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EMBB7 Trophy Game

over 7 years

EMBB7: A Space Journey

Fantasy Draft:


WEEK 15: The Finale



Third Place

Finalist Speeches



Jury Speeches








Memory Wall:




about 7 years
[5.46.32] Jacob: okay
[5.46.34] Jacob: I will participate
[5.46.59] Jacob: tea - Robbed king and someone I probably could have seen myself working with
[5.47.17] VelociRaptor: Jacob just do Toby for now
[5.47.20] Hedger: lul
[5.47.24] Jacob: :(
[5.47.32] VelociRaptor: Then go back and get the rest after we're done
[5.47.52] Hedger: let him do bboy then toby tbf makes us have the whole jury now
[5.48.01] Hedger: then he can do the prejurors after
[5.48.14] Jacob: Toby - Absolute queen and I loved getting to know him as a friend. Felt horrible voting him out but had to do what I had to do. His speech afterwards was the first time someone in the game had the balls to just say what they actually thought, and I respect him a lot for that
[5.49.18] VelociRaptor: Devon
[5.50.57] Knife: early on out of most people i didnt know, i felt really comfortable talking to devon. he has a good vibe but it didnt last as long as i wouldve liked. we fell off as far as being allies by the time this vote came so he was my first choice.
[5.51.04] Jacob: Devon - Wasnt super active but I enjoyed speaking to him when he did come on. I heard he came in second for some other org so he definitely is a slayer. I think his placement was respectable and I congratulate him on how he did. Also the muppet vids were iconic and ms piggy gave me lots of good game advice
[5.51.16] Hedger: Devon <3 early on in the game we didn't talk all that much but we finally got a chance to work together later in the game and you're a real chill dude. Would have loved to get further in the game with you but unfortunately my campaigning wasn't enough to keep you off the block and I couldn't do much for you since you weren't very active. monte tho.
about 7 years
[5.39.25] VelociRaptor: Bboy29
[5.41.06] Hedger: bboy, ahh, now these are where it starts to get hard. I genuinely enjoyed all the conversations we had this game but unfortunately you were hard to keep in the game so sorry for putting you up when I won hoh. Definitely played well though so congrats on your performance this game
[5.41.44] Knife: ugh bboy i really wanted us to go far together even though we had our moments early on lol i knew how much you wanted to play in embb so it was sad to see you go. you and monte were both strong allies of mine so that vote sucked. i know youll do well in any org youre cast in
[5.42.00] VelociRaptor: Toby
[5.44.36] Hedger: Toby, probably the most interesting of the entire cast. You weren't afraid to shake things up and I enjoyed a lot of the conversations we had even if they didn't involve any game most of the time. Hope you see that my game was more than just comp wins if I do make the F2 tho :') Your goodbye speech was still the most interesting thing post-jury tbh
[5.45.29] Knife: ah toby. my mortal enemy lol jk toby is such a cool guy. but he was the only person i did not feel comfortable about still being around. we were never really strong allies so that far into the game i felt like he was my biggest opposition. i was glad to be hoh at that time to send him home and i hope we get to play together in an org again. i loved his post eviction speech also lol
about 7 years
[5.32.40] VelociRaptor: Most recent EM ORG winner rs1993
[5.33.33] Hedger: grr don't remind me
[5.33.39] Knife: lol triggered
[5.33.47] Knife: too soon scoot
[5.33.49] Knife: scott*
[5.34.41] Hedger: Charlie, another pretty inactive player. Never really was on the same page as you this game so with you being busy and being in alliances that I wasn't, I didn't have much choice to put you up in the week you got evicted
[5.35.04] Knife: charlie man i wish you had stayed in longer cuz i felt like we couldve worked well together, but too many people wante dyou out on your vote
[5.35.08] Knife: yeah blame hedger lol
[5.36.28] VelociRaptor: Last prejuror Zarfot
[5.37.52] Knife: i really liked playing with fed. it was really nice getting to know him and no i did not watch that video lol i know a lot of people saw him as a threat but i saw him as an ally for most of the game. unfortunately i also saw saurabh as an ally and thats what it came down to
[5.38.52] Hedger: zarfot, definitely my biggest enemy this game. Went at each other ever since you got the first hoh and really wasn't gonna end until you got out. You realized too late that you didn't have the allies you thought you did and tried to flip me but it was way too late for that (cat)
about 7 years
[5.26.04] VelociRaptor: Now Malik
[5.26.53] Hedger: malik <3 honestly one of my favourite people which is a shame that a lot of other people here didn't have the same opinion. Always love talking to you and you don't have time for bs which I like. Sorry that I couldn't save you, it hurt me to do that since I really wanted to save you but everybody wanted you out and I couldn't bring that target onto myself anymore than I already had :/
[5.28.08] Knife: i liked malik a lot and had a good vibe from him day 1 but most people wanted him out which i didnt mind. good taste in music and a good dude all around lol
[5.28.30] Knife: what could have been had we talked more
[5.29.08] VelociRaptor: Drachus
[5.31.08] Knife: me and sam never talked before this org and i was really happy to get to know him and see why megas obsessed with him lol it sucked he got nommed during anon week, especially against jacob
[5.31.09] Hedger: Sam <3 my man. From day 1 we were together but I don't think our interest was really invested into this game for a lot of it so I'm not surprised you gave up but hey at least calling out Saurabh for putting us up together was pretty fun. Always love playing with you <3 Would have loved to see how this game would have turned out if you had stuck around a bit longer. definitely not these predictable votes
[5.31.11] Jacob: Can i do this when I'm back in like 10 mins
[5.31.28] Hedger: yeah you can just catch up when you're ready jacob
[5.32.10] VelociRaptor: Yeah Jacob join in wherever were at and then go back through later
about 7 years
[5.18.42] VelociRaptor: Moving on
[5.18.48] VelociRaptor: Uprizzle
[5.19.42] Hedger: another early boot that I enjoyed talking to a lot, played a little too hard too early and brought an early target onto himself. would have been nice to be able to work with him tho
[5.20.18] Knife: me and uprizzle didnt talk that much but he seemed like a cool guy
[5.20.37] Hedger: flopped emvv and embb, feels bad
[5.20.39] Knife: i feel like a lot of the early boots just stopped talking to people
[5.20.45] Knife: which was unfortunate
[5.20.49] Knife: or they were too busy idk
[5.20.58] Hedger: yeah a lot of the more inactive players died early
[5.21.16] Hedger: although Zach did talk to some people
[5.21.41] Knife: yeah i mean we talked initially but then it waned
[5.21.56] Hedger: yeah rip when he called me out for not talking to him eviction day lul
[5.22.05] VelociRaptor: TheGodofBlue (Malik)
[5.22.20] Knife: you skipped one...
[5.22.27] Hedger: smh scott
[5.22.47] Hedger: we doing malik first or you gonna go back to mary first?
[5.22.59] Knife: ^
[5.24.19] VelociRaptor: Marry
[5.24.22] VelociRaptor: Sorry
[5.24.33] VelociRaptor: I blame my computer for dying
[5.25.33] Hedger: mary, another player I really wanted to work with but unfortunately really busy so we weren't able to talk that much. you're a great person tho so definitely was sad to see you go and was hoping you could stick around for a little longer and be more active
[5.25.34] Knife: rip marry ofc i wanted to work with her longer than how long she lasted but she was another one who died due to inactivity/not talking to people
about 7 years

