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Kennedy and Megs cheating

deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
Is kennedy guising? is Kennedy janed? I don't think so, he out there lively, there no way your gut trust so much that knowing Kennedy never is mafia
about 14 years
Oh please, don't try to defend them, there is no way meg never fos Kennedy at all...not even once in all those game.
deletedabout 14 years
Moses 1 minute 14 seconds
Also killertu, I suggest consulting KHNM before you attempt to use analogies. He's pretty good at them and may help you create one that makes sense.
about 14 years
it's like tracking a watcher, the tracker can't see who watcher watches but the watcher know what going on.
deletedabout 14 years
Also killertu, I suggest consulting KHNM before you attempt to use analogies. He's pretty good at them and may help you create one that makes sense.
deletedabout 14 years
The implication is that they have been communicating outside the game mrb0605 >_>

It's just, that implication was so obvious, no one actually saw the need to say it.
about 14 years
Mrb, you not saying the same thing, cheating is above warning, if a guy holding a gun shooting at people, do you think police will try to cuff him first or do you think it would be safer just to kill him right there.
deletedabout 14 years
If you can prove that they talked on MSN/AIM then yes you can ban them, but people have been using game logs not MSN/AIM.
about 14 years
Talking to someone on MSN/AIM about an ongoing game is banable during a ranked game.
deletedabout 14 years
rules are rules, thats like saying well his tail light was out, lets throw him in jail.
about 14 years
MRB, do you really need to bring De Facto into this?
deletedabout 14 years
Ha ha, I have solved this conundrum in a fashion. Megs and Kennedy can not be banned from epic mafia unless they have recieved a warning first from lucid. Its in the rules,

General Rules

(If broken, you will receive a warning, and then a ban if you continue to break the rules)

* Don't out people's personal information without their consent.
* Abusive usernames and avatars may be given a warning and be asked to be changed or deleted.
* Racism, should be avoided at all times, any racism that is deemed over the top or unnecessary can lead to a warning or ban.
* No excessive abuse, whether post-game, on someones profile or in forums.
* Spamming to a minimal, whether in game. In the forums or on someones profile.
* You will not be refunded points or hearts if you get kicked or vegged, or if someone trolls your game unless in extreme situations.
* No trolling, game throwing or cheating in any form is allowed in ranked games.

Game throwing consists of not playing for your win condition or win requirement on purpose.

Trolling consists of having the intent of provoking other users into a desired negative emotional response.
about 14 years
about 14 years
Kennedy did NOT play in every single one of Megs games last round. I know this because I was in many of her games where Kennedy was not present.

She also did NOT win every single game. She actually lost quite a large amount of them in the last half of the round.

Try producing actual evidence without inputting your bullshit speculation.
about 14 years
about 14 years
Hey, I never bother to even look at any game at all XD
deletedabout 14 years
killertu, you have cracked this case wide open!
about 14 years
Honestly, I read some of the game and Kennedy is clearly cheating, at every game as mafia, meg always said "Kennedy seem town", just like this game
deletedabout 14 years
How the hell is Megs in the running for a trophy? Someone should take a serious look at her games.
deletedabout 14 years
You're about five pages behind, dude.
deletedabout 14 years
Oh, Megs, my bad. I'm sorry for being so slow. Now, would you like to address the accusations made toward you in the lengthy post from Germatron?
deletedabout 14 years
@Jesus - LOLUMAD and I have discussed that and moved on. Please join us in the latter.
deletedabout 14 years
LOLUMAD, please. Haven't you doubted Megs' cancer story enough in one thread?
about 14 years
Max, all but one game this round is posted in Germatron's analysis
deletedabout 14 years
just missing 5 in between