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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

about 6 years

Ally says

you didn't even journ cop after

Now this was just an accident I really didn't see the cop out.
about 6 years

Ally says

i'm really not going to get out of here

you stated repeatedly it was grudging because you were under the impression that it was not gt when it is

Hey ally, like I keep telling you, he was not lynched because of a grudge, he was lynched because he was scum and I was able to convince town of it as well.

But keep ignoring the fact that he got lynched because he was scum and not because of a grudge, thats the only narrative you have where you mods don't look power hungry af

its ok though one way or another I will get Lucid back on this website
deletedabout 6 years
you didn't even journ cop after
deletedabout 6 years
also you didn't even win the game for town
deletedabout 6 years
i'm really not going to get out of here

you stated repeatedly it was grudging because you were under the impression that it was not gt when it is
about 6 years

Ally says

no one cc'd you before you outed the fake report

Like I said in the other thread, I do things like that alllll the time and then unvote, I went through with this one because my cc backed him.

Kindly get out of here now this post is for users not moderators
deletedabout 6 years
no one cc'd you before you outed the fake report
about 6 years
I lynched because my fos was backing him and you're choosing to ignore that fact because you have an issue with me, get out of my face Ally I do not wish to converse with you
deletedabout 6 years
you literally lied about your report specifically to get someone lynched, stated so in the game, and now you're shook that you were reported for grudging
deletedabout 6 years
you literally grudgelynched someone