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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

about 6 years
You winning the game has nothing at all to do with what you did. How can you not see this?

1. You lied about your report as a PR to get me shot/ lynched
2. You had no idea who the real cop was, especially because my cc guiltied me after I claimed
3. You admitted to it day 2
4. Faking a report and not retracting it on MYLO is not playing to your win condition

The only reason you did any of this was because you don't like me, which you literally admitted to day 2. Why are you still whining over this like a child. Move on and be a productive member of the community. No one likes playing with you because you just troll games and are mean to people. That is not acceptable behavior in competitive games, where people legitimately want to play for COMPETITION. Not for your petty garbage. Stop making posts on the forums that will never overturn a just decision. If anyone is a bully, it is you, who followed me into multiple games to antagonize me, sent me PMs, and literally grudged me in the game in question. if you want to be treated better, act better when your suspension is up, then maybe people will take you seriously.
about 6 years

Rydia says

this website is scheduled to be dumped into the internet graveyard soon anyway and i've been vio'd more times than I remember so it's not a huge deal

if the mods want to keep thinning the already small amount of people left here who contribute positively to more games than they do negatively then that's their prerogative

They lack the foresight to see the damage they cause and then gaslight the community by making it seem like individual users are just b!tching for no reason, the community doesn't get involved because they see all the moderators gang up on this one person and call them names, belittle them, ignore them, and act like high school bullies.

then something asinine happens to them and they realize, "hey, these mods do suck, they are pretty corrupt, those guys were onto something"

but by then its ALWAYS too late because the guys that were fighting always give up.

Not me, i'm not giving up .

I'll keep posting, I won't give up. I will make change on this website one way or another because I fukcing love this game

Even if I have to come back tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day...
about 6 years
it's more than likely i'll be here claiming cop as hooker when the site finally downs for good and we can all be free of this skinner box nightmare and fly away
about 6 years

charley says

hotwhipzx says

Rydia says

most of the time i don't care that much about mods doing silly sh!t because i can imagine it's pretty hard keeping everyone happy in that position and I usually deserve the vios i get when i get them so for the most part they have my sympathy and if one annoys me i generally forget about it as soon as I switch tabs

but yeah there's something unfair going on here

My sentiment exactly, I normally don't mind the vio because I can see and understand why the mod gave it to me even if I don't agree with it.

This time its just unjust and I'm not getting the benefit of the doubt because of certain mods having grudges against my playing style

every mod agrees on your vio so i guess we all must hate you right?

also never said anyone hates me stop putting childish words in my mouth. You all have an issue with my play style and that's a FACT. you don't believe that I went through with the lynch because he was scum and think I'm some guy that's just going to throw games because of my dislike for someone.

You treat users like they're children anytime they complain and you want to brush them off, lock their posts, put "tldr" under forum threads and boggle them down with nonsense back and forth between you and the other moderators having high school gossip time.

You all don't act ethically and there are numerous documented cases of moderators purposefully messing with users for no reason other than sh!ts and giggles. Case in point when YOU told BSM to apologize to a user because he was kicking them out of games and using the excuse that he did so because another user joined and he's "not allowed to play with them"

You guys collectively let the community down and this is why you have to deal with the type of problems you deal with. You refuse to make any attempts to establish better goodwill with your users and its going to drive the site to ruin.

But you don't care
about 6 years
this website is scheduled to be dumped into the internet graveyard soon anyway and i've been vio'd more times than I remember so it's not a huge deal

if the mods want to keep thinning the already small amount of people left here who contribute positively to more games than they do negatively then that's their prerogative
deletedabout 6 years
every mod agrees with your vio.
about 6 years

charley says

no ty

And this is why you and your children get disrespected.
about 6 years

charley says

hotwhipzx says

Rydia says

most of the time i don't care that much about mods doing silly sh!t because i can imagine it's pretty hard keeping everyone happy in that position and I usually deserve the vios i get when i get them so for the most part they have my sympathy and if one annoys me i generally forget about it as soon as I switch tabs

but yeah there's something unfair going on here

My sentiment exactly, I normally don't mind the vio because I can see and understand why the mod gave it to me even if I don't agree with it.

This time its just unjust and I'm not getting the benefit of the doubt because of certain mods having grudges against my playing style

every mod agrees on your vio so i guess we all must hate you right?

Every mod doesn't agree with my vio I'm certain the reason its still there is because I raised a big @ss fuss over the forums
deletedabout 6 years
no ty
about 6 years
Charley if you aren't going to contribute to the solution please leave
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Rydia says

most of the time i don't care that much about mods doing silly sh!t because i can imagine it's pretty hard keeping everyone happy in that position and I usually deserve the vios i get when i get them so for the most part they have my sympathy and if one annoys me i generally forget about it as soon as I switch tabs

but yeah there's something unfair going on here

My sentiment exactly, I normally don't mind the vio because I can see and understand why the mod gave it to me even if I don't agree with it.

This time its just unjust and I'm not getting the benefit of the doubt because of certain mods having grudges against my playing style

every mod agrees on your vio so i guess we all must hate you right?
deletedabout 6 years
who even are you?
about 6 years

Rydia says

most of the time i don't care that much about mods doing silly sh!t because i can imagine it's pretty hard keeping everyone happy in that position and I usually deserve the vios i get when i get them so for the most part they have my sympathy and if one annoys me i generally forget about it as soon as I switch tabs

but yeah there's something unfair going on here

My sentiment exactly, I normally don't mind the vio because I can see and understand why the mod gave it to me even if I don't agree with it.

This time its just unjust and I'm not getting the benefit of the doubt because of certain mods having grudges against my playing style
about 6 years
meme abuse vio aside there's some stinkers in your ranks and i suggest hanging the married couple

but it is what it is
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

hotwhipzx says

also, if they aren't real, why is it a feature on the site? None of you know a lick about coding or implementation so I know you all didn't implement it as a "joke"

Mods have a tool for creating vios. It's well known that mod abuse is a joke. Check the description.

Obviously something isn't well known if multiple users are reporting that they do not know about it.

Not trying to get in the argument just saying
about 6 years
most of the time i don't care that much about mods doing silly sh!t because i can imagine it's pretty hard keeping everyone happy in that position and I usually deserve the vios i get when i get them so for the most part they have my sympathy and if one annoys me i generally forget about it as soon as I switch tabs

but yeah there's something unfair going on here
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

also, if they aren't real, why is it a feature on the site? None of you know a lick about coding or implementation so I know you all didn't implement it as a "joke"

Mods have a tool for creating vios. It's well known that mod abuse is a joke. Check the description.
about 6 years
Geez the moderators on this site sure are some bullies
about 6 years
also, if they aren't real, why is it a feature on the site? None of you know a lick about coding or implementation so I know you all didn't implement it as a "joke"
about 6 years

charley says

Mod abuse vios aren’t real


was the general public supposed to know that? Yet another non transparent thing concerning the moderators that the public didn't know about.

Yet you all laughed at me for being stupid and saying everyone knows everything about the rules and the moderators.
about 6 years
I'm being held by my words so I hope you all hold Charley to hers as well
deletedabout 6 years
Mod abuse vios aren’t real
about 6 years
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Prime example, Ally gave Charley a mod abuse violation which satisfied me, a few days later Charley deletes it on her own.

Nothing is done, nothing is resolved.

is this true?
about 6 years
Prime example, Ally gave Charley a mod abuse violation which satisfied me, a few days later Charley deletes it on her own.

Nothing is done, nothing is resolved.