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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

deletedalmost 7 years
what's the HoH tea?
almost 7 years
dean you made it back to jury you're not an ORG flop anymore!
almost 7 years
sammy Why would you neg that im being sincere
almost 7 years
jack if youre reading this ilysm
almost 7 years
[12:04:05 AM] verumbark: f,edex lets go play runescape or smth
[12:04:25 AM] Fred: I might’ve mentioned once I thought it was a bit threatening
[12:04:25 AM] Zarfot: Lmao
[12:04:26 AM] Fred: but never once
[12:04:31 AM] Fred: did I say I was going after you because of it
[12:04:34 AM] Fred: so stop being paranoid
[12:04:44 AM] Markus: don't be snakey
[12:04:47 AM] Markus: and i won't call you out
[12:05:20 AM] Fred: dude
[12:05:25 AM] verumbark: fr im out i hate watching things like this
[12:05:25 AM] Fred: I mentioned once that you had a lot of coins
[12:05:32 AM] Fred: chill
[12:05:49 AM] Markus: cool i'm glad to hear
[12:06:10 AM] Markus: i do special activities because i find them fun to do
[12:06:17 AM] Fred: that’s great
[12:06:19 AM] Markus: coins are going to be useless in several weeks anyway
[12:06:22 AM] Fred: just don’t vilify me for talking about coins
[12:06:23 AM] deandean: I just like getting the super punishments
[12:06:28 AM] deandean: (cool)
[12:06:35 AM] baabaa: hot
[12:07:58 AM] deandean: Nobody tells me anything :(
[12:08:02 AM] deandean: ;(
[12:13:13 AM] ThoughtfulOlive: :,(
almost 7 years
[12:02:28 AM] Fred: there’s nothing sneakier than someone try to get every coin they can by doing every single special activity
[12:02:28 AM] baabaa: oh
[12:02:28 AM] Markus: when you are going round trying to imply to people i'm a threat
[12:02:35 AM] Markus: coins are public
[12:02:39 AM] Markus: there is literally nothing secret about it
[12:02:45 AM] Markus: so it can not be sneaky
[12:03:04 AM] Markus: so i'm using these because i don't want coins anymore
[12:03:15 AM] verumbark: oh is there drama
[12:03:17 AM] Markus: and i don't want to give fred any more reason to try come for me
[12:03:23 AM] Markus: behind my back
[12:03:29 AM] *** verumbark sets down their seltzer water and ducks out of the room ***
[12:03:37 AM] Fred: I’m not coming for you behind you back Markus
[12:03:41 AM] Zarfot: It won't matter much in this competition
[12:03:46 AM] Markus: what is warning people about my coins doing then?
[12:03:49 AM] Zarfot: 10% of max 20 points is nothing
[12:03:50 AM] Markus: what would you call that
[12:03:53 AM] Fred: someone you know is clearly talking about my back
[12:03:59 AM] Fred: and you’re outting them
[12:04:04 AM] Fred: *about me behind my back
almost 7 years
A fight broke out in the house!

[12:00:46 AM] agus strider: Markus has decided to use 2 coins to buy a +10% boost to his competition score.
[12:00:55 AM] verumbark: ooooo
[12:00:56 AM] Fred: nice
[12:01:13 AM] deandean: Markus scores a 1
[12:01:23 AM] Markus: i decided to use my coins, since i know that fred has been trying to cast fear in everyone's minds about me having whatever amount of coins
[12:01:23 AM] verumbark: super markio comin at us w those COINS
[12:01:43 AM] Markus: firstly, none of you should be worried that i had coins, considering the only people that should be worried by that are snakey people
[12:01:48 AM] Markus: so i guess it's no surprise fred was worried
[12:02:00 AM] Fred: Why the shade, markus?
[12:02:06 AM] Markus: secondly, coins mean jack , especially since you really need 6 to do actually anything substantial with them
[12:02:21 AM] Markus: why the shade? because i'm sick of you being super nice and friendly to me and pretending like we are allies
almost 7 years
Zarfot is my fave!!! You can beat them all I believe in you!
deletedalmost 7 years
He deserved better

Welcome to the last pre juror (and SBBB last pre juror) club!!

