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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

deletedalmost 7 years
[9:39:00 PM] agus strider: With a vote of...
[9:39:02 PM | Removed 9:39:07 PM] Ally: This message has been removed.
[9:39:04 PM] Ally: ok
[9:39:05 PM] Ally: (worry)
[9:39:06 PM] Will (Markus): (worry)
[9:39:10 PM] Fred: (worry)
[9:39:10 PM] c. verum: 3-2
[9:39:12 PM] agus strider: 3-2
[9:39:16 PM] Ally: SHUT UP VERUM
[9:39:17 PM] Fede (Zarfot): :o
[9:39:19 PM] Will (Markus): dun dun duuuuuuuun
[9:39:21 PM] Fred: we all knew the vote
[9:39:21 PM] c. verum: we all know ally
[9:39:23 PM] agus strider: Person getting evicted is...
[9:39:23 PM] Ally: IDC
[9:39:29 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Drumrolls...
[9:39:29 PM] c. verum: emma
[9:39:30 PM] Fred: this is news to absolutely no one
[9:39:31 PM] dooze .: i hated this week
[9:39:36 PM] Ally: omg DOOze is here
[9:39:37 PM] Fred: same dooze
[9:39:44 PM] dooze .: why did u do this verum
[9:39:44 PM] Fred: this was the worst vote yet
[9:39:45 PM] dooze .: 0/10
[9:39:48 PM] c. verum: dooze
[9:39:50 PM] Will (Markus): didn't enjoy this week much either dooze
[9:39:52 PM] c. verum: i apologized
[9:39:54 PM] agus strider: baabaa
almost 7 years
idk if its just me but this fred vs verum rivalry thing is kinda iconic...
almost 7 years
YESSSSSS Zarfot is gonna be Final 7!!
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
[9:45:03 PM] deandean: Hang on
[9:45:14 PM] deandean: I'm not playing fred
[9:45:15 PM] Markus: Hanging on
[9:45:18 PM] deandean: Wut
[9:45:24 PM] Markus: But you admit you're playing cinna lmaooooooo
[9:45:34 PM] deandean: I'm not doing that either
[9:45:38 PM] Markus: Hahahahahhahahaha
[9:45:41 PM] Markus: Freudian slip
[9:45:44 PM] Markus: L8r bro
[9:45:57 PM] deandean: No no no you cannot say that was a Freudian slip
[9:46:05 PM] deandean: That's about accidentally making things sexual
[9:46:06 PM] Markus: Hahahahahha yes I can and I just did
[9:46:13 PM] deandean: I'm not Dylan
[9:46:30 PM] Ally: Freud·i·an slip
ˌfroidēən ˈslip/Submit
an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.
[9:46:34 PM] deandean: Oh
[9:46:42 PM] deandean: That wasn't a Freudian slip
[9:46:43 PM] Ally: carry on with the drama (hotchocolate)
[9:46:45 PM] Markus: L8r dean
[9:46:48 PM] Markus: Your game is fried
[9:46:54 PM] deandean: Don't l8r sk8r me
[9:46:54 PM] Markus: To be fair your game was never good
[9:47:09 PM] deandean: Was it never good?
[9:47:17 PM] Markus: You were MIA first 5 weeks, not really your fault so won't bring up
