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Mod abuse IS real

about 6 years

Never forget, brothers & sisters of EM - we play on an unstable child's personal echo chamber. Please spread this message and ignore any moderator decisions until charley has been overthrown and her sycophants removed from power.

I'm encouraging everyone to play the game how it's meant to be played; push the meta forward, never follow a strategy just because it's enforced, and above all don't make gameplay choices because of how you feel about someone personally. If you get a violation or a ban from our corrupt mod team (and I can't stress enough the word "team" there), ask me how to download & install Tor. It's actually really easy these days, it's not super clunky like how it used to be.

When I'm actually unbanned I'm not going to play any games on this account (the less ammo they have the better), I'm just going to use it for my Carmen For Moderator campaign. Soon we can actually end this, the TRUE reason Epicmafia is dying. It's not Lucid or even the coding problems, it's the selfish, arrogant clique who hate their own community, and are saddled with running it.

about 6 years

Ally says

missing 2 words and the s in investigations doesn't make it not CM

Oh it doesn't? How many words need to be missing, 3? 4?

How many words need to be similar? 2? 3?

If only there was some kind of written guideline to specify what "C/P mechanics" was! Some kind of list of rules? Because in your current rules, it just gives a vague "typing out your report may also be considered C/P" line. That seems very open to interpretation and bias! It's almost like the rules are intentionally this way so mods can pick and choose who they vio! HMM!
about 6 years
What a petty thing to be reported for tbh

no wonder this site is dying, how are new people going to navigate this
deletedabout 6 years
i can also talk to magician about it and see if he'd be willing to ot it to a note but you would still have 8 vios
about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

shoopie main is entirely dead. you guys all in general just need to be less harsh period to try to keep people there before it dies completely. people should be inno until proven guilty and they should like always just get a note first tbh. if they keep doing it, then you can vio. most people will stop with a note. the vios just scare off people

I agree that leniency is needed especially with new users and I wrote as much earlier when I noted that I believe the C/P vio on Hazell should have been a note to begin with because they seemed new and the team wasn't aware that it was Carmen yet but that is to the mods discretion.

I actually urge you to read it Rainy.

If you were in a game, and Carmen was not your friend or comrade in any way and you saw a user do this what would you say/do? Or better, do you believe that this could be a violation? Be 100% honest.
about 6 years

Carmen says

Shoopie says

<"Faking, typing out or asking another user for any of the aforementioned articles may also result in a violation.">

This is C/P based off definition of the rule. If typing out the mechanic was allowed everyone would be doing it.

Where did I fuc­king fake a thing???

Seriously what the actual fuc­k, I thought you were supposed to be the reasonable one? Like you're not allowed to say "sided with" or "after investigation" now? Wow, we need to go back and make an announcement about this or SOME fuc­king , because this is ludicrous and people say "sided with" all the fuc­king time!!!

Seriously I am livid, how many little bullshi­t distinctions do you guys have tucked away in the rules that are NEVER used except when I get a fuc­king report?? You're going to let literal fuc­king trolls dominate main lobby while people like ME get banned over NOTHING

real nice site I can't wait for the goddamn mirror

I'm trying to find an angle to help you. The one you're choosing isn't going to work. I am also trying to be reasonable here. If you want to claim ignorance then appeal that report and say you weren't aware of the rule and wasn't made aware until after the 7day mark and see what happens. I just don't believe it's going to work.
deletedabout 6 years
missing 2 words and the s in investigations doesn't make it not CM
about 6 years

Ally says

you can say "i investigated x they're mafia" you can't literally recite the system message which is what she did

I didn't recite the system message AT ALL. Are you dumb and blind? I didn't even say "investigatons", you genius! Maybe go back to being a regular user?
about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

Carmen says

Ra1nyDay says

shoopie main is entirely dead. you guys all in general just need to be less harsh period to try to keep people there before it dies completely. people should be inno until proven guilty and they should like always just get a note first tbh. if they keep doing it, then you can vio. most people will stop with a note. the vios just scare off people

All they're doing is making the good users (who care enough about the site to play games that aren't SB meme games) use proxies, while driving off everyone who isn't invested enough to do so. They're not actually stopping any legitimate, intentional rulebreaking lmao.

yeah that was the point of what i was saying. they only scare us good people off. there were many very good people banned lately or scared off. they need to stop this. i also think the "bad" people would reform if they were not abused in reports

Legitimate toxic users like Cher and Cory are allowed in main, while people who play to win like me and you are banned. That's all that needs to be said lol.