I love u bro
almost 7 years
Jokers Ratings Week 7

1. FannyChmelar (+2)
2. verumbark (-1)
3. qrstuv (+8)
4. Ginga (+1)
5. Markus (-1)
6. deandean (-)
7. Fred (-5)
8. baabaa (-)
9. dooze (-)
10. Zarfot (-)
11. theturningRAY (-4)
12 NoAviNoKnowledge (-)
13 feist (-)
14 blood4bloodgod (-)
15 sigh (-)
16 view (-)
almost 7 years
1. Who is fun to be around?
2. Who should never have been cast?
3. Who is the sexiest?
4. Who wrongly thinks they are in control of the game?
5. Who is really running the game?
6. Who would you trust with your life?
7. Who is the best liar in this house?
8. Who would you keep in touch with when game ends?
9. Who do you respect the most?
10. Who do you want to see win this season?
11. Who has surprised you the most?
12. Who is most likely to have an f2 with everyone?
13. Who is playing for second place?
14. Who would be the best at real life Big Brother?
15. Who is most likely to be the host's favorite?
16. Who would be a bitter jury member?
17. Who is most likely to be casted in an All Stars season?
18. Who is the most likely to take over the world?
19. Who most needs to be reminded that SBBB is just a game?
20. Who do you want to vote out next?

You guys will have until August 15th at 11pm EST to submit your answers.
almost 7 years
[10:00:51 PM] agus strider: #8 HoH: Touchy Subjects

You will be given 20 questions. For these questions, you will have to send in two names for each: One of them will be your personal opinion, and the other one will be the one you think the majority will vote for.

You have to reply only based on the current houseguests. This means, not the hosts and not people that have been evicted. Only the 9 of you are valid options.

The person who guesses what the majority voted in most questions will win the competition.

For the questions, you can vote yourself in any of them, but ONLY for what you think the majority is. You can NOT vote for yourself as your personal opinion.

You can vote for the same person in BOTH your personal and the majority, if you want.

Be HONEST about your personal opinion.

If there is a tie in votes for a person in a question, all the people tied will be counted as the majority, and thus anyone who thought they'd be the majority will get a point.

We will ONLY reveal what your answers were for what you voted in the majority. We will NOT reveal what your personal vote was. (Though we may at some point once the entire season is over!)

We will also reveal who was voted by the majority in each question, obviously.

