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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

about 6 years
what I'm doing here has already changed things in ways you won't see immediately dude.

You're actively being apart of the issue, user complacency is whats killing this site because users like you refuse to hold our supposed moderators to a higher standard.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

The thing is I didn't ask you or anybody else to explain your reasoning to me, I can't go against what you say point blank because you have the power on this website and not me.

You said your vios were unfair, that's literally what happens when you do that: we explain the reasoning.

The title of this thread is "Mods vio users for no reason", so we explain the reasoning.

I said you're slow because you're blatantly shifting the goalposts on this vio everytime someone tells you why it's correct.

Plenty of people appeal their vios and get them overturned or removed. I can think of at least two I've done in the past week and I've not been active. You know what they did differently to you? They asked. They didn't ask nicely, or politely, they just didn't ask rudely. You opened up by insulting Charley enough to warrant a vio for harassment, and you got warned by the admin, which is rare enough on its own to prove that you crossed a line. You just told me to blow you.

You self proclaim yourself to be fair and just despite having multiple proven records of being in the wrong on several situations and you have the audacity to come on here and act like you're better than me because you offer unsolicited explanations?

Sorry, I try to be fair. More accurate. I also apologise for my errors and try to fix them. I don't think you've once considered apologising to any of the moderation team that you've insulted, or to the player you grudged.

So I'll tell you the same thing I've told other people: maybe you should consider fixing your attitude if you want this system to work with you. Coming on here and instantly jumping to insult people doesn't work.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Rydia says

hotwhipzx says

wow Rydia grow a spine

no, he's right, i barely know who she is so it's unfair of me to call her a child so it's only right that i apologise for that comment

either way, you go calm down

What do you get out of keep telling me to calm down? If you don't want to help contribute then stop commenting

what you're doing is fruitless and you will achieve nothing. actually chatting to the mods and starting a dialogue is probably a better start than TAKING THE FIGHT TO PHILLIP WANG GRRRR
about 6 years

Rydia says

hotwhipzx says

wow Rydia grow a spine

no, he's right, i barely know who she is so it's unfair of me to call her a child so it's only right that i apologise for that comment

either way, you go calm down

What do you get out of keep telling me to calm down? If you don't want to help contribute then stop commenting
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

wow Rydia grow a spine

no, he's right, i barely know who she is so it's unfair of me to call her a child so it's only right that i apologise for that comment

either way, you go calm down
about 6 years
that should have been an ISP vio.
about 6 years
wow Rydia grow a spine
about 6 years
[quote=blacksnakemoan]I mean, you can call me a bully, but I actually refrain from insulting people until they insult me or my friends. I also have people who openly dislike me regularly point to me as a fair moderator, and I have perfectly good chats with users who don't open up the conversation by slagging off myself or other moderators.

Basically, I'm extremely fair, and if you have a genuine problem and raise it with me I'll have a look.

If you spam my inbox, spread lies about me, or abuse me, that's another story.

GunGunPower says

Every moderator in here has insulted hot and you called him slow like 10 minutes ago, its pretty clear you don't like him regardless of whether or not you know him personally.

Calling him slow because he doesn't recognise the validity of the vio he received isn't really an insult is it. Not when about ten people ave explained it to him.

The thing is I didn't ask you or anybody else to explain your reasoning to me, I can't go against what you say point blank because you have the power on this website and not me. My reasoning will always be wrong as long as the moderators say so and I can't go against it. nobody can, no matter what as long as the moderators think they are correct on a situation.

You self proclaim yourself to be fair and just despite having multiple proven records of being in the wrong on several situations and you have the audacity to come on here and act like you're better than me because you offer unsolicited explanations?

I'm dumb because I don't agree with you? Get off your high horse, you can smd.

You don't realize that debating against someone when you have all the final say so isn't a real debate.

You sir, are a bully, I don't respect you nor do I respect anything you stand for.

I see how you operate and its disgusting, you even made fun of a girl's freaking depressi
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

jeepers i'm embarrassed to be from the same place as you

yeah, on second thought maybe that was a little rude of me, sorry, i'll take that back. I was just trying to make hotwhipzx chill out a little bit and back off

regardless: if you actually did make fun of a girl's depression like he says i'm not very happy about you humbling me like you've just done
about 6 years
[quote=blacksnakemoan]I mean, you can call me a bully, but I actually refrain from insulting people until they insult me or my friends. I also have people who openly dislike me regularly point to me as a fair moderator, and I have perfectly good chats with users who don't open up the conversation by slagging off myself or other moderators.

Basically, I'm extremely fair, and if you have a genuine problem and raise it with me I'll have a look.

GunGunPower says

Every moderator in here has insulted hot and you called him slow like 10 minutes ago, its pretty clear you don't like him regardless of whether or not you know him personally.

Calling him slow because he doesn't recognise the validity of the vio he received isn't really an insult is it. Not when about ten people have explained it to him.

The thing is I didn't ask you or anybody else to explain your reasoning to me, I can't go against what you say point blank because you have the power on this website and not me. My reasoning will always be wrong as long as the moderators say so and I can't go against it. nobody can, no matter what as long as the moderators think they are correct on a situation.

You self proclaim yourself to be fair and just despite having multiple proven records of being in the wrong on several situations and you have the audacity to come on here and act like you're better than me because you offer unsolicited explanations?

