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Kennedy and Megs cheating

deletedabout 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
My view on kennedys fosing/voting patterns, probably the last thing Ill do on the matter because Im tired of this

#1 scum

#2 fos's and leads lynch on megs. Next day lynches second mafia

#3 scum

#4 scum

#5 scum

#6 fos's dude whos mafia

#7 fos's and leads lynch on megs

#8 they are both town and kennedy tracks (fos's) another town n2. leads lynch on second mafia on d2, but its autowin at this point anyway even if he lynched wrong and megs was not in a position to tell scum.

#9 autowin anyway. but kennedy votes both scums if it matters

#10 leads lynch on one mafia. Fos's other mafia so much that because he think he'll die, he tells town to lynch other mafia the next day. Kennedy doesnt die and he lynches other mafia himself.

#11 lynches mafia, but hes 100% mafia anyway.

#12 scum

#13 scum

#14 scum

#15 knows megs is the real tracker and lynches mafia

#16 no fos's

#17 no fos's

#18 fos's and votes megs's partner

#19 megs is mafia and kennedy tracks megs's partner n1. megs ccs tracker so nothing else needed.

#20 dies n1

#21 dies n1

So in conclusion, lets look at the numbers. 7/8 fos's (including track) are right. But the one fos he was wrong, was an fos that megs didnt know who mafia was either, so its 7/7 fos's right if you only count times where megs knows mafia so she can tell kennedy.
deletedabout 14 years
lmao i found my game with them super easy. i love how i said "if megs and kennedy are maf together, we fail". and kennedy had the audacity to ask how i figured that :3 but that game was trolled anyways, konrad refused to unvote. they didn't even need to try
deletedabout 14 years
ok fine it wasnt nice >:(
deletedabout 14 years
I think taking Kennedy's points was fine, but I agree with unf4z3d that taking away Meg's trophy is wrong. I don't think they were cheating intentionally.
about 14 years
Nice? This wasn't done as a personal favor to Megs or Kennedy, this was done because no one else would do it, and after i started, i realized it didn't actually look like they were cheating.
deletedabout 14 years
unf4z3d that was very nice of u... seems like you might have wasted 9-10 hours of your life tho :(
about 14 years
I dont know how long it took germ, but my reanalysis of their points took 9-10 hours.
deletedabout 14 years
germ my god!!!!!! wtf how long did this take u!?!?
about 14 years
Cause tbh, the action was wrong. I hate to say it, but there was no real checking of all the points made by germ and lolumad, so I did it, and my opinion is there was no cheating, and not even that much day bias, only night bias.
about 14 years
unf why bother lucid already took action
about 14 years

2: Doesn't stalk kennedy (mort)

7: Kills kennedy (blue) night 1, stalks him too.

9: Doesn't stalk kennedy (mort)

18: Doesn't stalk kennedy (mort)

19: Megs stalks kennedy (tracker)

Times stalking kennedy as:

blue : 0/1
mort : 0/3
tracker : 1/1

Megs seem to have a greater night bias then kennedy, only stalking him once. However, if they were cheating, then you

would expect her to stalk him no? so she doesn't have to kill off the pr's he needs to win. And why would kennedy have

her stalk him as tracker, since she might then have to kill him?
about 14 years
And their stalks


1: Stalks megs (bg), kills obvious tracker

3: Stalks the same as his partner. Meant to stalk maxwell, not megs (mort).

4: Is maf with megs, so cant stalk her

5: Doesn't stalk megs (tracker)

12: Stalks kill and a random, not megs (bg)

13: doesn't stalk megs (blue)

14: Stalks megs (bg)

Times stalking megs as:

bg : 2/3
blue : 0/1
mort : 0/1
tracker : 0/1

Kennedy stalked megs twice out of possible 6 times he could stalk her. Both times she was bg, however, he also didn't

stalk her once when she was bg. He stalked her twice when she was pr, and didn't stalk her twice when she was pr. He

didn't stalk her twice when she was not pr. This seems like a pretty reasoneable split for 6 games.
about 14 years
How many times did Megs fos Kennedy as mafia?: 0 (however, never because she insisted he was town, it was either she

was onyl fossing 1 scum, or it would make 0 sense to fos him. She also fossed his partner, which if cheating is

equivalent to fossing him, but if it is infact only a bias, then it makes perfect sense)

How many times did Megs fos Kennedy as town?: 0 (For the majority of the games, she had no fos, and a lot of the

others were 50/50 fosses not involving kennedy, or kennedy was clear)

How many times did Kennedy stalk Megs as non-pr: 0 (out of twice she wasn't pr and he was stalker. This sample is

definately too small to be conclusive of anything)

How many times did Kennedy stalk Megs as pr: twice* (He doesn't stalk her when she is tracker, and when she is bg.

LOLUMAD, check with germatron before you post what he's counted, he was counting bg non-stalks)

How many times has Kennedy been wrong as town?: 0 (1, he fossed neytiri, jsut never said it till graveyard)

How many times has Megs been wrong when they were both town?: 0 (She has been right once when he was scum and she

wasn't, which would of cost kennedy a game)

How many times does Kennedy fos Megs when she's mafia?: Everytime. (Everytime being once, when he actually had to give

a fos. Again, 1 chance to fos megs as scum is not enough to even mean ANYTHING)

How many times does Kennedy fos Megs when she's town: 0 (Out of a possible 1. Again, this sample is so miniscule, it

cant be counted)

How many times does Megs hammer incorrectly when Kennedy is mafia: Everytime (out of 3 chances to hammer right. However, 1 of these is the nooby who most of us would of hammered for being that scummy. She also once tried to get the scum hammered right once, when kennedy was scum)
about 14 years
Ok, now that I have had a chance to finish analyzing all the games and checking out Germatron's and LOLUMAD's points, I am going to post my results.

Both demonstrate a bias in night action stalks, however night action biases aren't cheating. Even the accuser (LOLUMAD) has admitted to bging his friends night 1.

Here is my response to his points, and all my analysis of the games.
deletedabout 14 years


on a side note, I kind of doubt he was in third place if he had less than 1000 points, thats just me though, its totally possible
deletedabout 14 years
ya it was rehdogg
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Who was in fourth place?
about 14 years
Thanks AdrenalineMatt. Although this really isn't an act of my kindness, I am only acting as a relay-man of information from lucidrains (in his last act as admin before being banned and overran by Lamer) and passing it to Fading.
about 14 years
you're so kind DuckHunter
deletedabout 14 years
Congrats Fading! I knew you had it in you!
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Not sure, but I may have missed it....who's the bronze going to instead of megs?
deletedabout 14 years
who is the guy in the picture supposed to be?
about 14 years