If you are in doubt about something, you can ask in your DR.
almost 7 years
[9:58:55 PM] agus strider: the theme is...
[9:58:59 PM] agus strider: Sim Date
[9:59:03 PM] Markus: wat
[9:59:04 PM] Fred: :0!!
[9:59:06 PM] FannyChmelar: what
[9:59:06 PM] Markus: what does that even mean
[9:59:16 PM] FannyChmelar: idk
[9:59:23 PM] Fred: It means we all date each other!'
[9:59:27 PM] agus strider: dating simulators!!
[9:59:29 PM] FannyChmelar: dfhdhfhddg
[9:59:35 PM] verumbark: WAIT HOLD THE PHONE.
[9:59:36 PM] FannyChmelar: NOOO i HATE DATING SIMULATORS
[9:59:41 PM] verumbark: YOU MEAN TO TELL ME
[9:59:51 PM] verumbark: IM GOING INTO DATING SIM WEEK
[9:59:58 PM] verumbark: WITHOUT JACK
[10:00:06 PM] verumbark: F*CK YOU
[10:00:09 PM] FannyChmelar: now ur single and ready to mingle
[10:00:16 PM] agus strider: ^
[10:00:18 PM] FannyChmelar: find urself a hot daddy/missus
[10:00:20 PM] agus strider: theres literally not a better time to do this!
[10:00:23 PM] verumbark: TOO SOON FANNY
[10:00:25 PM] Ally: Jack is my EM husband back off
[10:00:34 PM] Markus: fight fight fight
[10:00:42 PM] agus strider: that being said
[10:00:44 PM] agus strider: markus
[10:00:46 PM] verumbark: ...............
[10:00:47 PM] agus strider: you are in for a treat!
[10:00:49 PM] deandean: Ok both of you stop it you're fighting over GINGA
[10:00:50 PM] Markus: hahahahaha
almost 7 years
[9:55:43 PM] FannyChmelar: omg what did u say dean LMFAO
[9:55:49 PM] Markus: my goodbye message to jack this time was a lot nicer than my goodbye message to him the first time lol
[9:55:53 PM] deandean: I'm not allowed to say but I mean
[9:55:59 PM] deandean: He's not gonna take it well
[9:56:02 PM] FannyChmelar: paraphrase : D
[9:56:09 PM] deandean: Very taunting
[9:56:13 PM] verumbark: oh god
[9:56:39 PM] FannyChmelar: dhdhdhhdfg
[9:56:44 PM] Fred: When does the last chest of fate kick in?
[9:56:44 PM] TheStyleAisle: I was gunna give a speech congratulating you all on making it to the jury, but it just became a speech about me, so I'll just simply say congratulations to making it to this key point in the game and Ol' Pappy Style is very proud of all of y'all.
[9:56:47 PM] FannyChmelar: meee at every goodbye message so far dean tho
[9:56:53 PM] verumbark: my goodbye message was a corny affectionate pun followed by "dont feel too bad im prob out next"
[9:57:06 PM] agus strider: the new hoh is coming soon
[9:57:13 PM] agus strider: let me say its a fun, ORG classic
[9:57:24 PM] Fred: When does jack pick the point reduction?!!
[9:57:29 PM] agus strider: oh yeah
[9:57:31 PM] Markus: omg
[9:57:32 PM] Markus: touchy subjects
[9:57:34 PM] Markus: love it
[9:57:36 PM] FannyChmelar: FJFJFJF
[9:57:43 PM] Fred: Also mario week when
[9:57:50 PM] FannyChmelar: noooo dont even mention that sick game lmfaooo
[9:57:51 PM] *** agus strider prepares hot dog bush ***
[9:57:56 PM] FannyChmelar: @ markus
[9:58:12 PM] Markus: it will literally be touchy subjects
[9:58:23 PM] Markus: i've been expecting it ever since f12
[9:58:42 PM] TheStyleAisle: We will give the theme of the week soon... maybe another hint!
[9:58:46 PM] FannyChmelar: fhhhddg
[9:58:48 PM] *** TheStyleAisle helps agus prepare KanyeZone ***
almost 7 years
[9:54:10 PM] TheStyleAisle: You are now free to talk about the events of Week 7 with no restrictions.
[9:54:17 PM] verumbark: AAAAAAAA
[9:54:26 PM] FannyChmelar: ok admit it who was hoh lmaooo
[9:54:31 PM] deandean: I still haven't won a single f*cking competition
[9:54:33 PM] Fred: It was me
[9:54:33 PM] verumbark: JACK IM SORRY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
[9:54:35 PM] deandean: Jesus christ
[9:54:41 PM] FannyChmelar: fjfjjdg fred jesus christ fhhfg
[9:54:42 PM] agus strider: Welcome to Jury Phase
[9:54:46 PM] Markus: jurryyyyyyyy
[9:54:49 PM] FannyChmelar: 3 hohs... ???
[9:54:50 PM] Fred: Jk I was HoH last week
[9:54:52 PM] Zarfot: Gj verum!
[9:54:53 PM] Fred: TRICKT YOU
[9:54:55 PM] FannyChmelar: OH
[9:54:57 PM] *** agus strider has renamed this conversation to "Sandbox Big Brother 2: The Virtual World Week 8" ***
[9:55:01 PM] Zarfot: And congrats everyonee!!
[9:55:02 PM] Markus: congrats on jury cinna!
[9:55:03 PM] FannyChmelar: WTF FHHFFG STOPPP I FELL FOR IT
[9:55:05 PM] verumbark: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[9:55:07 PM] FannyChmelar: IM CRYING
[9:55:15 PM] Fred: GET REKT FANNY
[9:55:17 PM] Ally: congrats on jury !!
[9:55:20 PM] FannyChmelar: omggg ya congrats on jury verum as well : D
[9:55:25 PM] deandean: Ok lowkey my goodbye to Ginga was really dickish because I lowkey thought Verum was gone
[9:55:32 PM] Markus: hahahahaha yikes
[9:55:33 PM] FannyChmelar: UR SOOO MEAN FRED
almost 7 years
New eviction Ceremony!
almost 7 years
if i die im just gonna guise one of the other houseguests??? nobody gets rid of verumbark that easily
almost 7 years
PoV #7: Tower Invasion and Defense.

Participating: HoH, Ginga, verumbark, 3 randomized players (which will be contacted in their DRs)

In this game you will start with a Tower with 300 HP and with 2000 Gold coins. There are several different units, dividided in two main groups: Invasion Units and Defensive Units. They will be described below.

