I can read ya know and Ally already explained it. But if you like grasping at any opportunity to double up on somebody when they're wrong, you do you. Lol.
As Ally stated, she is no longer a host of this season and thus is free to stan whoever she would like. Her opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of the EMBB hosting team.
Any further questions should be directed toward our publicist. Thank you.
deletedabout 7 years
i quit being a host prejury.... sad
deletedabout 7 years
when the hosts stan players in their own game.. sad
[9.40.27] Monte Dante: Knife at least you are respectable [9.40.37] Monte Dante: But seriously stop snaking [9.41.14] Monte Dante: It's obvious you snake when someone messages me 1 minute after we had a convo about them [9.41.30] Monte Dante: It didn't help your game at all [9.41.53] Monte Dante: It literally served no purpose but making people distrust you [9.42.49] Monte Dante: Also another reason Jacob played better than you is because once HEDGER left, you were going to be gone [9.43.41] Monte Dante: We all knew you had a f2 with yuujin since you refused to nom her...why choose one person over three...just terrible [9.44.17] Monte Dante: I know she was a goat but three people were against her...she wasn't getting to the end [9.45.02] Monte Dante: But anyways congrats on winning [9.46.20] Monte Dante: i think we all should just forget about this game and never speak of it again [9.47.23] Monte Dante: Thank you hosts tho for the effort. Sorry it sucked there was a delusional cat in the house that stifled all gameplay [9.51.35] Monte Dante: Oh ya I forgot you jacob [9.52.10] Monte Dante: You were a great great ally and a great player [9.52.36] Monte Dante: The only issue is that everyone knows that [9.53.09] Monte Dante: Other than that, you did a good job..sad you won't be rewarded [9.53.58] Monte Dante: I really hope there is a miracle and you beat HEDGER [9.54.14] Monte Dante: But we've failed 14 times in anrow [9.54.21] Monte Dante: In a row [9.55.01] Monte Dante: All of this just makes me feel sick [9.55.19] Monte Dante: O well
[9.30.36] Monte Dante: Who ignores the jury??? [9.31.15] Monte Dante: I said this in my dr [9.31.36] Monte Dante: It's like you are not even a player [9.31.57] Monte Dante: You are some sort of sabateur and we only win by defeating you [9.32.11] Monte Dante: There was legitimately no relevant strategy in this game [9.32.33] Monte Dante: The only strategy was who can be hedgers best goat in his eyes [9.32.40] Monte Dante: Everythinggggg else is irrelevant [9.33.05] Monte Dante: When there is only ONE option for victory from f9 on it is not big brother [9.33.20] Monte Dante: This is kill HEDGER game [9.33.58] Monte Dante: Knife managed to become your goat so kudos to him I guess [9.34.28] Monte Dante: Knife will destroy you in the finals, but to be fair, everyone else would too [9.34.53] Monte Dante: Idk if you care or have high delusions but you have no shot at winning [9.35.17] Monte Dante: So at this point you are just deciding who you want to win whoever you bring to f2 [9.35.43] Monte Dante: As I said earlier you might get 1 vote..maybe 2 if ur with jacob [9.36.02] Monte Dante: All the jurors have told you [9.36.11] Monte Dante: You can't rely on compa [9.36.13] Monte Dante: You can't rely on comps [9.36.37] Monte Dante: I know you like ignoring jurors so maybe you skimmed it over? [9.37.09] Monte Dante: But I really do not understand what is your thought process [9.37.32] Monte Dante: Anyways [9.38.02] Monte Dante: Please take jacob to the end at least we would have a good winner at least [9.38.42] Monte Dante: Sorry Jacob I don't want to blow your jury threat level but it dosent matter since they know anyways [9.39.23] Monte Dante: But that's like much of this game...none of it mattered [9.40.09] Monte Dante: Jacob played far and away a better game than both of you
