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EMBB7 Trophy Game

over 7 years

EMBB7: A Space Journey

Fantasy Draft:


WEEK 15: The Finale



Third Place

Finalist Speeches



Jury Speeches








Memory Wall:




about 7 years
Hedger's Jury Speech:
about 7 years
about 7 years
goddamn axe
deletedabout 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
yayayayay jbomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
Go jbomb
about 7 years
knife robbed
about 7 years
[3.10.02] Jacob: Knife, who do you think the true identity of the zodiac killer is?
[3.10.11] Jacob: Knife, if you had to get away with murder, how would you do it?
[3.10.11] Elmo: moooooood
[3.10.16] Jacob: Knife, what is your ideal size?
[3.10.18] Knife: i deserve to be there cuz ive played a great game and think i could win
[3.10.19] Elmo: .
[3.10.22] Jacob: Knife, which host is your favorite and why?
[3.10.30] Elmo: Okay!
[3.10.45] Knife: also: donald trump, why would i tell you, and nat duh
[3.10.57] Jacob: you skipped the one but okay
[3.11.33] Elmo: As the winner of final HoH Hedger has the power to take one of you guys to the final 2 with him!
[3.11.44] Jacob: I didn’t know thanks for the info
[3.11.47] Elmo: Hedger has voted to evict...............
[3.11.49] Knife: twist
[3.11.53] Jacob: buyback
[3.11.54] Jacob: buyback
[3.12.33] Jacob: take your time
[3.12.34] Knife: omg just say it lol
[3.12.35] Elmo: .......Knife. You are the 7th member of the jury and the winner of Bronze Trophy.
[3.12.40] Knife: yep
[3.12.44] Knife: congrats jacob
[3.12.50] Elmo: Knife, you have been evicted from the Space Shuttle, you have 5 minutes to say your good byes!
[3.12.52] Jacob: knife it’s been an honor to play with you
[3.12.53] Knife: good luck to both of you
[3.12.55] Jacob: ily <3
[3.12.57] Knife: same with you sir
[3.13.01] Knife: <3
[3.13.15] Knife: rip us finally
[3.13.19] Jacob: yeah
[3.13.24] Knife: i cant wait to hear both your speeches tho lol
[3.13.28] Jacob: Most iconic f2 besides the secret one I had with monte all game
[3.13.51] Knife: rip monte talked to me about a f2 hour 1 lol
[3.13.56] Jacob: lmfao
[3.14.03] Jacob: he probably did that with half the cast
[3.14.08] Jacob: but I decided to pursue it with him
[3.14.10] Jacob: cuz he was funny
about 7 years
and we have our last juror!

[3.03.00] Elmo: Jacob, how did you feel after Hedger won the Final Head of Household?
[3.03.26] Jacob: Validation because I had predicted he would beat knife
[3.03.41] Jacob: that was a lame question
[3.03.59] Elmo: I'm SORRY
[3.04.02] Elmo: you're lame too
[3.04.06] Elmo: (angry)
[3.04.06] Jacob: thanks
[3.04.47] Jacob: so
[3.04.54] Jacob: do I gotta wait until some other lame-o gets online
[3.05.23] Elmo: Perhaps
[3.05.50] Jacob: gosh diddly damn darn
[3.06.12] Jacob: they’re both hiding though
[3.07.06] Knife: yo
[3.07.10] Elmo: Okay!
[3.07.12] Elmo: Knife is here
[3.07.24] Knife: lets get this over with
[3.07.29] Elmo: do u want a question
[3.07.41] Knife: sure
[3.07.57] Jacob: On 2/5/18, at 8:07 PM, Knife wrote:
> lets get this over with

