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Mod abuse IS real

about 6 years

Never forget, brothers & sisters of EM - we play on an unstable child's personal echo chamber. Please spread this message and ignore any moderator decisions until charley has been overthrown and her sycophants removed from power.

I'm encouraging everyone to play the game how it's meant to be played; push the meta forward, never follow a strategy just because it's enforced, and above all don't make gameplay choices because of how you feel about someone personally. If you get a violation or a ban from our corrupt mod team (and I can't stress enough the word "team" there), ask me how to download & install Tor. It's actually really easy these days, it's not super clunky like how it used to be.

When I'm actually unbanned I'm not going to play any games on this account (the less ammo they have the better), I'm just going to use it for my Carmen For Moderator campaign. Soon we can actually end this, the TRUE reason Epicmafia is dying. It's not Lucid or even the coding problems, it's the selfish, arrogant clique who hate their own community, and are saddled with running it.

deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Ally says

Ra1nyDay says

Ally says

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.

do you think that carmen should have an 8 vio ban over this or not?

over the trolling vio? yes. not over the CM but even with that oted she would be at 8 (she's presently at 9).

Oh but that's only with the *across all accounts qualifier you guys edited in today :)

If you, Shoopie, or any other mod actually cared for me (or any user) you would've warned me when I was getting close to 8 vios (*across all accounts), because this is a totally new rule to me! Last I checked I had 5 vios then suddenly I'm banned haha. I'm sure most people don't know about that sneaky little qualifier.

its always been the case and its sad that you did not know, as that would probably change your appeals and playing
about 6 years

Carmen says

Shoopie says

If you're going to insult me then I'll just move on to Rainy's violations and problems.

By the lobby's rules, you C/P'ed whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant same with me. By what is written down. It is C/P. Now, if you want to remove the violation and hopefully lift your ban we take steps from here to do that.

I move to OT that violation to a Note for C/P despite it's first being a warning because of ignorance. If another mod wants to disagree with me they can jump in but that's my personal belief on it.

By the lobby's rules, I never CP'd. Did you forget this?

Carmen says

Ally says

missing 2 words and the s in investigations doesn't make it not CM

Oh it doesn't? How many words need to be missing, 3? 4?

How many words need to be similar? 2? 3?

If only there was some kind of written guideline to specify what "C/P mechanics" was! Some kind of list of rules? Because in your current rules, it just gives a vague "typing out your report may also be considered C/P" line. That seems very open to interpretation and bias! It's almost like the rules are intentionally this way so mods can pick and choose who they vio! HMM!

I never CP'd because you have no DEFINITION for what the hell you need to do for it to be considered CP. How close to the original system message does it have to be, to be "you typed out something too similar to the system message" (which is the actual violation, not copy/paste)?

Your "rules" are self-servicing and intentionally obscure. It's time for an update. Love how no one responded to this thread winning post btw.
deletedabout 6 years
i made an announcement and combined it with a one i've wanted to make to remind people to read the rules anyway i hope that suffices
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

Ra1nyDay says

Ally says

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.

do you think that carmen should have an 8 vio ban over this or not?

over the trolling vio? yes. not over the CM but even with that oted she would be at 8 (she's presently at 9).

do you think that its like grudge lynching/trolling to random lynch in jfk?
deletedabout 6 years
it's not the fine text,,, it's literally the rules... i'm sorry that you didn't read them but they're there for a purpose
about 6 years
The point is you sneak it into the fine text, I didn't know about that qualifier and I'm sure tons of other people don't too. That's all intentional, of course.

You want to disprove me? Make an announcement.
deletedabout 6 years
alright miss i was trying to ignore u but i will respond one last time bc ur literally spitting out easily disproved lies

Ally says

i would urge you to follow the report links on these 6+ old month reports and see what accounts the vios were on
about 6 years

Ally says

Ra1nyDay says

Ally says

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.

do you think that carmen should have an 8 vio ban over this or not?

over the trolling vio? yes. not over the CM but even with that oted she would be at 8 (she's presently at 9).