[5.14.19] VelociRaptor: I'll say a name then you comment!
[5.14.22] Hedger: I like it this way
[5.14.25] VelociRaptor: Let's get started
[5.14.32] VelociRaptor: Tea drinker
[5.15.05] Hedger: had a lot of promise from his interview but unfortunately didn't show any of it in the game rip
[5.15.30] Knife: tea barely talked to me or most people which kinda sucked cuz i wanted to work with them
[5.15.52] Hedger: why would you want to work with someone who drinks tea (cat)
[5.16.11] Knife: lol there was a good first impression but then a steep fall off
[5.16.24] VelociRaptor: Johnny
[5.17.35] Hedger: the real doge of the game, wanted to work with him but unfortunately just became an early target then disappeared so rip him
[5.17.41] Knife: i actually talked to johnny a lot in the beginning and was impressed when he told me he won an org off straight mobile
[5.17.51] Knife: but then he stopped talking too
[5.18.02] Hedger: impressive, but yeah he was cool to talk too even tho he was high all the time
[5.18.18] Elmo: ok i hate Skype formatting
[5.18.20] Knife: i hope hes singing the song of his people
[5.18.23] VelociRaptor: Johnny was the person I was most impressed with their interview
[5.18.27] Hedger: same
[5.18.33] VelociRaptor: Like he understood the game so well
[5.18.39] Hedger: yeah you can tell he has a good game understanding
about 7 years
If you always keep your hand on the right side of a maze, you'll get to the end eventually!

...that's not really helpful though when the maze is digital.
about 7 years
hedger’s maze looked like he just googled a maze online and traced it
about 7 years
Unfortunately I lack certain mental abilities and I thought my maze was hard. Then the hosts sent me yours and I kinda just gave up on life
about 7 years
well my first suggestion on building a maze would be not to have 5 different ways to get to the end.
about 7 years
Well unfortunately I don't have no life like knife and I am not a master maze builder like hooger
about 7 years
I don't like you not winning part 2 and part 3 of hoh
about 7 years
you dont like my maze?
about 7 years
jbomber what are you doing sis
about 7 years
It has no more money on it but feel free to try and use it
about 7 years
get ready to groan...
a-MAZE-ing work gents
about 7 years

benfox2 says

tfw Jacob leaves most of his credit card info in the photo.

my first thought until I saw the $50
deletedabout 7 years
it's a gift card
about 7 years
tfw Jacob leaves most of his credit card info in the photo.
about 7 years
Hedger is the winner of Part 2 and will advance to Part 3 where he will compete against Knife!

