u for posting it
about 6 years

''hi welcome to olive garden how may i take your order''
deletedabout 6 years
oh no cory did i kick you out of sandbox again
this is so sad :(
how will straight white epic mafia recover?
about 6 years
mods would be better if we got rid of all the women, gays, trans, mods and just keep straight, white, christian men as mods.
about 6 years
hi im a mod and i confirm that i'm corrupt

^can someone screenshot that and write a big dramatic thread in the complaints section named 'UNMOD JM' pls
deletedabout 6 years

jingahegami says


sorry sandbox is better than main now

its funny that there are more view in this than in main!
about 6 years
about 6 years
I'm only rude to people who are deliberately playing antitown. Everyone should be rude to those people.

I'd take someone being REAL and HONEST to me over fake nice any day.