Oh but that's only with the *across all accounts qualifier you guys edited in today :)

If you, Shoopie, or any other mod actually cared for me (or any user) you would've warned me when I was getting close to 8 vios (*across all accounts), because this is a totally new rule to me! Last I checked I had 5 vios then suddenly I'm banned haha. I'm sure most people don't know about that sneaky little qualifier.
about 6 years

Shoopie says

Then you're acting out of bias and not out of concern for the problems.

I moved for a note on a 7+ day old report on a very clean case and was still reprimanded for saying I'm not lenient. It is by the rules C/P and if you're just going to go throwing your hands in the air screaming without trying to find actual solutions then by all means, enjoy sandbox.

I tried. Message me if you wish to try again.

Oh no I'm very much enjoying your (still very dead) main lobby. Like I said earlier:

Carmen says

All they're doing is making the good users (who care enough about the site to play games that aren't SB meme games) use proxies, while driving off everyone who isn't invested enough to do so. They're not actually stopping any legitimate, intentional rulebreaking lmao.

Tor exists honey! I'm acting out of very much concern for the problems, because while I have the patience and determination to use Tor, not all of your victims do. The only way to stop this from happening in the future, and reclaim the activity that this site used to boast, is a total rearrangement of this shamelessly corrupt and juvenile mod team.
about 6 years

Ally says

AxolotlQ says

Ally says

anEndtoAthena says

ally: hey you're an inbred imbecile

carmen: woah dude why don't u back off

ally: wow i'm feeling so attacked right now. what is wrong with you?

if you can be nice to someone when they call you a literal monster, a liar, a hypocrite, evil, and an abuser (all of which i was called prior to what you're quoting of mine, and before i insulted her in any capacity) then cool you're nicer than i am but i'm not going to be insulted repeatedly and not insult someone back

Carmen isn't a mod, and thus isn't expected to conduct herself in a certain fashion. You, however, are a mod, and thus should be impartial and able to separate your feelings from the job. You have not done that.

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.

Do you not see how you do not come off in any way impartial?
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Ra1nyDay says

Carmen says

And Shoopie, I never asked for your help. I asked for charley and ally to step down and I'm still waiting on that.

you will not get any where with that. i think that you need to argue individual reports first

Lol are you crazy? None of my vios has an iota of a chance of getting changed, I knew that from the start. I wasn't out to get my vios changed, I'm out to change the system.

if the game is available, uproar could maybe do it, especially when you did not appeal in 7 days. fight on the basis of the reports and not that they are harassing you i think and just attacking them
deletedabout 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

Ally says

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.

do you think that carmen should have an 8 vio ban over this or not?

over the trolling vio? yes. not over the CM but even with that oted she would be at 8 (she's presently at 9).
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.

do you think that carmen should have an 8 vio ban over this or not? do you think that any of the vios were wrong if not yours?
about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

Carmen says

And Shoopie, I never asked for your help. I asked for charley and ally to step down and I'm still waiting on that.

you will not get any where with that. i think that you need to argue individual reports first

Lol are you crazy? None of my vios has an iota of a chance of getting changed, I knew that from the start. I wasn't out to get my vios changed, I'm out to change the system.
about 6 years
Then you're acting out of bias and not out of concern for the problems.

I moved for a note on a 7+ day old report on a very clean case and was still reprimanded for saying I'm not lenient. It is by the rules C/P and if you're just going to go throwing your hands in the air screaming without trying to find actual solutions then by all means, enjoy sandbox.

I tried. Message me if you wish to try again.
deletedabout 6 years
being a mod generally means you're supposed to stop sh*tfests, not drop your pants and squat
deletedabout 6 years

AxolotlQ says

Ally says

anEndtoAthena says

ally: hey you're an inbred imbecile

carmen: woah dude why don't u back off

ally: wow i'm feeling so attacked right now. what is wrong with you?

if you can be nice to someone when they call you a literal monster, a liar, a hypocrite, evil, and an abuser (all of which i was called prior to what you're quoting of mine, and before i insulted her in any capacity) then cool you're nicer than i am but i'm not going to be insulted repeatedly and not insult someone back

