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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

deletedabout 6 years

matt says

MisterPresident MVP

about 6 years

Bunners says

It matters because people were witnessing you GT, they didn't win because of you.

What? Like I said I do this all the time, had my journ cc not come out I would have dropped it, Everyone knew I had an issue with magical and nobody cared until after my cc came out. I didnt influence town with my grudge I influenced town with my logic
about 6 years
about 6 years

charley says

I have a diamond wtf nathan isn't cheap and why are you calling my kids dusty they are 3 and 1 wtf is wrong with you please leave them out of your temper tantrum.

You are trying to downplay my very significant concerns about the blatant abuse of power that's been going on for years on this website and you want me to have sympathy for your kids? F them kids man, idc about them kids or you I just want some checks and balances put in place for this website.
about 6 years
It matters because people were witnessing your GT, they didn't win because of your grudge lynching gameplay.
about 6 years
I thought you were open for discussion
about 6 years
about 6 years
ally is wise and charley is cute so
deletedabout 6 years
I have a diamond wtf nathan isn't cheap and why are you calling my kids dusty they are 3 and 1 wtf is wrong with you please leave them out of your temper tantrum.
about 6 years

Bunners says

you literally said you were doing it because of a grudge multiple times, how else do you want people to interpret it?

GT is when you play against your win rate. Your reason for lynching was a grudge which you admitted to multiple times, which is gt because you're placing a grudge over proper game play and thus playing against your win rate.

Idk if you're just that dumb or trolling.

We won, please exit the thread now.

I was journ, we lynched the maf, idc how we got there it shouldn't matter. If he flipped cop ok give me the GT but we won the game
about 6 years
you literally said you were doing it because of a grudge multiple times, how else do you want people to interpret it?

GT is when you play against your win rate. Your reason for lynching was a grudge which you admitted to multiple times, which is gt because you're placing a grudge over proper game play and thus playing against your win rate.

are u this dumb?
about 6 years

charley says

hotwhipzx says

But as Charley pointed out, Lucid is apparently a jerk who barely replies to Nathan but also replies to her every night ??????

we're having an affrair.

You are 23, have two dusty kids and are married (no diamond lol).You spend your free time being a moderator for a dying site and thinks your winning in life by making jokes that you're cheating on your husband with the creator of said dying website? lmaoooooo
about 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

hotwhipzx says

Ive been playing since 2009

i meant on ychn lol

Iv'e actually never used the site, is the primary purpose something like linkedIn?
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

But as Charley pointed out, Lucid is apparently a jerk who barely replies to Nathan but also replies to her every night ??????

we're having an affrair.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Ive been playing since 2009

i meant on ychn lol
about 6 years

yoyo200900 says

hotwhipzx says

yoyo200900 says

If you do not enjoy your time on this website then you should not visit it

I love this game, the issue is the moderators

Even if the moderators were perfect, the game would still be a waste of time played competitively.

At least 90% of the outcome of a game is out of the control of the player.

Players' methods of reading people are contradictory and almost completely based on confirmation bias. It is not possible to know which nonsense method other people will be using to read you, or to know which nonsense method you should be using to read other people.

The idea that you can even semi-reliably control or read other people using only text is delusional. It just feels possible occasionally, so you keep playing.

If you take mafia seriously then you're insane.

And clearly you do think it should be taken seriously, because you care more about winning than having fun.

So I am diagnosing you with the crazy. I'm sorry.

dude I play for fun not to win.Or to control the outcome of the game. Like I said my issue is the moderators. you must not have read anything I posted wth. Alot of putting words in my mouth going on
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

yoyo200900 says

If you do not enjoy your time on this website then you should not visit it

I love this game, the issue is the moderators

Even if the moderators were perfect, the game would still be a waste of time played competitively.

At least 90% of the outcome of a game is out of the control of the player.

Players' methods of reading people are contradictory and almost completely based on confirmation bias. It is not possible to know which nonsense method other people will be using to read you, or to know which nonsense method you should be using to read other people.

The idea that you can even semi-reliably control or read other people using only text is delusional. It just feels possible occasionally, so you keep playing.

If you take mafia seriously then you're insane.

And clearly you do think it should be taken seriously, because you care more about winning than having fun.

So I am diagnosing you with the crazy. I'm sorry.
about 6 years
Ive been playing since 2009
about 6 years
hes got my joindate beat by like 3 months, frick
about 6 years
about 6 years
From what I remmeber of him lucid is a nice guy I dont see him ignoring people, this is a screenshot I took when I played with him waaaay back in the day on my alt

this is like 2011
about 6 years
i just checked my notes on lucid and that's not true
about 6 years

MisterPresident says

He is literally a doctor and yeah it sucks but honestly if he's doing doctor things and not mafia things that's ok

He's a developer not a doctor
about 6 years
He is literally a doctor and yeah it sucks but honestly if he's doing doctor things and not mafia things that's ok
about 6 years

MisterPresident says

Oh I thought you meant @Nathan, not @lucid

No I'm talking about mr. Phillip Wang