Invasion units:

HP: 20
Atk: 30
Cost: 50

HP: 40
Atk: 10
Cost: 50

HP: 10
Atk: 50
Cost: 50

Defense Units:

HP: 20
Atk: 30
Cost: 100

HP: 40
Atk: 10
Cost: 100

HP: 10
Atk: 0
Special Effect: If alive at the end, +30 tower HP
Cost: 100

You must spend your money buying units.

The way the game works is that you will have to redistribute your units in 6 parties, in a 4x4 grid each:

Parties 1 through 5 (Invasion Parties): Only Invasion Units. Grid:
Party 6 (Defensive Parties): Only Defense units. Grid:

Parties are allowed to be empty.

You must then decide which Invasion Party will invade which player.

The battles in the game will have your invasion party fight against the defense party of the player you attacked. The units in the row marked with a 1 will fight against each other. Once an entire row is dead, the next row will come up and the battle will go on. This will go on until one party is completely eliminated, and then the next invasion party will come right after the other. The order of which invasion party goes first will be randomized.

At the end once every battle has happened, the tower with the most remaining HP will win the challenge. If there is a tie we will have a tie-breaker round.

Since I know the challenge may be a bit confusing and not well explained feel free to ask any questions.

You guys have until 9pm EST on August 13th to send in your submissions.
almost 7 years
[9:42:59 PM] verumbark: WHO HERE
[9:43:03 PM] verumbark: THOUGHT JACK AND I
[9:43:05 PM] verumbark: WERE A F2
[9:43:09 PM] verumbark: LMFAO
[9:43:14 PM] baabaa: who are you?
[9:43:23 PM] FannyChmelar: noo i thought you n noavi were the f2 over him n u
[9:43:33 PM] verumbark: logan and i never had one either tbh
[9:43:36 PM] verumbark: i was considering it
[9:43:47 PM] baabaa:
[9:43:53 PM] verumbark: but my attachment to him was bc i trusted him, not bc i thought he was good enough to make it to f2
[9:44:09 PM] verumbark: like whatevs ill be honest
[9:44:11 PM] verumbark: might as well
[9:44:19 PM] verumbark: i feel like half of yall secretly want me out
[9:44:49 PM] verumbark: so like? if theres anything im doing wrong? and u could let me know? id enjoy that
[9:46:07 PM] verumbark: otherwise ill just put my all into the pov challenge and hope for the best
[9:46:23 PM] verumbark: who knows, maybe itll be a karaoke game (chuckle)
[9:46:36 PM] FannyChmelar: but its tower defense week
[9:46:42 PM] verumbark: OK WELL
almost 7 years
[9:40:12 PM] verumbark: tbh im just gonna say here tht i never saw "showmance" as a synonym or even smth related to a f2/alliance pact
[9:40:32 PM] verumbark: at the start of my thing w jack i legit fully intended to target him
[9:40:36 PM] verumbark: sdkjfhsdkjfhskjdfh
[9:41:02 PM] verumbark: so if Thats why, bc it probably Is why, then uhhhhhh
[9:41:02 PM] Ginga: The f*ck do you mean intended
[9:41:06 PM] FannyChmelar: omg thats some tea...
[9:41:07 PM] FannyChmelar: LOL
[9:41:08 PM] Ginga: You were the reason i got out the first time...
[9:41:09 PM] verumbark: JACK U KNOW THIS
[9:41:14 PM] verumbark: I KNOW
[9:41:15 PM] FannyChmelar: fhfhhfg
[9:41:16 PM] verumbark: I KNOW I WAS
[9:41:20 PM] FannyChmelar: really???
[9:41:20 PM] verumbark: I SAW U AS A THREAT
[9:41:21 PM] FannyChmelar: LMFAO
[9:41:34 PM] FannyChmelar: omg.. like ik i wanted tea but this is sooo much tea already
[9:41:45 PM] verumbark: smh this hoh wanted to break up a f2 didnt they
[9:41:49 PM] verumbark: better luck next time pal
[9:42:23 PM] baabaa: o m g