hey thats what I said !
[3.08.26] Knife: uh you quoted me so clearly thats what I said :P
[3.08.34] Jacob: :(
[3.08.47] Jacob: elmo is probably going to give you a good question because he likes you more
[3.09.14] Knife: oh i didnt even notice he asked you one
[3.09.19] Jacob: exactly
[3.09.21] Jacob: because it was so lame
[3.09.45] Elmo: Knife, why do you deserve to be in the final two?
[3.09.50] Elmo: im not good at coming up with questions
[3.09.51] Elmo: FDGDFG
deletedabout 7 years
yay hedger!!
about 7 years
about 7 years
the challenge was memory web in case that was never posted!
about 7 years
[2/4/2018 5:15:24 PM] VelociRaptor: Let's hear the results of the Final Competition
[2/4/2018 5:15:58 PM] Jacob: I am feeling confident that I won
[2/4/2018 5:17:10 PM] VelociRaptor: By a score
[2/4/2018 5:17:19 PM] VelociRaptor: Of 17/17 to 15/17
[2/4/2018 5:17:38 PM] VelociRaptor: The winner of the final Head of Household of the season and a guaranteed spot in the Final 2....
[2/4/2018 5:17:39 PM] Jacob: baby odnt hurt e
[2/4/2018 5:17:40 PM] Jacob: dont hurt me
[2/4/2018 5:17:42 PM] Jacob: no more
[2/4/2018 5:17:44 PM] VelociRaptor: HEDGER
[2/4/2018 5:17:51 PM] Jacob: (clap)
[2/4/2018 5:17:51 PM] VelociRaptor: Congratulations Hedger
[2/4/2018 5:17:51 PM] Knife: rip
[2/4/2018 5:17:55 PM] Knife: congrats hedger
[2/4/2018 5:18:05 PM] VelociRaptor: You have until 8 PM EST tomorrow to make your choice
about 7 years
agreed but youre like a month late
about 7 years
zarfot ROBBED
about 7 years
[6.13.12] Knife: nothing I’m not gaymhm
[6.13.36] Jacob: Bboy - I talked to you about life by far the most out of anyone in this game. It was a refreshing break from the game and it helped me appreciate you as a person. You’re awesome and I miss our chats and hopefully we can have them sometimes again once the game is over. You’re a king and hey you knife I saw that. Uh so you’re a king and anyone who disagrees can eat my .
[6.13.52] Knife: lol
[6.15.10] Hedger: [6.11] Jacob:

<<< Charlie - Sorry for inadvertently killing you but you just happened to be on the wrong side of things after the anon week. Idk why you used that power you idiot 10/10 use of power
[6.15.36] Jacob: LMAO
[6.15.37] Jacob: it’s true tho
[6.15.40] Jacob: everyone was like
[6.15.43] Jacob: wtf you were in no danger
[6.16.06] Hedger: me being like how the hell does one come to the conclusion that they're being backdoored from a nomination set of hedger and sam....
[6.16.29] Hedger: when they're sitting there being half inactive
[6.17.45] Knife: yeha i was also confused by that ejection
about 7 years
[6.09.41] Jacob: Drachus - AHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU! Honestly you’re the reason I’m here right now. You were such a social powerhouse that I would have been dead anon week if it weren’t for you. You’re my favorite person ever and I’m really pisssed that I didn’t get to chill in this house with you for another 50 days or so because that would have been awesome. I’m still gonna send you your gummy bear eventually i SWEAR
[6.11.13] Jacob: Charlie - Sorry for inadvertently killing you but you just happened to be on the wrong side of things after the anon week. Idk why you used that power you idiot also congrats on winning tahiti ily. Good pal and was robbed he deserves to make jury in one of these games eventually
[6.12.04] Jacob: Zarfot - You were a scary guy because you had challenge power and good social connections in the house. Also you’re a model so…. nothing I’m not gay. Anyway you were a cool guy to talk to and you know it’s true because you’re not on the jury so I have no reason to suck your !
about 7 years
[6.05.42] Jacob: Uprizzle - I felt bad about this because I think you’re a really good player but unfortunately you were focusing on SBBB at the time and you weren’t really that active compared with most of the cast. If you had avoided the block early on you definitely could have been a really big contender in this game and I hope you get another chance in an EM ORG in the future!
[6.06.49] Jacob: Marry - I love you and you’re awesome and a great friend ! I was honestly happy to see you go though just because I respect you so much as a social player and knew that you’d be a real problem for me if you got far in this game. However, it still sucked to vote you out because I don’t talk to you enough and the ORG would have forced me to talk to you more!! I hope you’re doing well even tho I still talk to you as a tahiti host hajoifhdsjak
[6.08.12] Jacob: Malik - Honestly I have trouble talking to you. It’s nothing against you - you’re really cool and a nice guy but we didn’t really mesh super well this season. Best of luck in future orgs though and this was payback for PODORG <3
about 7 years
[6.03.33] Knife: when she came back i got a little excited
[6.03.39] VelociRaptor: Jacob feel free to catch up on everyone else
[6.03.53] Hedger: nat be like "ahem f2'ing zeezo before me"
[6.03.55] Knife: oh right last one
[6.03.57] VelociRaptor: Nat will be by with part 3 of the HOH shortly-ish
[6.04.10] Knife: cooool
[6.04.13] Hedger: is it going to be a DR challenge?
[6.04.22] Jacob: Johnny - You didn’t really talk to me much but I enjoyed hearing about the song of your people. I hope you are doing well my friend.
about 7 years
[6.00.34] VelociRaptor: Finally
[6.00.41] VelociRaptor: Monte
[6.02.09 | Muokattu 6.02.19] Jacob: Monte - You were the best and I love you so much. I don’t wanna just reiterate my goodbye message but I love you. Hedger hates you but thats ok ill protect u from him! You have a very odd sense of humor that makes me laugh so much and you were easily the most iconic person throughout this whole season. #MonteForFanFav
[6.02.12] Hedger: monte, super interesting fellow. Quite odd, not sure what goes through that brain of yours tbh. We had a nice rivalry going on towards the end game but I'd recommend not trying to off someone that's most likely going to win most of the challenges. Well played though, was really hoping to take you out slightly sooner than I did
[6.02.20] Hedger: lmfao
[6.02.24] Hedger: pls jacob
[6.02.31] Jacob: (punch)
[6.02.33] Hedger: I don't hate monte, I just had to get him out!
[6.02.36] Knife: monte monte monte. my boy from minute 1 when we thought there were 4 people in the house lol and then when the former winners came we thought it was a fans vs favorites season. im glad we got to work together as far as we did, although i do wish we both couldve made it here. hedger was just too good and won too many things rip. youre a poet and a crazy mf and i love it lol
[6.02.37] Jacob: true
[6.02.47] Jacob: ^
[6.02.51] Jacob: HEDGER IS OUT TO GET YOU
[6.02.53] Jacob: WATCH YO BACK
[6.02.57] Hedger: me when the winners came in and my first thought was " yes time to ally the vets"
[6.02.58] Knife: DEEP IN HIS SOUL
[6.03.07] Knife: lol hedger
[6.03.14] Hedger: zeezo is still my true f2
[6.03.23] Knife: nats one of my first allies
[6.03.24] Hedger: even tho nat's mad at me
[6.03.24] Jacob: I was gonna f2 zeezo too
[6.03.30] Hedger: I already f2'd zeezo
about 7 years
[5.56.45] VelociRaptor: 100GOD
[5.56.48] Knife: i thought china or something
[5.56.52] Hedger: lol
[5.57.04] Knife: she was always asleep when i was awake and vice versa lol
[5.57.06] Hedger: do you know where saurabh was from (cat)
[5.57.12] Knife: no : ^)
[5.57.26] Knife: mexico?
[5.58.04] Jacob: Saurabh - I ALWAYS SUSPECTED U WERE THE ANON HOH SCREW YOU <3. You were the most interesting person to “work” with imo because it always felt like we both knew the other was always up to something but yet our interests motivated us to actually work together for much of the game. Was a pity you were nominated against me even though I wanted you to leave that week anyway. You’re a cool dude though and I liked talking to you about kites and cake and life.
[5.58.08] Jacob: india
[5.59.03] Hedger: saurabh, again early in the game I saw you as someone I really wanted to work with long term. But unfortunately I can hold a grudge. You came after me in anon week and lied to my face :) Afterwards it was hard but I definitely enjoy talking to you. You have a good strategic mind, I just think you made some wrong choices and probably shouldn't have made yourself that obvious with the anon hoh
[5.59.57] Knife: saurabh you were one of my closest allies in this game. f5 was a sad eviction since you had to go. i really liked how well we worked together and appreciated your commitment to the game with you taking off your shoes in a mall lol it was great getting to know you cuz ive always heard good things! oh and i love learning that your name actually is 100GOD and pronouncing it 'hunnid god' in my head.
[5.59.59] Hedger: [5.57] Knife:

<<< mexico?not sure whether trolling me....
[6.00.07] Knife: INDIA
[6.00.15] Knife: happy?
[6.00.18] Hedger: yes :3
about 7 years
[5.51.57] VelociRaptor: Yuujin
[5.52.01] Jacob: “ monte tho"
[5.52.02] Jacob: mood
[5.53.18] Jacob: Yuujin - Omg you’re a queen and fast forward ROBBED you The HOSTs they should rot in hell. You were a fun ally and I enjoyed getting to know you better especially because we had never really talked too much before this. I am a robot.
[5.53.41] Hedger: yuujin queen <3 always love talking to you and playing with you. This game we weren't as close as we were in ssorg but it was still nice to just have someone to talk to when I didn't feel like playing the game and Signal is honestly the best show ever so thanks for getting me to watch that <3 Still need more suggestions :o
[5.54.40] Knife: ah my f2 lol i was so happy to see you cast and loved working with you for so long. youre my lucky olympics host even tho i flopped. ofc we'd get nommed together iconic. i loved talking video games and anime with you and learning where youre from (not asia like i thought)
[5.54.45] Knife: also we didnt have a f2 lol
[5.54.51] Hedger: "ah my f2"
[5.54.58] Knife: that was just for you hedger
[5.55.03] Knife: :P
[5.55.06] Hedger: mhm
[5.55.55] Hedger: (not asia like i thought)also lol
[5.56.20] Knife: all i knew was she was in a different time zone
[5.56.23] Knife: like you lol
[5.56.26] Hedger: did you not know Tanzania was in Africa or did you not know she was from Tanzania lul
[5.56.39] Knife: i didnt know she was from uk or tanzania