I'm dumb because I don't agree with you? Get off your high horse, you can smd.

You don't realize that debating against someone when you have all the final say so isn't a real debate.

You sir, are a bully, I don't respect you nor do I respect anything you stand for.

I see how you operate and its disgusting, you even made fun of a girl's freaking depression and you want to sit here and act high and mighty.

Boy if you don't
about 6 years
I mean, you can call me a bully, but I actually refrain from insulting people until they insult me or my friends. I also have people who openly dislike me regularly point to me as a fair moderator, and I have perfectly good chats with users who don't open up the conversation by slagging off myself or other moderators.

Basically, I'm extremely fair, and if you have a genuine problem and raise it with me I'll have a look.

If you spam my inbox, spread lies about me, or abuse me, that's another story.

GunGunPower says

Every moderator in here has insulted hot and you called him slow like 10 minutes ago, its pretty clear you don't like him regardless of whether or not you know him personally.

Calling him slow because he doesn't recognise the validity of the vio he received isn't really an insult is it. Not when about ten people ave explained it to him.

Rydia says

Charley is a literal child what do you expect
play the video game in a way that makes it so you don't actually have to deal with young middle-class white americans who have been given power to prevent people from playing video game

jeepers i'm embarrassed to be from the same place as you
about 6 years

GunGunPower says

blacksnakemoan says

GunGunPower says

Sounds like he misspoke and you're using it to strengthen your argument because you don't like him.

Sounds like you need to get out and meet people so you can begin to read the social cues that indicate whether someone likes someone or not. I don't even know who this guy is

Turns out you are quite the bully after some digging, I think hots onto something

This guy bullies like half the site and nothing is ever done about it
about 6 years
Charley's willingness to do reports does not increase the quality of her moderating
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

JM123 says

This thread got more than 10 pages in less than a day

Maybe there's hope for the site to survive yay

Instagram: @josemorenofs

There will only be hope if we replace moderators like Charley with moderators like you

That's really not true at all fam

Reports Last Week 3

Reports Last Week 103
about 6 years

Rydia says

hotwhipzx says

Rydia says

okay then, i get the principle of why you're posting

just go cool off, play another game, if it happens again it happens again and you can fight it if you think you were treated unfairly, okay?

dude your attitude about this is why the site is dying, cool off?

I'll cool off when the problem itself cools off, I have proven this is NOT just a me issue, you can go in the post history and find so many threads about mod abuse that it makes me sick.

Charley is a literal child what do you expect
play the video game in a way that makes it so you don't actually have to deal with young middle-class white americans who have been given power to prevent people from playing video game

I do.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Rydia says

okay then, i get the principle of why you're posting

just go cool off, play another game, if it happens again it happens again and you can fight it if you think you were treated unfairly, okay?

dude your attitude about this is why the site is dying, cool off?

I'll cool off when the problem itself cools off, I have proven this is NOT just a me issue, you can go in the post history and find so many threads about mod abuse that it makes me sick.

Charley is a literal child what do you expect
play the video game in a way that makes it so you don't actually have to deal with young middle-class white americans who have been given power to prevent people from playing video game
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

GunGunPower says

Sounds like he misspoke and you're using it to strengthen your argument because you don't like him.

Sounds like you need to get out and meet people so you can begin to read the social cues that indicate whether someone likes someone or not. I don't even know who this guy is

Turns out you are quite the bully after some digging, I think hots onto something
about 6 years

Rydia says

okay then, i get the principle of why you're posting

just go cool off, play another game, if it happens again it happens again and you can fight it if you think you were treated unfairly, okay?

dude your attitude about this is why the site is dying, cool off?

I'll cool off when the problem itself cools off, I have proven this is NOT just a me issue, you can go in the post history and find so many threads about mod abuse that it makes me sick.
about 6 years
okay then, i get the principle behind why you're posting

just go cool off, play another game, if it happens again it happens again and you can fight it if you think you were treated unfairly, okay?
about 6 years

Rydia says

alright man alright

you're fighting the man, i get it, sometimes i think the mods rule too harshly too

if you like the game and want the community to be healthy so it sticks around for a little longer, cool off for the duration of your vio/ban and come back fresh later and be a bit smarter about your grudges in the future

the longer this goes on the more annoyed everyone gets and the more sour it all becomes

My suspension is already up I'm not banned or anything it was just for 24 hours, like I said my vio is not the point

If I really lynched the guy off the grudge I would not have typed all of that the second day
about 6 years

JM123 says

This thread got more than 10 pages in less than a day

Maybe there's hope for the site to survive yay

Instagram: @josemorenofs

There will only be hope if we replace moderators like Charley with moderators like you
about 6 years
alright man alright

you're fighting the man, i get it, sometimes i think the mods rule too harshly too

if you like the game and want the community to be healthy so it sticks around for a little longer, cool off for the duration of your vio/ban and come back fresh later and be a bit smarter about your grudges in the future

the longer this goes on the more annoyed everyone gets and the more sour it all becomes
about 6 years
Every moderator in here has insulted hot and you called him slow like 10 minutes ago, its pretty clear you don't like him regardless of whether or not you know him personally.

about 6 years
This thread got more than 10 pages in less than a day

Maybe there's hope for the site to survive yay

Instagram: @josemorenofs
about 6 years
You're insulting me because....?