Jacob's Maze:

Hedger's Maze:
about 7 years
Hedger and Jbomber are just about to start working on each other's mazes! Who will conquer and be the victor of part 2 in Final HoH!?
about 7 years
[4:11:09 PM] Scott: Part 2 is MAZE WARS
[4:11:16 PM] Jacob: no
[4:11:21 PM] Scott: Both Hedger and Jbomber will construct a maze
[4:11:48 PM] Jacob: oh
[4:11:52 PM] Jacob: so he’ll win this nice
[4:11:56 PM] Scott: It can be drawn or have computer software used, but it must be identified as yours
[4:12:01 PM] Scott: In some way
[4:12:36 PM] Scott: In fact, it must have a picture of the sun in the centre of it, just so we know it was constructed for this challenge
[4:13:07 PM] Jacob: what
[4:13:10 PM] Nat: the specifics are real
[4:13:12 PM] Jacob: i can’t draw a sun
[4:13:19 PM] Knife: its literally a circle
[4:13:20 PM] Knife: with triangles
[4:13:22 PM] Knife: ...
[4:13:22 PM] Jacob: ok
[4:13:27 PM] Jacob: what if i just put my name on it
[4:13:31 PM] Scott: The mazes are to be complete by 11 PM EST tomorrow, at which point there will be a (hopefully) live showdown where you each have to solve each others maze
[4:13:31 PM] Jacob: lmfao
[4:13:38 PM] Knife: just write the word 'sun' lol
[4:13:43 PM] Jacob: so like
[4:13:47 PM] Jacob: it can be as complex as I want?
[4:13:55 PM] Scott: The maze must have a clear start and finish and clear lines
[4:14:05 PM] Scott: And yes it can be as complex as you want
[4:14:11 PM] Jacob: and i can hand draw it?
[4:14:20 PM] Nat: you must be able to prove to the hosts that it can be completed
[4:14:20 PM] Scott: Yes
[4:14:23 PM] Jacob: Okay
[4:14:25 PM] Jacob: I will
[4:14:28 PM] Jacob: get a giant poster board
[4:14:31 PM] Scott: This is an example of an acceptable maze
[4:14:32 PM] Jacob: and make the biggest maze
[4:14:34 PM] Jacob: hedger has ever seen
[4:14:35 PM] Scott:
[4:14:46 PM] Scott: This is an example of an unacceptable maze
[4:15:04 PM] Scott:
about 7 years
[4:05:45 PM] Scott: Part 1 results
[4:05:53 PM] Scott: In 3rd place
[4:05:59 PM] Scott: With a score of 7
[4:06:08 PM] Scott: Hedger!
[4:07:00 PM] Scott: In 2nd place, with a score of 14
[4:07:06 PM] Scott: Jbomber732
[4:07:13 PM] Jacob: knife is an idiot folks
[4:07:19 PM] Knife: wooo!!!
[4:07:22 PM] Scott: Which means the winner of part 1 and the person who goes directly to the final part
[4:07:27 PM] Knife: tf im a genius
[4:07:36 PM] Scott: Knife with a seemingly impossible score of 50!
[4:07:40 PM] Knife: reverse psychology worked
[4:07:47 PM] Jacob: would a genius score 50 on a challenge that the other two people threw
[4:08:15 PM] Knife: lol i wanted to murder you
[4:08:15 PM] Scott: We're going to do the other player review tomorrow
[4:08:21 PM] Scott: I'm sorry that's my fault
[4:08:25 PM] Knife: worth it
[4:08:30 PM] Scott: The rites of passage I mean
[4:08:43 PM] Jacob: what time tomorrow
[4:08:44 PM] Scott: I don't know what they're called in Big Brother
[4:08:49 PM] Scott: Like 10 PM
[4:08:58 PM] Jacob: ok cool
[4:09:04 PM] Jacob: hopefully I’ll be there
[4:09:08 PM] Scott: Give me 10 minutes and I'll be back with part 2
[4:09:18 PM] Jacob: gunblood
[4:09:44 PM] Knife: youd still lose
[4:10:30 PM] Knife: part 2 is both of you are eliminated and i win. love this twist
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

the season finale will be at the sun and they will both die

close enough
about 7 years
congrats on the trophies guys!