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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

about 6 years
so just a btw because i don't know if its clear to people arguing about him saying 'yes it was a grudge'

hes basically saying he was starting the fos off as a grudge, but then he legitimately scumread the person

it'd be like if i lynched somebody while initially saying 'lynch all anime avatars, we don't need them' but then lynching them off their actual reaction to it/etc blah blah

honestly, you'd have more of a leg to stand on if you paid enough attention to the cop ccing her and guiltying her, so i can see why mods don't really see it your way and think you're just trying to hide a grudge lynch
deletedabout 6 years
maybe he is ignoring the OP because the Admin already ruled on the appeal and said the violation was staying because he did in fact GT.
about 6 years

JM123 says

france vs belgium who do u guys think is gonna make it to the final

Case in point, if you don't like the thread just don't comment, but don't be childish and ignore the thread altogether and try to start a new topic about something completely unrelated,

what is wrong with you people?!
about 6 years

anEndtoAthena says

holy heck dude sit down and shut up
we've been doing this for 16 pages
don't u want a break

I get that you probably have an issue with hot as well but what is the purpose of doing this? How would you feel if you were genuinely trying to do some good and someone told you to sit down and shut up?

As a black man this irks me not necessarily because I'm on hotwhips side, but to see someone dismissed for asinine reasons kind of lets me know what type of community this is and the type of people that gather.

I think I'm done commenting and playing this game all together, the users and moderators are both toxic
about 6 years
france vs belgium who do u guys think is gonna make it to the final
about 6 years

anEndtoAthena says

holy heck dude sit down and shut up
we've been doing this for 16 pages
don't u want a break

Make me?
about 6 years

GunGunPower says

blacksnakemoan says

It's also not a perfectly fine attitude to take

You are basically Hotwhip but with moderator abilities from what I have seen in the report section

Feel free to find a report where I tell someone to suck my dïck

If you can only equate behavior to another based on whether or not you have used the exact same vernacular as another in the past then I question your cognitive abilities.

You are not like someone because you speak the same words as them. You are like someone because you display the same behavior and mannerisms and while Hotwhipzx is more crude in his delivery than you, I surmise that has more to do with you being a moderator and having the privilege of being able to not care.

what misunderstanding could possibly cause someone to never want to speak with you again? After speaking to other users it seems like you yourself have a pattern of this behavior and I personally find it abhorrent that you have the Gall to act like your poop is fresh and doesn't stink
deletedabout 6 years
holy heck dude sit down and shut up
we've been doing this for 16 pages
don't u want a break
about 6 years

ProjectX says

dude, hotwings, stop you are wasting ur time they wil only give u bs stop letting them. they get off to threads like this

Lol why are you so certain that I don't as well?
about 6 years
People get mad at Ally, charley and BSM for giving out fair vios all the time. I was actually like you a few days ago and raged about a vio I got that charley gave and BSM sustained, but I sat back, self reflected, re-read the game and realized how I actually did GRS and accepted the vio. Most of the mods are fair, even the ones I don't like. Just let it go lol. You won't get it thrown out. Not for an obvious vio such as this.
deletedabout 6 years
dude, hotwings, stop you are wasting ur time they wil only give u bs stop letting them. they get off to threads like this
about 6 years

Ally says

mssbooklover says

I don’t know Charley but Ally is actually so nice if you get to know her!! I can’t imagine her ever bullying anyone.

thank u queen

wtf Ally is the biggest bully I know she needs to be BANNED!!!!!
about 6 years

GunGunPower says

Do you have anything to say about this bsm?

There was a misunderstanding, but the details aren't mine to share.
about 6 years

GunGunPower says

blacksnakemoan says

It's also not a perfectly fine attitude to take

You are basically Hotwhip but with moderator abilities from what I have seen in the report section

Feel free to find a report where I tell someone to suck my dïck

hotwhipzx says

also you're probably the biggest moderator bully I have ever seen holy sh!t the amount of reports you have for harassment is crazy

There's like 4 or 5. All from the same two users. The rest are appeals for vios I've given.
about 6 years
In fact I don't think anyone has ever spoken to hot the way Jeff speaks to you here

Jeff says

I’m never speaking to you again and I’m asking you also to never speak to me again. I am publicly asking you to stay the absolute fûck away from me. No more comments from you about me or to me. Forget I exist. I plead with God that he erases you from my memory. I’m asking you to leave me alone, permanently and I will do likewise.

Do you have anything to say about this bsm?
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

It's also not a perfectly fine attitude to take

You are basically Hotwhip but with moderator abilities from what I have seen in the report section
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

It's also not a perfectly fine attitude to take

Towards you it is
about 6 years
i don't like charley's attitude tbh but at the same time trying to get this dude to chill out is impossible and i've annoyed both sides of the argument now so i'm out fams
about 6 years
Being nice isn't going to make progress either, you and Charley won't be on my side regardless and your opinion on this game doesn't really mean alot to me. I don't respect you so telling you to smd isn't going to hurt me in anyway

so smd.

also you're probably the biggest moderator bully I have ever seen holy sh!t the amount of reports you have for harassment is crazy
about 6 years
It's also not a perfectly fine attitude to take
about 6 years
What unchecked power lmao

Again, telling people to suck your dïck isn't really the best way to make progress
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

hotwhipzx says

The thing is I didn't ask you or anybody else to explain your reasoning to me, I can't go against what you say point blank because you have the power on this website and not me.

You said your vios were unfair, that's literally what happens when you do that: we explain the reasoning.

The title of this thread is "Mods vio users for no reason", so we explain the reasoning.

I said you're slow because you're blatantly shifting the goalposts on this vio everytime someone tells you why it's correct.

Plenty of people appeal their vios and get them overturned or removed. I can think of at least two I've done in the past week and I've not been active. You know what they did differently to you? They asked. They didn't ask nicely, or politely, they just didn't ask rudely. You opened up by insulting Charley enough to warrant a vio for harassment, and you got warned by the admin, which is rare enough on its own to prove that you crossed a line. You just told me to blow you.

You self proclaim yourself to be fair and just despite having multiple proven records of being in the wrong on several situations and you have the audacity to come on here and act like you're better than me because you offer unsolicited explanations?

Sorry, I try to be fair. More accurate. I also apologise for my errors and try to fix them. I don't think you've once considered apologising to any of the moderation team that you've insulted, or to the player you grudged.

So I'll tell you the same thing I've told other people: maybe you should consider fixing your attitude if you want this system to work with you. Coming on here and instantly jumping to insult people doesn't work.

My attitude is perfectly fine to people I feel deserve respect, unfortunately you and Charley are not on that list so you don't get it. Simple.
deletedabout 6 years
the mods have been very bad for a couple months now. nothing really we can do about it since em is coming close to an end
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Ally I do owe you an apology though I’m sorry. Charley you get no apology you can still smd

Please learn to read the comments before you come on here saying random sh!t BSM

Also, I do find the vio unjust but I haven't asked for it to be overturned since Nathan gave his verdict on it. which was early yesterday, this post and these threads afre not about my vio. I'm talking about the bigger issue as a whole. you're saying i'm moving the goalpost but i'm not. People like you are half reading and responding on emotion instead of hearing what I am saying.

I am not speaking about the vio my issue is the unchecked power
about 6 years
no point messing around with the grunts. hotwhipz is going STRAIGHT TO THA TOP. bringing the fight to lucid hq