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Mod abuse IS real

about 6 years

Never forget, brothers & sisters of EM - we play on an unstable child's personal echo chamber. Please spread this message and ignore any moderator decisions until charley has been overthrown and her sycophants removed from power.

I'm encouraging everyone to play the game how it's meant to be played; push the meta forward, never follow a strategy just because it's enforced, and above all don't make gameplay choices because of how you feel about someone personally. If you get a violation or a ban from our corrupt mod team (and I can't stress enough the word "team" there), ask me how to download & install Tor. It's actually really easy these days, it's not super clunky like how it used to be.

When I'm actually unbanned I'm not going to play any games on this account (the less ammo they have the better), I'm just going to use it for my Carmen For Moderator campaign. Soon we can actually end this, the TRUE reason Epicmafia is dying. It's not Lucid or even the coding problems, it's the selfish, arrogant clique who hate their own community, and are saddled with running it.

about 6 years
because of what rydia said on that thread in main

something like she doesn't know charley but she knows that ally is one of the nicest people or w/e

ally does this charade a lot, it's so messed up that she acts a certain way just to get people on her side, then turns around and is a monster when it comes to actual mod decisions that matter
deletedabout 6 years
why are you PMing rydia
she's extremely annoying
about 6 years
I'll just post this here

There's no misunderstanding; she's a maniac. If you fall for her nicey nice routine that's on you.
about 6 years
Also why don't we all just get along with each other like I'm sure there's some misunderstanding here

Ally is one of the nicest users on this site and I kinda know Carmen who seems ok too so I don't think there is any real issue of someone getting screwed over; it's just a misunderstanding.
about 6 years
yeah she took away main lobby from me, may as well keep going down the line!
about 6 years
Ally why don't you come play in sandbox again? We had so much fun back in the day ;_;
about 6 years
Yeah it's clear they should've picked someone with a lot more experience and none of your personal bias.

It's not "when you're aware of it" it's "when you care enough to check", and you only care when it's against someone you dislike.
deletedabout 6 years
it's not "when we feel like it" it's "when we're aware of it", mods don't actually have alt check we have to request them from nathan so we don't alt check absolutely everyone ever, i also wasn't a mod when you were 8 vioed the first time so i can't really speak on that
about 6 years
Guess I'm just not in the in-crowd, shocker!

No you didn't.

And if you knew how come no warning that it's across all accounts and not just one? News to me lol, the first time I was banned it was because I had 8 vios on my main, and Britta had like 2 vios then. I should've been banned when I had 6 vios on my main. Very inconsistent and it's almost like you have these little niche rules that are only applied when you feel like it. If you were knowingly inconsistent, you should have made these little fine print rules much clearer to me and everyone else.

You can either plea malicious or incompetent and either way we need a change.
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Never heard of the first user

how have u not heard of essa

Carmen says

The last vio I got was a clear case of you going out of your way to give me the one vio that would get me a ban, and yet you can't even defend it.

i already explained why i gave it

Carmen says

You only made it trolling to get me the fourth trolling vio I needed for a ban. The fact that you looked over all my accounts and they happened to have more than 8 vios collectively was an afterthought.

that's not true, i was torn btwn gt and trolling so i asked mod chat and was recommended trolling, + i already knew you were approaching 8 vios bc brittap3rry was a known alt
about 6 years
Never heard of the first user, as for matt? Big deal, he's one person and that's a very isolated occurrence. Not to mention that it wasn't even charley who gave the ban, and that she's made plenty of self-serving, malicious decisions since then. Seriously, you can't even justify a single one of my trolling vios, not to mention the last one. The last vio I got was a clear case of you going out of your way to give me the one vio that would get me a ban, and yet you can't even defend it. You say you asked the mod chat, which is nice, but you can't defend how me "refusing to play" would be anything but GT. You only made it trolling to get me the fourth trolling vio I needed for a ban. The fact that you looked over all my accounts and they happened to have more than 8 vios collectively was an afterthought. My main only had 6, and I got a ban for "4th trolling vio", NOT for "8 collective vios".
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
and now that im more awake here's a couple reputable users that are "friends with mods" that have gotten 8 vio banned this year: i cba to find more but matt is charley's best friend so like,,,, idk what to tell u if u think we dont give 8 vio bans to everyone that we're aware has 8 vios
deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

it's pretty obvious that they're not going to listen to anything we have to say or the many legitimate criticisms they've gotten over the years

some of us attempt to but it's not our fault if you throw a tantrum over the answer you're given
about 6 years

Volta says

Throwback when em user jingahegami mod abused me on games lobby

i beat her dont worry
about 6 years
Last time I was around and this came up, the moderator/owner at the time (Bebop) claimed that a democratic vote would never work for picking moderators/owners, and a bunch of people agreed with him. I don't remember the reasoning, other than that I disagreed with it. But you're not going to have any luck with that idea, sadly. It requires moderators to be willing to give up their position.
about 6 years
Lol, funny post - but in reality it would be a lot simpler than that: if the majority of the userbase finds issue with the current moderation, you change it. I'm sure we could easily arrange a poll or voting system. A bit more urgent than our favorite Canadian foods, I'm sure.
about 6 years
yeah i was thinking that if site administration ever needed, there would be a need for what i would call "moderator moderators," which would be moderators would would moderator the moderators that moderate the users. of course we can't totally trust the moderator moderators so would would need moderator moderator moderators. and since that's just a problem waiting to happen, we would also need moderator moderator moderator moderators. and since we know how power hungry EM users can get, we should also add moderator moderator moderator moderator moderators. and since we can't count on them to be perfect, i would also suggest moderator moderator moderator moderator moderator moderators. and since admins like lucid can't be expected to micromanage everyone, we would probably need moderator moderator moderator moderator moderator moderator moderators. then of course we would need some people to oversee the entire operation, which would probably be the moderator moderator moderator moderator moderator moderator moderator moderators.
about 6 years
Oh I gotcha. I would agree with that, but honestly I think they have a very high opinion of their position and see it as an entitlement and not in service to the community they're supposed to be representing. They act like a literal clique/club which is why I describe it like that; it's pretty obvious that they're not going to listen to anything we have to say or the many legitimate criticisms they've gotten over the years. At this point the most mature, responsible decision charley could make would be stepping down. Either that or just changing her entire attitude about her moderation, which is far less likely.
about 6 years
I wasn't trying tot imply you weren't right - moreso saying from their perspective, they think they're right, and thus should act with a little decorum while representing the mod team.
about 6 years
I appreciate the sentiment, but they definitely weren't in the right. I should be more respectful if anything, especially when I refer to the "mod team". The bad clique doesn't necessarily include good mods like Shoopie and, to an extent, BSM/Sausage.
about 6 years
It seems to me like a moderator should be a little more respectful than what went on in here - even if they're in the right. Nay, especially if they feel they're in the right.
deletedabout 6 years
hello, i'm BPD and i doxxed my ex girlfriend about a week ago
about 6 years
Side note: I feel bad about the BPD remark in the OP, that was very ableist and fucĀ­ked up in hindsight. I'm not perfect and I can admit when I do bad things. I wanted to hurt charley the way she hurt me but can see that I went too far and brought in something that she can't control and isn't part of why she's bad.
about 6 years
aw that's lame

only thing that separates main from any other lobby is literally just the playercount

we just need to advertise and make it big and make it awesome