[9:42:57 PM] verumbark: OK WAIT SHOW OF HANDS RQ
[9:42:57 PM] Ginga: Ive been voted out once so i guess i can do it again
almost 7 years
[9:35:53 PM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[9:35:59 PM] agus strider: HoH: As head of household, it is my duty to nominate two players for eviction. I will pull the keys of the players safe, until the two players left without keys are the nominees.
[9:35:59 PM] baabaa: oh
[9:36:05 PM] agus strider: 1st key goes to..........................
[9:36:10 PM] agus strider: BAMBOOZLED, THERE ARE NO KEYS
[9:36:18 PM] Ginga: Figured
[9:36:24 PM] FannyChmelar: gj bamboozled!!!
[9:36:26 PM] Fred: WHOA
[9:36:28 PM] Ginga: Mindgames on giving your own keys wouldve been a bit odd
[9:36:31 PM] agus strider: The HoH has decided to nominate...
[9:36:37 PM] verumbark: oh crap ive been hoodwinked
[9:36:51 PM] agus strider: Ginga and verumbark.
[9:37:00 PM] FannyChmelar: omg
[9:37:02 PM] verumbark: ......... its bc of our showmance isnt it
[9:37:07 PM] Ginga: Me? Nominated as usual? Its more likely than you think
[9:37:07 PM] FannyChmelar: FHHFG i hope theres a speech
[9:37:09 PM] verumbark: welp(tm)
[9:37:12 PM] agus strider: no speech
[9:37:18 PM] Fred: Huh
[9:37:23 PM] agus strider: i'll get back to you guys soon with the pov
[9:37:26 PM] baabaa: o h
[9:37:27 PM] verumbark: cool
[9:37:29 PM] FannyChmelar: omg darn we dont even get the TEA
[9:39:37 PM] verumbark: no i get it
[9:39:52 PM] FannyChmelar: GL to both noms ;;
almost 7 years
[8/11/2017 11:11:51 PM] dooze: on my end too
[8/11/2017 11:11:52 PM] dooze: lol
[8/11/2017 11:12:08 PM] verumbark: rip
[8/11/2017 11:31:57 PM] Ally: Houseguests please gather in the living room!
[8/11/2017 11:32:06 PM] baabaa: Ok !
[8/11/2017 11:32:09 PM] verumbark: im gathered
[8/11/2017 11:32:16 PM] Ginga: I'm here
[8/11/2017 11:32:16 PM] Ally: Our anonymous hoh has opened up Chest #8 and released a twist upon the house! This week, the twist that has been unleashed is….
[8/11/2017 11:32:28 PM] Ally: Revenge of the Departed!
[8/11/2017 11:32:32 PM | Edited 11:32:40 PM] Ally: Starting this week and lasting for the next 2 evictions, upon exiting the game the evicted houseguest will choose one of the remaining houseguests to receive a score reduction or disadvantage in the next HoH competition.
[8/11/2017 11:32:53 PM] verumbark: like a ghost?
[8/11/2017 11:32:56 PM] Ally: Good luck gamers!
[8/11/2017 11:32:57 PM] Ally: sure like a ghost
[8/11/2017 11:32:58 PM] Ally: also
[8/11/2017 11:33:05 PM] Ally: The anon hoh has until 9pm ET tomorrow to submit their noms
almost 7 years
[8/11/2017 10:32:00 PM] dooze: aaa if it doesn't go away go to the dentist
[8/11/2017 10:32:13 PM] FannyChmelar: i was just at the dentist 5 days ago fhhfg
[8/11/2017 10:32:38 PM] FannyChmelar: not for that tho
[8/11/2017 10:33:17 PM] dooze: Oh nooooo
[8/11/2017 10:33:21 PM] dooze: Did they cause the pain
[8/11/2017 10:33:54 PM] FannyChmelar: no they weren't anywhere near those teeth i don't think
[8/11/2017 10:34:09 PM] dooze: Oh rip
[8/11/2017 10:34:11 PM] FannyChmelar: maybe they were n i just forgot i wasn't really payign attention
[8/11/2017 10:34:11 PM] FannyChmelar: fhhfg
[8/11/2017 10:54:13 PM] verumbark: i was just in a sandbox game with vwxyz and he was like "oh u made the thread in vivor" and i was like ........ uh
[8/11/2017 10:54:29 PM] FannyChmelar: is he on ANOTHER alt
[8/11/2017 10:54:40 PM] verumbark: idk
[8/11/2017 10:55:09 PM] dooze: omg
[8/11/2017 11:01:58 PM] dooze: does anyone want to play jotto
