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Mod abuse IS real

about 6 years

Never forget, brothers & sisters of EM - we play on an unstable child's personal echo chamber. Please spread this message and ignore any moderator decisions until charley has been overthrown and her sycophants removed from power.

I'm encouraging everyone to play the game how it's meant to be played; push the meta forward, never follow a strategy just because it's enforced, and above all don't make gameplay choices because of how you feel about someone personally. If you get a violation or a ban from our corrupt mod team (and I can't stress enough the word "team" there), ask me how to download & install Tor. It's actually really easy these days, it's not super clunky like how it used to be.

When I'm actually unbanned I'm not going to play any games on this account (the less ammo they have the better), I'm just going to use it for my Carmen For Moderator campaign. Soon we can actually end this, the TRUE reason Epicmafia is dying. It's not Lucid or even the coding problems, it's the selfish, arrogant clique who hate their own community, and are saddled with running it.

about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

ally i think that you should try to be kind here and give carmen some benefit of doubt. some of the reports were bs, like lynching randomely in the president set up...

Oh that was one of the worst lol. It's JFK right, the first bw is random. I vote someone who I don't like (cause I don't want bw on me anyway), and it's trolling? How many times have I gotten chose to be the first lynch in JFK because I'm disliked lol? You don't see me reporting people over it.
deletedabout 6 years
ally and shoopie you both do not want to feel attacked, like most mods. why not just give people more benefit here and vio less. your job is to stop these people that like throw and stuff, not the average clean player. people have too many vios and hate the mods for this. you guys in turn feel attack back. its better for all of us if you just vio with more leniency
about 6 years
If you're going to insult me then I'll just move on to Rainy's violations and problems.

By the lobby's rules, you C/P'ed whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant same with me. By what is written down. It is C/P. Now, if you want to remove the violation and hopefully lift your ban we take steps from here to do that.

I move to OT that violation to a Note for C/P despite it's first being a warning because of ignorance. If another mod wants to disagree with me they can jump in but that's my personal belief on it.
deletedabout 6 years
ally: hey you're an inbred imbecile

carmen: woah dude why don't u back off

ally: wow i'm feeling so attacked right now. what is wrong with you?
deletedabout 6 years
ally i think that you should try to be kind here and give carmen some benefit of doubt. some of the reports were bs, like lynching randomely in the president set up...
about 6 years

Shoopie says

As far as Carmen goes, try to appeal it and claim ignorance. With this forum maybe you could get a note. Even if its over the 7 day mark as you weren't made aware of the specifics until today.

I don't think you'd C/P again after all this either way.

I have never ever C/Pd, how could I do it again when I've never done it to begin with? That vio is ridiculous and you know it or you're as bad as ally.

Shoopie says

\Sure but you were dumbtelling with the C/P and you had posted on mainlobby wall before that they you were new and I was in a game with you on an alt before this report where you told us you were new and a new user wouldnt know to fake a report as mafia.

So I'm not allowed to dumbtell? A new user can fake a report as mafia, what the fuc­k? You only need to be cop ONCE to know how to fake a report. What even is this logic lmao
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

anEndtoAthena says

honestly i'm just trying to put as little effort into modding as possible and i'm feeling so attacked right now

holy crap post of the thread

personally i thought 'holy post of the thread' was better

Shoopie says

Please guys I didn't want personal attacks because then this gets hard to read and I'm just trying to find solutions here.

yeah uh personal attacks are 100% okay considering this thread started with a mod calling carmen an idiot multiple times and insinuating that she's inbred
about 6 years
fuc­k ally

I say this with no regrets please screenshot this and use it against me later
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

i was nice to her long before this and she proceeded to attack me over reports and in pms, i'm not going to be nice to someone that refuses to listen to anything that i say when i'm trying to discuss it with them

this is the problem. you can personalize things that are said about reports. we dont attack you, but the decision. if you start feeling like a person attacks you, you should just avoid the reports of that person...

when the report is fixed, all of you should just move on...

i know that this is easier said than done though
about 6 years

Carmen says

Shoopie says

Let's test it and see how many users agree that it isn't C/P?

I'll volunteer as tribute.