[9:47:28 PM] Markus: But your scrambling to try rectify anything in the last 4 weeks
[9:47:33 PM] Markus: Were subpar
[9:47:48 PM] deandean: They weren't subpar tbh
[9:47:53 PM] deandean: I scrambled a bit
[9:47:55 PM] Markus: Agree to disagree I guess
[9:48:17 PM] deandean: What makes you think it's this subpar bullsh*t
almost 7 years
[9:34:32 PM] deandean: Sent my vote!
[9:34:46 PM] deandean: Did I originally send it in the wrong chat?
[9:34:48 PM] deandean: Maybe
[9:34:55 PM] deandean: But let's not talk about it
[9:36:54 PM] Markus: Hahahahhaha
[9:36:57 PM] Markus: Love u dean
[9:37:06 PM] deandean: <3
[9:37:23 PM] Markus: Best get the majority
[9:37:28 PM] Markus: Coz otherwise you're f*cked
[9:38:27 PM] deandean: F*CK why did I tell you of all people my POV score
[9:38:29 PM] deandean: LMAO
[9:38:48 PM] Markus: Your POV score is not as good as you think it is lol
[9:38:54 PM] deandean: I know
[9:39:09 PM] Zeezo: I always win pov
[9:40:29 PM] deandean: Tbf you sold me out twice
[9:40:39 PM] Markus: I did, that's true
[9:40:49 PM] Markus: So maybe you should rethink your sh*t strategy
[9:41:01 PM] Markus: I was never close to you
[9:41:11 PM] Markus: So why would I not let everyone know how you're playing cinna
[9:41:24 PM] Markus: And Fred
[9:42:07 PM | Edited 9:42:42 PM] Markus: You may have cinna wrapped around your little finger
[9:42:19 PM] Markus: Coz they're obviously clueless about the big schemes happening behind their back
almost 7 years
[9:19:18 PM] agus strider: Veto Ceremony
[9:19:22 PM] agus strider: Fred stands up.
[9:19:28 PM] agus strider: Fred: As the veto holder, I have the choice to save someone from the nomination block, and therefore…
[9:19:42 PM] agus strider: Fred: I save myself
[9:19:50 PM] Ally: :O
[9:19:55 PM] Markus: Has anyone ever not saved themselves
[9:19:58 PM] agus strider: Fred: : D Verum I think we’re even now
[9:20:03 PM] Zeezo: :o
[9:20:03 PM] Ally: on real bb yes
[9:20:11 PM] Markus: Did they get evicted lol
[9:20:14 PM] agus strider: Fred: verumbark, as I have veto’d one of your nominees, you must name a replacement.
[9:20:15 PM] Ally: Yes
[9:20:22 PM] agus strider: verumbark stands up
[9:20:26 PM] Markus: I'd almost evict someone purely for not saving themselves lol
[9:20:34 PM] agus strider: verumbark: My replacement nominee is…
[9:20:35 PM] Zeezo: wtf Markus rude
[9:20:48 PM] baabaa: (sarcastic)
[9:20:59 PM] agus strider: verumbark: Markus
[9:21:01 PM] Ally: :O
[9:21:02 PM] baabaa: what
[9:21:04 PM] Markus: Omg shook lol
[9:21:08 PM] agus strider: verumbark:

its not just about being trustworthy anymore. im sorry for doing this. gl u two
[9:21:17 PM] agus strider: Fred: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
[9:21:23 PM] agus strider: This means that the final nominees are baabaa and Markus! You guys have until 10pm EST on August 22nd to send in your votes and goodbye messages.

Just so you know though, as the Fast Forward is due the 23rd at 9pm, we will simply hold the eviction until then, so, yes, your votes will be due a bit under 24 hours the actual eviction and no, you won't be able to change them.
[9:21:26 PM] baabaa: w,, what
[9:26:26 PM] Markus: Peak of stress at uni then cinna renoms me
[9:26:30 PM] Markus: HELP
[9:26:32 PM] Markus: lol
almost 7 years

quiche says

keep slaying tamakun! bless up

i love u quichekun <333
almost 7 years
[2:19:59 AM] TheStyleAisle: In sixth place, and the first to leave the chatroom was...................... deandean!
[2:20:01 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[2:20:05 AM] baabaa: oh wait
[2:20:10 AM] baabaa: I didn't leave after markus
[2:20:11 AM] baabaa: nvm
[2:20:43 AM] TheStyleAisle: In fifth place and the second to leave the chatroom was................................ Markus!
[2:20:44 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[2:20:50 AM] Markus: i wouldn't really say i "left"
[2:20:53 AM] Markus: i would more say ejected
[2:21:01 AM] dooze: Lmao bye Markus
[2:21:05 AM] Markus: hahahahahha
[2:21:16 AM] Fred: I like to think Markus’ chair just ejected him into the sky
[2:21:21 AM] TheStyleAisle: In fourth place and third to be EJECTED from the chatroom was................. Verumbark!
[2:21:22 AM] baabaa: i love u markus......
[2:21:36 AM] TheStyleAisle: (Clap)
[2:21:48 AM] Markus: time will heal all wounds emma
[2:22:05 AM] TheStyleAisle: In third place and fourth to leave the chatroom was................................. baabaa!
[2:22:09 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[2:24:23 AM] TheStyleAisle: Finally, the winner of the Power of Veto, having outlasted all others in the chatroom is.................... Fred!
[2:24:30 AM] TheStyleAisle: Dooze lasted a very brave and heroic three hours, and nine minutes, earning second place.
[2:24:36 AM] Fred: I can’t believe I won survivor : D
[2:25:05 AM] Zarfot: Congrats!!
[2:25:28 AM] baabaa: what a shock. (sarcastic)
[2:25:42 AM] Fred: Emma’s so happy for me : D
[2:26:26 AM] TheStyleAisle: That means that Fred has won the Power of Veto! You have until 1:30AM EDT on Tuesday, August 22nd to decide whether you will use the power on Fred, baabaa, or neither! Please include a speech with your decision. Verumbark, as HoH, please submit a replacement nominee in the event the Power of Veto is used, along with a speech.
almost 7 years
[2:18:16 AM] TheStyleAisle: We have the results of the Veto competition!
[2:18:26 AM] Markus: would ya look at tht
[2:18:29 AM] dooze: :o
[2:18:33 AM] Markus: glad you guys could come to an arrangement without me
[2:18:33 AM] baabaa: exciting!
[2:18:35 AM] Zarfot: That was fast!
[2:18:48 AM] Markus: @emma
[2:18:49 AM] Markus: lmao
[2:18:50 AM] Fred: I’m glad, I sleep for more then 8 hours
[2:18:51 AM] Markus: hahahahahaha
[2:18:52 AM] TheStyleAisle: Much faster than expected!
[2:18:57 AM] baabaa: I'm SORRY markus ;;
[2:19:00 AM] baabaa: I left after u....
[2:19:00 AM] Fred: so I would’ve gotten kicked out
[2:19:02 AM] Markus: hahahahahahah
[2:19:05 AM] Markus: i'm kidding :)
[2:19:34 AM] dooze: IM NOT
[2:19:41 AM] Markus: fast forward is scary
[2:19:43 AM] baabaa: real talk
[2:19:45 AM] Markus: and i'm not looking forward to it
[2:19:47 AM] baabaa: I hate cyroad with a burning passion
[2:19:54 AM] Markus: cyroad does this cute thing
[2:19:57 AM] Markus: where it just stops responding
almost 7 years
keep slaying tamakun! bless up
almost 7 years
yay i made it to the logs!
deletedalmost 7 years
[8:56:22 PM] Ally: Verum walks in carrying the key wheel
[8:56:23 PM] c. verum: ):
[8:56:23 PM] *** Fred leaves ***
[8:56:48 PM] Nat: this is way more dramatic than embbas
[8:56:51 PM | Edited 8:56:57 PM] Ally: Verumbark: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. As HoH, it is my job to nominate 2 houseguests for eviction. I will pull the keys of those safe.
[8:56:53 PM] Ally: im
[8:57:04 PM] Ally: First key...
[8:57:13 PM] Ally: Markus
[8:57:21 PM] Ally: Second key...
[8:57:27 PM] Ally: FannyChmelar
[8:57:33 PM] Ally: Third key...
[8:57:42 PM] Ally: Zarfot
[8:57:56 PM] Ally: Camera pans to baabaa, dooze, Fred, deandean
[8:58:06 PM] Ally: Fourth key...
[8:58:14 PM] Ally: dooze
[8:58:32 PM] Ally: Fifth and final key...
[8:58:36 PM] Fred: wow, I wonder
[8:58:45 PM] c. verum: im Sorry
[8:58:47 PM] Fred: this would’ve been so much fun if VERUM DIDN’T RUIN THE SUSPENSE
[8:58:52 PM] Ally: deandean
[8:58:53 PM] Ally: Verumbark: This means I have nominated Fred and baabaa for eviction.
[8:58:58 PM] Fred: SHOOK
[8:59:01 PM] Ally: Verumbark: uhhhhhh i dont have much time to write a huge speech rn but i Did put a lot of thought into this and im sry i couldnt nom who u wanted beside u @fred but maybe some other hoh will get ur targets out since ik ur not the only one who has them