[8/11/2017 11:02:04 PM] dooze: ik verum asked earlier
[8/11/2017 11:02:05 PM] dooze: im bored
[8/11/2017 11:02:22 PM] verumbark: yo sure
[8/11/2017 11:02:30 PM] dooze:
[8/11/2017 11:11:15 PM] dooze: gg
[8/11/2017 11:11:38 PM] verumbark: ok my train of thought was NEVER on the rails there kdnfkdnfknd
[8/11/2017 11:11:49 PM] dooze: it was a weird word
almost 7 years
[8/11/2017 10:22:55 PM] FannyChmelar: this twist is boring . no tea.
[8/11/2017 10:23:05 PM] FannyChmelar: fhhfg
[8/11/2017 10:23:15 PM] qrstuv: i would have rather it been an anonymous Lightning Round personally
[8/11/2017 10:23:47 PM] verumbark: all the lights go out, and as if under hypnosis, all houseguests stop what theyre doing and slowly make their ways to the living room
[8/11/2017 10:23:52 PM] verumbark: nobody can see a thing
[8/11/2017 10:24:30 PM] verumbark: everyone takes their seats. a filtered, distorted voice echoes through the room
[8/11/2017 10:27:25 PM] verumbark: the nominees are announced, and they, along with the other pov candidates, hear a voice whisper in their heads
[8/11/2017 10:27:33 PM] verumbark: they have been chosen
[8/11/2017 10:27:47 PM] Markus: Everyone should have submitted noms when they submitted their score
[8/11/2017 10:27:54 PM] Markus: Would have been much more efficient
[8/11/2017 10:28:25 PM] TheStyleAisle: We are decidedly NOT about efficiency.
[8/11/2017 10:28:29 PM] FannyChmelar: fhhfg
[8/11/2017 10:29:04 PM] Markus: I can see that
[8/11/2017 10:29:21 PM] dooze: I love William
[8/11/2017 10:29:24 PM] dooze: The host
[8/11/2017 10:29:27 PM] dooze: Not the player
[8/11/2017 10:29:29 PM] TheStyleAisle: O.
[8/11/2017 10:29:29 PM] qrstuv: : ^ (
[8/11/2017 10:29:36 PM] verumbark: ):
[8/11/2017 10:29:47 PM] FannyChmelar: 0:
[8/11/2017 10:30:00 PM] FannyChmelar: my teeeeth hurt sooo much fhhfg
[8/11/2017 10:30:04 PM] dooze: (:
[8/11/2017 10:30:12 PM] verumbark: D:
[8/11/2017 10:30:13 PM] dooze: Omg fnany why
[8/11/2017 10:30:18 PM] FannyChmelar: IDK
[8/11/2017 10:30:44 PM] FannyChmelar: its just the bottom row on my right hurt whenever i chew or like put my teeth together fhhfg
almost 7 years
[8/11/2017 10:17:38 PM] qrstuv: imma be tight if i dont get picked
[8/11/2017 10:17:49 PM] qrstuv: [inb4 nommed anyway and cant get picked]
[8/11/2017 10:18:58 PM] dooze: Wait what
[8/11/2017 10:19:04 PM] dooze: Did HoH end
[8/11/2017 10:19:11 PM] qrstuv: yeah the winner was informed
[8/11/2017 10:19:45 PM] dooze: Can we know the score of the 1st place person
[8/11/2017 10:20:28 PM] TheStyleAisle: Scores will NOT be revealed at this time.
[8/11/2017 10:20:34 PM] FannyChmelar: when WILL they be revealed
[8/11/2017 10:20:51 PM] verumbark: does the hoh do speech
[8/11/2017 10:21:03 PM] verumbark: hows the ceremony even gonna go
[8/11/2017 10:21:06 PM] verumbark: wait i know
[8/11/2017 10:21:13 PM] FannyChmelar: rip markus
[8/11/2017 10:21:17 PM] dooze: I feel like verum will be able to tell who it is if they do a speech
[8/11/2017 10:21:19 PM] dooze: Lol
[8/11/2017 10:21:23 PM] verumbark: yeah.
[8/11/2017 10:21:36 PM] verumbark: theres like a 90% chance i will.
[8/11/2017 10:22:07 PM] verumbark: unless you put it through a text processor and remove all punctuation and make it all caps or smth
[8/11/2017 10:22:31 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: This is a really cool twist
[8/11/2017 10:22:34 PM] verumbark: but heres how i imagine the speech goes
[8/11/2017 10:22:39 PM] verumbark: i mean not speech
[8/11/2017 10:22:42 PM] verumbark: the ceremony