Carmen isn't a mod, and thus isn't expected to conduct herself in a certain fashion. You, however, are a mod, and thus should be impartial and able to separate your feelings from the job. You have not done that.

i was impartial when i gave the vio. i'm still impartial when it comes to whether or not she's banned. being a moderator does not mean i am required to accept personal attacks and not fight back.
about 6 years

Ally says

anEndtoAthena says

ally: hey you're an inbred imbecile

carmen: woah dude why don't u back off

ally: wow i'm feeling so attacked right now. what is wrong with you?

if you can be nice to someone when they call you a literal monster, a liar, a hypocrite, evil, and an abuser (all of which i was called prior to what you're quoting of mine, and before i insulted her in any capacity) then cool you're nicer than i am but i'm not going to be insulted repeatedly and not insult someone back

But you ARE all of those things. Maybe when you're tired of people calling you a bad person, the solution isn't to rapidfire insults, but...not be a bad person?
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

And Shoopie, I never asked for your help. I asked for charley and ally to step down and I'm still waiting on that.

you will not get any where with that. i think that you need to argue individual reports first
about 6 years

Ally says

anEndtoAthena says

ally: hey you're an inbred imbecile

carmen: woah dude why don't u back off

ally: wow i'm feeling so attacked right now. what is wrong with you?

if you can be nice to someone when they call you a literal monster, a liar, a hypocrite, evil, and an abuser (all of which i was called prior to what you're quoting of mine, and before i insulted her in any capacity) then cool you're nicer than i am but i'm not going to be insulted repeatedly and not insult someone back

Carmen isn't a mod, and thus isn't expected to conduct herself in a certain fashion. You, however, are a mod, and thus should be impartial and able to separate your feelings from the job. You have not done that.
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

carmen i'm trying to be nice to you and help you

about 6 years
And Shoopie, I never asked for your help. I asked for charley and ally to step down and I'm still waiting on that.
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Ra1nyDay says

ally i think that you should try to be kind here and give carmen some benefit of doubt. some of the reports were bs, like lynching randomely in the president set up...

Oh that was one of the worst lol. It's JFK right, the first bw is random. I vote someone who I don't like (cause I don't want bw on me anyway), and it's trolling? How many times have I gotten chose to be the first lynch in JFK because I'm disliked lol? You don't see me reporting people over it.

yeah i could not read the game, but it sounds terrible from the description. like if you did it 5games in a row maybe but for 1 game?
about 6 years

Shoopie says

If you're going to insult me then I'll just move on to Rainy's violations and problems.

By the lobby's rules, you C/P'ed whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant same with me. By what is written down. It is C/P. Now, if you want to remove the violation and hopefully lift your ban we take steps from here to do that.

I move to OT that violation to a Note for C/P despite it's first being a warning because of ignorance. If another mod wants to disagree with me they can jump in but that's my personal belief on it.

By the lobby's rules, I never CP'd. Did you forget this?

Carmen says

Ally says

missing 2 words and the s in investigations doesn't make it not CM

Oh it doesn't? How many words need to be missing, 3? 4?

How many words need to be similar? 2? 3?

If only there was some kind of written guideline to specify what "C/P mechanics" was! Some kind of list of rules? Because in your current rules, it just gives a vague "typing out your report may also be considered C/P" line. That seems very open to interpretation and bias! It's almost like the rules are intentionally this way so mods can pick and choose who they vio! HMM!

I never CP'd because you have no DEFINITION for what the hell you need to do for it to be considered CP. How close to the original system message does it have to be, to be "you typed out something too similar to the system message" (which is the actual violation, not copy/paste)?
deletedabout 6 years

anEndtoAthena says

ally: hey you're an inbred imbecile

carmen: woah dude why don't u back off

ally: wow i'm feeling so attacked right now. what is wrong with you?

if you can be nice to someone when they call you a literal monster, a liar, a hypocrite, evil, and an abuser (all of which i was called prior to what you're quoting of mine, and before i insulted her in any capacity) then cool you're nicer than i am but i'm not going to be insulted repeatedly and not insult someone back