[9.22.59] Monte Dante: Waiting for my eviction [9.23.07] Monte Dante: What to do when you have one day left [9.23.17] Monte Dante: I will gaze out the window [9.24.13] Monte Dante: Gazing out my window I think [9.24.17] Monte Dante: Hmmmm [9.24.38] Monte Dante: I wonder if HEDGER will get 0 or 1 vote in the finale [9.24.48] Monte Dante: It will all depend on devon [9.24.56] Monte Dante: Truly a mystery [9.26.22] Monte Dante: The whole season, starting with Malik, they have been saying how HEDGER ignores you if you are going home [9.26.28] Monte Dante: And it's not a myth [9.26.31] Monte Dante: It is true [9.26.56] Monte Dante: Idk if I'll be here for eviction so I will just say my thing now [9.27.32] Monte Dante: Hello all [9.28.29] Monte Dante: Idc about being evicted at this point I am more upset at the fact that I wasted my EMBB on this FAKE big brother game [9.28.56] Monte Dante: It's not only the fact that someone won their way out from final 9 [9.29.16] Monte Dante: It's the fact that that person has absolutely no strategy [9.29.59] Monte Dante: Like it's so bad I don't even comprehend it [9.30.17] Monte Dante: What even are your motives in this game? [9.30.27] Monte Dante: I legitimately question if you want to win
[5:22:06 PM] VelociRaptor: Let's do veto results [5:22:23 PM] VelociRaptor: In 4th place [5:22:28 PM] VelociRaptor: With a time of 27:34 [5:22:38 PM] VelociRaptor: Our HOH winner, Jbomber732 [5:23:38 PM] VelociRaptor: In 3rd place [5:23:43 PM] VelociRaptor: With a time of [5:24:16 PM] Jacob: wtf did I get one wrong [5:24:19 PM] Jacob: rude [5:24:25 PM] VelociRaptor: 23:33 [5:24:29 PM] VelociRaptor: MonteCarrlo! [5:24:55 PM] VelociRaptor: Which means one of Knife or hedger will (most likely) [5:24:59 PM] VelociRaptor: Escape the bubble [5:25:02 PM] VelociRaptor: The winner [5:25:24 PM] VelociRaptor: With a final time of 8:30 [5:25:26 PM] VelociRaptor: Hedger! [5:25:30 PM] My EM Love <3: (clap) [5:25:32 PM] Jacob: it took me that long to do one of the individual ones [5:25:59 PM] VelociRaptor: Knife's time was 21:41 [5:26:09 PM] Jacob: one of those is not like the others [5:26:24 PM] VelociRaptor: Hedger when you come online, let us know if you will be using veto or require an extension
This was the challenge: For this Final 4 POV, you will be designing railroads in the country of Africa. You will have the responsibility to connect towns to one another on the map (not shown): Each dash on this map represents a space for (1) railway. When you message your DR, the hosts will give you a list of 10 sets of two towns you will have to connect as well as the number of railways you MUST use to connect them. Using either photo editing software to draw the route (or alternatively manually listing the order of the cities you will go through if you either do not have it available or think it is faster) please identify the route between the two towns that supports the exact number of trains requested. You can submit all 10 photos/lists at once or you can choose to do them one at a time, however when you are done you must say “submission complete.” The person who completes all 10 routes the fastest will win veto. Any incomplete or incorrect routes will result in a 10 minute penalty to your final time. General points You can go through a town more than once, including the destination or originating town, but you cannot use the same track more than once There may be more than one way to complete a route
[1/28/2018 10:52:49 PM] Monte Dante: But then I was awakened [1/28/2018 10:53:31 PM] Monte Dante: In a dream, Johnny McCleave came over and said "Here the Song of Our People". And I listened. I heard their cries, and their pain, and I screamed at myself [1/28/2018 10:53:38 PM] Monte Dante: I screamed at myself for being so stupid [1/28/2018 10:53:42 PM] Monte Dante: How could you allow this [1/28/2018 10:53:56 PM] Monte Dante: But I told myself, the past is the past, but the future is still unwritten [1/28/2018 10:54:06 PM] Monte Dante: And i was victirious [1/28/2018 10:54:12 PM] Monte Dante: I slayed the beast [1/28/2018 10:54:15 PM] Monte Dante: But it was only a wound [1/28/2018 10:54:21 PM] Monte Dante: But now [1/28/2018 10:54:26 PM] Jacob: wtf [1/28/2018 10:54:35 PM] Monte Dante: Is my final chance to slay it once and for all [1/28/2018 10:54:48 PM] Monte Dante: I will give all my being to this cause [1/28/2018 10:55:11 PM] Monte Dante: For this is the moment of truth [1/28/2018 10:55:17 PM] Monte Dante: There is no next time [1/28/2018 10:55:23 PM] Monte Dante: It is now or never [1/28/2018 10:55:31 PM] Monte Dante: And when I look unto the stars I know [1/28/2018 10:55:38 PM] Monte Dante: I know that it is my destiny to slay the beast [1/28/2018 10:55:41 PM] Monte Dante: And i know [1/28/2018 10:55:47 PM] Monte Dante: I know the beast is F**KED [1/28/2018 10:55:55 PM] Monte Dante: the end
