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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

about 6 years

please read and educate yourselves
about 6 years
got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance
deletedabout 6 years
I can't tell who you are talking to
about 6 years
why are u going after me for no reason its dustyy
deletedabout 6 years

Bebop says

charley still tryna start some drama tho idk why

b*tch what
about 6 years

about 6 years

Bebop says

why are people taking this thread seriously

beepop replies like yours me off because why would you not take what I'm saying seriously? Users complain about the BS mods sod ALL DAMN DAY and you guys post things like "who cares" or "tldr" you guys could give less than flyer fuk about the users here and this is why I have no problem speaking to you all the way I do. You guys suck as moderators and probably as people to with the way you use your administrative privileges.

you think people complain about the way you operate because were bored, or dislike you personally? after the tenth time you've got to start wondering
about 6 years
charley still tryna start some drama tho idk why
about 6 years

Bebop says

charley says

Bebop says

why are people taking this thread seriously

why do you only log on when there is drama?

this isnt even drama

Exactly this is you guys giving me a vio for nothing
deletedabout 6 years

Bebop says

charley says

Bebop says

why are people taking this thread seriously

why do you only log on when there is drama?

this isnt even drama

you better log out then
deletedabout 6 years
charley PLS
about 6 years

charley says

Bebop says

why are people taking this thread seriously

why do you only log on when there is drama?

this isnt even drama
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

matt says

Random third party but you grudge lynched

You're also a former banned user therefore nothing you do is credible.

So you can take a nice dose of stfu.

Heres the thing, I didn't grudge lynch, go through my past games I do stuf flike that all the time and never lynch the person

I went through with it because they were actually guilty man, when have you ever seen me raise this much of a fuss? Its literally a 24 hr suspension not a perma ban, I wouldn't care this much If I deserved it.

If I was going around grudge lynching do you really think noone would have reported me for it? like you said im a previously banned user

he's ally's boyfriend he's only sticking up for her because of that bro add him to your list
deletedabout 6 years

Bebop says

why are people taking this thread seriously

why do you only log on when there is drama?
about 6 years

matt says

Random third party but you grudge lynched

You're also a former banned user therefore nothing you do is credible.

So you can take a nice dose of stfu.

Heres the thing, I didn't grudge lynch, go through my past games I do stuf flike that all the time and never lynch the person

I went through with it because they were actually guilty man, when have you ever seen me raise this much of a fuss? Its literally a 24 hr suspension not a perma ban, I wouldn't care this much If I deserved it.

If I was going around grudge lynching do you really think noone would have reported me for it? like you said im a previously banned user
deletedabout 6 years
it's a dying site and i have nothing better to do
about 6 years
why are people taking this thread seriously
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

charley says

Oh he won’t reply to you then hitwhipzx he barely replies to poor Nathan these days.

I see why with you as a wife

he replies to me...
about 6 years
Random third party but you grudge lynched

You're also a former banned user therefore nothing you do is credible.

So you can take a nice dose of stfu.
deletedabout 6 years

Justin says


We need a divorce
about 6 years

charley says

Oh he won’t reply to you then hitwhipzx he barely replies to poor Nathan these days.

I see why with you as a wife
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
if i'm her best friend why wasn't i invited to her and nathan's wedding
deletedabout 6 years
Oh he won’t reply to you then hitwhipzx he barely replies to poor Nathan these days.
about 6 years
but since you let me know we can post links here

here you guys go