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Kennedy and Megs cheating

deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
LOLUMAD, I am saying you seem to lack any idea what cheating looks like. I assume you read the threads about your friends cheating, in fact, I think you said you had. You maintained you didn't think they were cheating.

One thing to mention, in terms of my own biases, Megs and I are friends, and I hate Kennedy (I have him triple negged on his accounts)
about 14 years
Megs and Kennedy we're brought to my attention before the thread was put up. Maxwell asked me to look into it, so I did.

For Tuneche and Travissimo, I had no clue they were cheating until the accusations went up, nor was I in any of either of their scummier games. Also, I'm not the only people that were friends with both of them. I understand that you disagree with me, but you're pretty much attacking me because you disagree.
about 14 years
Finally, LOLUMAD is the wrong guy to be analyzing any of this. When his 2 friends were blatantly cheating, he either failed to see it, or ignored it. Now he claims he can spot 2 players, who if cheating, are doing 10 times better a job of hiding it then travissimo and tuneche. Anything he says lacks a lot of credibility to me.
about 14 years
Soben, you should read It adds a lot more.
about 14 years
Thanks for the analyzes Germatron. I think they are cheating too.
about 14 years
I knew megs was cheating last round but didn't care since I smashed her for gold. I'm selfish.
about 14 years
your evidence is countered by the fact i refuse to spec and see for yourself, so i don't know if you're telling the truth, so you're probably a liar
about 14 years
Kennedy, do you deny any of these?
How many times did Meg's fos Kennedy as mafia?: 0
How many times did Kennedy stalk Megs as non-pr: 0
How many times did Kennedy stalk Megs as pr: All but once. (and by process of elimination he knew your role but neglected to lynch you)
How many times has Kennedy been wrong as town?: 0
How many times has Megs been wrong when they were both town?: 0
How many times does Kennedy fos Megs when she's mafia?: Everytime.

And, can you honestly say that its not shady at all?


This just about sums it all up.
about 14 years
you have your own comprehesnion fail skoffin, my '=)' clearly tells the whole story, and your tangled web of lies is obviously over over your own head so i'll let you be in your own stupidity
deletedabout 14 years
Meg's profile comments are funny.
about 14 years
I didn't comment on the accusations, I commented on the comments made by commentators about the accusations.
Comprehension fail.
about 14 years
Skoffin, you haven't even looked at any of the games, your input is therefore useless and stupid, and you have no right to comment with any form of validity since you won't spec them yourself =)
about 14 years
Cavs, EVERYBODY knows that ProbablyMafia is Meg's alt. How does her switching accounts from time to time have anything to do with anything? She was joining the game based on whatever account she happened to be on when I got online.
about 14 years
Cavs, that's absolutely not true. I played with Megs during the end of her run more than the beginning, which is why she started losing. Bettie can verify.
deletedabout 14 years
actually 1 of the games did where it went to 3 way lylo. but the others were sheer luck.
i still find it highly suspicious that megs and kennedy have played almost all of their games together in the last 2 rounds and 1 of them won a trophy last round and 1 won a trophy this round.

and @ bettie, megs stopped playing a lot with kennedy after her half way mark = megs started losing. so get your fact straight
about 14 years
imo, don't ban kennedy so that Cavsfan can't get gold.
deletedabout 14 years
Something that puzzles me: If there was no cheating going on, why does megs alternate between playing with her alts and her main. Why not just use megs in all the games. The fact that she used different alts as well makes me more suspicious of cheating.

And if kennedy uses the argument saying "look at how well i did without her," not one of those games he has played today have showed skill for the side he was on.
about 14 years
Also, Jaguar has only 37 ppl. I think he's cheating to not win a trophy.
about 14 years
You know whose score is significantly above their skill level? Torpoon.
about 14 years
Same mind think alike :D
about 14 years
In Em Sense: This is an auto-win for town now, The majority have voted(or assumed, BW)Kennedy, yet, there still 5 m left in the game and it's seem there are a few townie are trying to point out Kennedy is not mafia, but the evident is overwhelming against him, let see how it goes.
deletedabout 14 years
Moses 8 minutes 4 seconds
Moses 1 minute 14 seconds
Also killertu, I suggest consulting KHNM before you attempt to use analogies. He's pretty good at them and may help you create one that makes sense.
about 14 years
No, it's not. And that's already been addressed and explained.
about 14 years
Bettie, is it completely coincidental that the only time that Megs fos's wrong is when she against Kennedy?
about 14 years
I also love how no one thinks Kennedy or Megs is intelligent enough to win a trophy, but they think they're intelligent enough to pull off the slickest bout of cheating ever on EM... Purposely stalking each other (even though they're surely role-sharing on MSN) just to "throw curveballs." Throwing in the occasional loss just to make it all look legit. And all without ever actually getting caught. It's quite a catch-22 you guys have going on here.