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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

i'm not gonna read all of this but i want to get in on the fun

charley asked me if she was right to give this a vio and i said hell yeah! so blow me

I didn't grudge but now I'm going to start and I'm going to be silent about it so you can't vio me like this again.

Just to be a jerk because you guys are being jerks to me for vioing me like without taking into consideration my game history
about 6 years

MisterPresident says

Ok hotwhipzx if I did not accurately outline your plan then what is your plan

My plan is simple, inform the public users of EM that this site runs because we visit it. I want to effectively unionize this site so that we can demand certain features be added to the site for the benefit of all.
about 6 years
i'm not gonna read all of this but i want to get in on the fun

charley asked me if she was right to give this a vio and i said hell yeah! so blow me
about 6 years
I will answer this tomorrow I am off the clock rn
about 6 years
Ok hotwhipzx if I did not accurately outline your plan then what is your plan
deletedabout 6 years
thank u i forgive u
about 6 years
Ally I do owe you an apology though I’m sorry. Charley you get no apology you can still smd
about 6 years
Lol Mister President smd from the back, the comment about the yugioh card was genuinly funny but I don’t change it because I’m a super sentimental guy. Which is probably why i’m so gung ho about getting Lucid back involved with the game. like this wasn’t going on when he would log in
about 6 years
Why stop at one day? How about you strike for another ten years, we'd all be right behind you hotwhipx, I promise...
deletedabout 6 years

mssbooklover says

I don’t know Charley but Ally is actually so nice if you get to know her!! I can’t imagine her ever bullying anyone.

thank u queen
about 6 years
I don’t know Charley but Ally is actually so nice if you get to know her!! I can’t imagine her ever bullying anyone.
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

I mean i honestly wouldn’t know I don’t have kids or anything about raising them. at what age are you supposed to not breastfeed anymore?

well you certainly don't still do it when they have teeth..
about 6 years
I mean what do you expect from a guy whose avatar has been an uncropped Yugioh card for 9 years.
about 6 years
The only other things you could do would be borderline illegal, like things to actually antagonize those people and their reputations

Which they can sue you for, btw
about 6 years
Even if he were to leave out every single specific detail, it would come down to:

"Hello, I am John Smith. Your employee, Phillip Wang, runs a flash Mafia website where users can play games together. I have had bad experiences with this game, and I think he is not a great leader. This might reflect his work ethic in his job. Can you help me contact him? I want to know his plan to deal with the horrible authority figures he left in charge. Thanks!"

Now in what world would something like that become a problem for lucid or his boss?
deletedabout 6 years
I'm confused why you think it's appropriate to call Lucid or his boss over a personal issue on a website that (afaik) he doesn't take care of anymore. Like... borderline psychotic.
about 6 years
fûck lol
deletedabout 6 years
next time jeff and i cc each other and he wins i'm calling his boss
about 6 years
Pretty sure Phil’s boss makes a single call to authorities stating you threatening to harass him and you face a lawsuit so go ahead dude lmao
about 6 years
Backpedal more pûssy

Scared aśs bîtch.

Talks a lot of shît but won’t do a thing.

You’re weak.

Calling lucids boss “Hi so I was journalist, it’s an online gaming role yeah and so ummm I guiltied someone I didn’t like and I got a violation online and your employee PHIL runs this site and he won’t punish this woman named Charley for giving me the violation I’m gonna make your life hell now until you make PHIL rectify this thank you.”

deletedabout 6 years
ok then i'd love to be the boss that has to deal with someone trying to be a badass and "make trouble" over an epicmafia hissyfit
about 6 years
I never said I would call Lucids boss, I said I would make it a problem for Lucid’s boss as well. This could include a phone call sure but thats not really what i was thinking, as the jokes in this thread suggest that would do nothing.

I don’t even want it to go that far but thats my alternative if Lucid ignores what I say like Charley says he will
about 6 years
I mean i honestly wouldn’t know I don’t have kids or anything about raising them. at what age are you supposed to not breastfeed anymore?
deletedabout 6 years
i would love to be the boss that someone called because they were mad over epicmafia
about 6 years
Ok bïtch boy make the call then let’s go let’s see it