[1/28/2018 10:49:46 PM] Monte Dante: "Believe in yourself, for we believe in you. You are the only hope of ridding the land of this massive power, for you feel what the people feel. You know their pain, when they were executed, a piece of your heart died with them. But that piece did not go away, that piece just moved to a different place. All the lost souls of the EMBB house lie not in your heart, but in your soul. Use them to strengthen you, but your real strength lies within." [1/28/2018 10:50:04 PM] Monte Dante: Yes i thought [1/28/2018 10:50:09 PM] Monte Dante: Yes I can do it [1/28/2018 10:50:24 PM] Monte Dante: I will not stop until this beast is destroyed [1/28/2018 10:50:47 PM] Monte Dante: I will never stop until i am on the ground, breathing my last breath of life [1/28/2018 10:50:58 PM] Monte Dante: I will not stop. For if I am not the one who defeats it, who will [1/28/2018 10:51:01 PM] Monte Dante: These are my people [1/28/2018 10:51:04 PM] Monte Dante: I must protect them [1/28/2018 10:51:08 PM] Monte Dante: This is my city [1/28/2018 10:51:12 PM] Monte Dante: I dont care about it [1/28/2018 10:51:16 PM] Monte Dante: But my people live here [1/28/2018 10:51:21 PM] Monte Dante: And i care about them [1/28/2018 10:51:28 PM] Monte Dante: These beast may be powerful [1/28/2018 10:51:35 PM] Monte Dante: These beast may appear invincible [1/28/2018 10:51:43 PM] Monte Dante: But this beast does not know who I am [1/28/2018 10:51:50 PM] Monte Dante: This beast does not have my hunger [1/28/2018 10:52:11 PM] Monte Dante: This beast does not have my will to free this land [1/28/2018 10:52:17 PM] Monte Dante: This beast does not have my heart [1/28/2018 10:52:20 PM] Monte Dante: I will conquer it [1/28/2018 10:52:26 PM] Monte Dante: So the days went by, yet I still lost [1/28/2018 10:52:30 PM] Monte Dante: I was careless [1/28/2018 10:52:32 PM] Monte Dante: Lazy [1/28/2018 10:52:35 PM] Monte Dante: Foolish
[1/28/2018 10:41:15 PM] Monte Dante: At final 9, I was cruely set up for execution [1/28/2018 10:41:26 PM] Monte Dante: It was a test of my faith [1/28/2018 10:41:47 PM] Monte Dante: But a test, that i knew, i must face with great courage and great heart [1/28/2018 10:41:59 PM] Monte Dante: I looked towards the stars for guidance [1/28/2018 10:42:07 PM] Monte Dante: And they spoke to me [1/28/2018 10:42:28 PM] Monte Dante: "You will survive my son, for your purpose is not yet complete" [1/28/2018 10:43:04 PM] Monte Dante: "You are destined to be great, you must fulfill that destiny. We cannot do it for you, but you must do it for yourself. You must believe in yourself, and use every ounce of your body to accomplish your goal" [1/28/2018 10:43:16 PM] Monte Dante: And I asked the stars, [1/28/2018 10:43:22 PM] Monte Dante: What is my goal? [1/28/2018 10:43:27 PM] Monte Dante: And again, they spoke to me [1/28/2018 10:43:48 PM] Monte Dante: "It is your destiny, my son, to vanquish the Great Beast Hedger." [1/28/2018 10:43:54 PM] Monte Dante: And I said [1/28/2018 10:44:00 PM] Monte Dante: But he is so powerful, how must i do it [1/28/2018 10:44:09 PM] Jacob: great beast hedger [1/28/2018 10:44:09 PM] Monte Dante: "Belive in yourself" [1/28/2018 10:44:09 PM] Jacob: LOL
[1/28/2018 10:39:08 PM] Monte Dante: DOWN WITH HEDGER [1/28/2018 10:39:11 PM] Monte Dante: DOWN WITH THE BEAST [1/28/2018 10:39:17 PM] Monte Dante: FOLLOW ME [1/28/2018 10:39:21 PM] Monte Dante: Now i must say [1/28/2018 10:39:27 PM] Monte Dante: It is not a good circumstance I am in [1/28/2018 10:39:35 PM] Monte Dante: But I am a believer in fate [1/28/2018 10:39:52 PM] Monte Dante: And when I look to the stars, I see things [1/28/2018 10:40:30 PM] Monte Dante: I see how fates intertwine, how events will unfold, and what will become of our destiny. [1/28/2018 10:40:50 PM] Monte Dante: Now I am no psychic, for these images only appear to me in times of great questions. [1/28/2018 10:40:59 PM] Monte Dante: And today, we face one. [1/28/2018 10:41:02 PM] Jacob: LMFAO what am i reading