It's not about being a quality user to these tyrants, it's about being able to know how to navigate their jungle gym of rules and fine print distinctions.
deletedabout 6 years
you can say "i investigated x they're mafia" you can't literally recite the system message which is what she did
deletedabout 6 years
ok seriously that's just retartet

so are you not allowed to say investigations when outing your cop report
do you have to make sure not to use any of the words included in your report
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Ally says

Carmen says

yeah thats not C/P, I'm typing what my report said

Rules says

typing out ... may also result in a violation.

Okay, so if I say "ally mafia" that's C/P mechanics because my report contained the words "ally" and "mafia", right?

Do you know how dumb you sound? You're supposed to be our moderator? Just lol

you literally typed out almost the entire report

personally i would've noted it but again you really should've appealed it at the time, like you can't just not appeal things and then appeal them all at once when you get 8vio banned that's not how it works
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Ra1nyDay says

shoopie main is entirely dead. you guys all in general just need to be less harsh period to try to keep people there before it dies completely. people should be inno until proven guilty and they should like always just get a note first tbh. if they keep doing it, then you can vio. most people will stop with a note. the vios just scare off people

All they're doing is making the good users (who care enough about the site to play games that aren't SB meme games) use proxies, while driving off everyone who isn't invested enough to do so. They're not actually stopping any legitimate, intentional rulebreaking lmao.

yeah that was the point of what i was saying. they only scare us good people off. there were many very good people banned lately or scared off. they need to stop this. i also think the "bad" people would reform if they were not abused in reports
about 6 years

Ally says

Carmen says

yeah thats not C/P, I'm typing what my report said

Rules says

typing out ... may also result in a violation.

Okay, so if I say "ally mafia" that's C/P mechanics because my report contained the words "ally" and "mafia", right?

Do you know how dumb you sound? You're supposed to be our moderator? Just lol
deletedabout 6 years
you cant really trust anyone. there are very few good friends here. i wish people would be less superficial though and doing this bs. life is too short and you should be honest to people and make true friends
about 6 years

Ally says

you definitely don't

even the majority of people that i would consider friends on here barely actually know me on a level enough to talk like that about me

Oh I definitely do, your type is a dime a dozen. Keep acting all nice though I'm sure you can convince some more suckers lol!
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

yeah thats not C/P, I'm typing what my report said

Rules says

typing out ... may also result in a violation.

about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

shoopie main is entirely dead. you guys all in general just need to be less harsh period to try to keep people there before it dies completely. people should be inno until proven guilty and they should like always just get a note first tbh. if they keep doing it, then you can vio. most people will stop with a note. the vios just scare off people

All they're doing is making the good users (who care enough about the site to play games that aren't SB meme games) use proxies, while driving off everyone who isn't invested enough to do so. They're not actually stopping any legitimate, intentional rulebreaking lmao.
deletedabout 6 years
you definitely don't

even the majority of people that i would consider friends on here barely actually know me on a level enough to talk like that about me
about 6 years

Sarasota says

Carmen says

I'll just post this here

There's no misunderstanding; she's a maniac. If you fall for her nicey nice routine that's on you.

you don’t even know me

yes I fuc­king do, you haven't the FAINTEST idea honey
deletedabout 6 years
shoopie main is entirely dead. you guys all in general just need to be less harsh period to try to keep people there before it dies completely. people should be inno until proven guilty and they should like always just get a note first tbh. if they keep doing it, then you can vio. most people will stop with a note. the vios just scare off people
about 6 years
Imagine actually sharing reports on games instead of just typing :quincy: every minute, the report was deserved.
about 6 years

Shoopie says

<"Faking, typing out or asking another user for any of the aforementioned articles may also result in a violation.">

This is C/P based off definition of the rule. If typing out the mechanic was allowed everyone would be doing it.

Where did I fuc­king fake a thing???

Seriously what the actual fuc­k, I thought you were supposed to be the reasonable one? Like you're not allowed to say "sided with" or "after investigation" now? Wow, we need to go back and make an announcement about this or SOME fuc­king , because this is ludicrous and people say "sided with" all the fuc­king time!!!

Seriously I am livid, how many little bullshi­t distinctions do you guys have tucked away in the rules that are NEVER used except when I get a fuc­king report?? You're going to let literal fuc­king trolls dominate main lobby while people like ME get banned over NOTHING

real nice site I can't wait for the goddamn mirror
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

I'll just post this here

There's no misunderstanding; she's a maniac. If you fall for her nicey nice routine that's on you.

you don’t even know me
deletedabout 6 years

Shwartz99 says

Ally why don't you come play in sandbox again? We had so much fun back in the day ;_;

i do sometimes !!
about 6 years
<"Faking, typing out or asking another user for any of the aforementioned articles may also result in a violation.">

This is C/P based off definition of the rule. If typing out the mechanic was allowed everyone would be doing it.