If I'm wrong here I'll conceed but I don't think you guys are really putting yourself in a game where you're on the opposite end of that kind of play.

mafia can say the word "investigation" just as easily as town

this isn't some unfair advantage or me using the system message to win, it's literally me stating my report in a convincing way

Sure but you were dumbtelling with the C/P and you had posted on mainlobby wall before that they you were new and I was in a game with you on an alt before this report where you told us you were new and a new user wouldnt know to fake a report as mafia.
about 6 years

Ally says

carmen i'm trying to be nice to you

Ally says

i'm not going to be nice to someone that refuses to listen to anything that i say when i'm trying to discuss it with them

about 6 years

Ally says

Carmen says

Ally says

carmen i'm trying to be nice to you and help you and so is shoopie and all you're doing is sh/tting all over both us and mods in general like i'm really not sure what you expect here

LOL, I'm shi­tting on a landfill, how much worse can you really make it? Just read Rainy or Axo's comments here. I'd tell you to open your fuc­king eyes, but that would imply you're ignorant here, and you're not - you know EXACTLY what you're doing.

you are a hateful human being that thinks you can pass judgement on me as an individual just because i gave you an epicmafia dot com vio and that speaks more about your character than it does about mine. if another mod wants to go out of their way to help you they can feel free but you're not worth my time anymore.

HAHA are you really going with the angle that you've tried to "help" me in this thread. Oh my god I am literally speechless. omfg
about 6 years

Shoopie says

Let's test it and see how many users agree that it isn't C/P?

I'll volunteer as tribute.

If I'm wrong here I'll conceed but I don't think you guys are really putting yourself in a game where you're on the opposite end of that kind of play.

mafia can say the word "investigation" just as easily as town

this isn't some unfair advantage or me using the system message to win, it's literally me stating my report in a convincing way
about 6 years
Please guys I didn't want personal attacks because then this gets hard to read and I'm just trying to find solutions here.
about 6 years
As far as Carmen goes, try to appeal it and claim ignorance. With this forum maybe you could get a note. Even if its over the 7 day mark as you weren't made aware of the specifics until today.

I don't think you'd C/P again after all this either way.
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Ally says

carmen i'm trying to be nice to you and help you and so is shoopie and all you're doing is sh/tting all over both us and mods in general like i'm really not sure what you expect here

LOL, I'm shi­tting on a landfill, how much worse can you really make it? Just read Rainy or Axo's comments here. I'd tell you to open your fuc­king eyes, but that would imply you're ignorant here, and you're not - you know EXACTLY what you're doing.

you are a hateful human being that thinks you can pass judgement on me as an individual just because i gave you an epicmafia dot com vio and that speaks more about your character than it does about mine. if another mod wants to go out of their way to help you they can feel free but you're not worth my time anymore.
about 6 years

anEndtoAthena says

honestly i'm just trying to put as little effort into modding as possible and i'm feeling so attacked right now

holy crap post of the thread
about 6 years

Ally says

i was nice to her long before this and she proceeded to attack me over reports and in pms, i'm not going to be nice to someone that refuses to listen to anything that i say when i'm trying to discuss it with them

Keep up your routine, but it's getting boring now. No one is falling for your snake smile.
deletedabout 6 years
honestly i'm just trying to put as little effort into modding as possible and i'm feeling so attacked right now
about 6 years
Let's test it and see how many users agree that it isn't C/P?

I'll volunteer as tribute.

If I'm wrong here I'll conceed but I don't think you guys are really putting yourself in a game where you're on the opposite end of that kind of play.
deletedabout 6 years
i was nice to her long before this and she proceeded to attack me over reports and in pms, i'm not going to be nice to someone that refuses to listen to anything that i say when i'm trying to discuss it with them
about 6 years

Ally says

carmen i'm trying to be nice to you and help you and so is shoopie and all you're doing is sh/tting all over both us and mods in general like i'm really not sure what you expect here

LOL, I'm shi­tting on a landfill, how much worse can you really make it? Just read Rainy or Axo's comments here. I'd tell you to open your fuc­king eyes, but that would imply you're ignorant here, and you're not - you know EXACTLY what you're doing.
about 6 years

Ally says

it's literally always been across all of your accounts? are you dumb? why do you think we ban all of your accounts when you get banned?

Ally says

you should have a chat with your parents i think they may be siblings

Ally says

if you get gt 1st on one account and then toss on another account it's gt 2nd this isn't made up and you're just showing how literally moronic you are

all on page one. how is this helpful or nice behavior
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

you can say "i investigated x they're mafia" you can't literally recite the system message which is what she did

if she was reciting the system message she would have said 'After investigations, you suspect that is sided with the mafia'
anybody who has played cop more than three times can recite that from memory

Ally says

missing 2 words and the s in investigations doesn't make it not CM

it's three words, dumbass
i originally thought of this as a meme thread but carmen's right, you're an idiot jfc
deletedabout 6 years
carmen i'm trying to be nice to you and help you and so is shoopie and all you're doing is sh/tting all over both us and mods in general like i'm really not sure what you expect here