
Report #252,028

Report Details

closedabout 6 years
Continuing to comment about me after I expressed DEEP offense and asked him to no longer comment about me.
about 6 years
Good now stop existing in my space.
about 6 years
It's deleted.
about 6 years
Him leaving it there and refusing to delete it after showing immense offense is literal harassment. Leaving something in public that I don’t want publicly alluded to is HARASSMENT.
He is CHOOSING to let something be out there that he KNOWS is hurting me on a mental level beyond any bounds this site should EVER reach.
about 6 years
Like I legitimately can not find the words to express how deeply his comment offended me. All he has to do is delete his comment and Edark’s quoting it. That’s literally all I asked.
about 6 years
Then delete your hurtful comment. That’s all I asked.
about 6 years
Also I'm replying here because it popped up in my inbox and right of reply. I won't comment anymore unless I get falsely accused of something, or my comments get flooded out of sight.
about 6 years
I didn't mention him, one of his friends asked me about it.

He's also upvoting negative comments about me, which doesn't seem to fit the "stay away" request he made.

Finally I haven't started anything against him. He derailed mtlve's thread by attacking me, and when it was locked, he did the same thing in the round thread. I've been perfectly happy to let this die out.
deletedabout 6 years
i would have to say this is harassment. def deserves at least a note
about 6 years
I’ve literally never in my life expressed this deep of offense and he is still posting about me.