key order was randomized but bean last key meme had to stay a thing

gtg vacuum my room D: i love u guys v much and i hope nobody takes anythin personally
[8:59:11 PM] c. verum: i personally hate the stress of waiting for my key like
[8:59:14 PM] Ally: Verumbark: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
[12:35:44 PM] FannyChmelar: but i was confused @ what to say bc u asked a question i replied
[12:36:12 PM] FannyChmelar: then just a haha its ok i was confused af??
[12:36:40 PM] FannyChmelar: especially when we had normal convos in the housechat as well
[12:37:09 PM] FannyChmelar: which it was just another normal convo??
[12:38:22 PM] baabaa: that's me.
[12:39:04 PM] FannyChmelar: like?? do u wanna talk ab it in pms so we dont clog this up or is there no point??
[12:39:05 PM] dooze: Listen, I assumed since you didn't respond that you didn't want to talk with me. We barely talked in housechat but even if we did everyone does and just because I talk with someone doesn't mean that they're interested in working with me. In this point of the game, that sht matters and yeah. If you're only interested in regular talks and not working with me, that's not going to save you. At this point in the game, I'm interested in getting people out who are detrimental to me & people actually interested in working with me. You seem to fit that.
[12:40:44 PM] FannyChmelar: but thennn you cant rly hound me for that bc cant i be the exact same thing u didnt rly wanna work w/ me either fmpov
[12:41:58 PM] FannyChmelar: bc ik that i at least made an effort n imo you wouldnt have even bothered to msg me lol
[12:42:39 PM] dooze: You didn't respond so I thought you weren't interested!!!! If someone's not interested in me then im not going to be interested in them!!!!!!
almost 7 years
[12:25:19 PM] FannyChmelar: + while I cannot deny you have been honest to ME bc you've literally only talked to me about a vote once
[12:25:33 PM] dooze: But you've never shown any interest on actually working with me.
[12:26:40 PM] FannyChmelar: neither have u tho? When u nommed me week 3 or whatever it was u were like i hope this gets u good links n n then just kinda threw me away and never spoke to me
[12:27:26 PM] FannyChmelar: whts that really supposed to make me think
[12:28:19 PM] Markus: Okay y'all have been great but I need my 4 hours sleep before work
[12:30:30 PM] FannyChmelar: + actually reading back dooze ive been the one initiatinf most of our convos. ive made more effort than you
[12:31:40 PM] dooze: Honestly I didn't talk to you because I didn't need to. Before my HoH you talked to me once on the first night and then never replied to our ongoing conversation so I rightfully assumed you weren't interested in aligning with me.
[12:32:18 PM] FannyChmelar: bcU ENDED THE CONVO WITH
[12:32:20 PM] FannyChmelar: haha thats ok
[12:32:28 PM] FannyChmelar: how am i supposed to continue off of that fhfhfg
[12:32:50 PM] deandean: Oh yeah i want Scott out
[12:32:52 PM] deandean: Nbd
[12:34:16 PM] dooze: Based on the conversation we were having beforehand?????
[12:34:34 PM] Zarfot: That was clear from your video dean hahah
[12:34:36 PM] FannyChmelar: but what am i actually supposed to say
[12:34:47 PM] deandean: Yeah I'm pretty simple lmao
[12:34:53 PM] FannyChmelar: im geniunely confused @ what u wanted me to continue w/
[12:35:04 PM] dooze: Anything! It doesn't matter, continue the conversation!
almost 7 years
[12:15:44 PM] dooze: [12:06 PM] FannyChmelar:

<<< Which isn't surprising since dooze/dean/baabaa r a thing.WHAT LMAO
[12:16:05 PM] FannyChmelar: gasp get ur shocked reaction out lmaoo
[12:16:26 PM] Markus: Was just about to fall asleep but i'll stay up just a sec longer :)
[12:17:15 PM] Fred: Markus needs some tea before bed
[12:17:36 PM] dooze: Enlighten me about this alliance
[12:17:44 PM] Zarfot: (coffee)
[12:17:53 PM] baabaa: I like peppermint tea most tbh
[12:18:01 PM] FannyChmelar: are u sad ur alliance is obvious dooze
[12:18:30 PM] dooze: No it's literally not even an alliance
[12:18:44 PM] Fred: I like earl grey
[12:18:51 PM] FannyChmelar: so then you admit you 3 are together. good :-)
[12:19:07 PM] FannyChmelar: I'm glad we got that out of the road
[12:19:42 PM] dooze: I never said that
[12:20:31 PM] dooze: We are not together and why the would it even matter to you
[12:20:34 PM] FannyChmelar: I said you're a thing. you asked me about an ALLIANCE and said it isnt an alliance. you arent saying you 3 arent a thing
[12:20:52 PM] FannyChmelar: BC YA'LL 3 WANT ME OUT
[12:21:02 PM] baabaa: i don't want you out D:
[12:21:03 PM] FannyChmelar: should that not matter to me? LOL
[12:21:49 PM] FannyChmelar: emma i want to believe you but in this situation idk if i can.
[12:22:29 PM] dooze: Fanny You legit haven't talked to me the whole game. I'll be honest. Just like I have this whole entire game. It has crossed my mind to nom you if I'm hoh
[12:22:55 PM] dooze: Because of what you've been telling qrs. Sure it makes an interesting game but you're making these huge assumptions off an innocent conversation
[12:23:08 PM] FannyChmelar: I've talked to you on some occasions just not about the game itself
[12:23:30 PM] FannyChmelar: Let's get that clear first and foremost
[12:24:05 PM] dooze: That's true.
almost 7 years
[12:03:35 PM] FannyChmelar: that's why i was a teensie bit shocked since dean has never aired any problems before ab me
[12:03:41 PM] FannyChmelar: nice 2 see u grew some balls finally lmaoo
[12:03:48 PM] Markus: Hahahahhahahaha
[12:03:53 PM] Fred: what did Dean say? I missed it
[12:04:01 PM] Markus: Watch his submission Fred
[12:04:10 PM] FannyChmelar: that I'm a sneaky f*ck playing both sides for the tldr.
[12:04:13 PM] Markus: You have a shoutout in it too
[12:04:22 PM] Fred: ohboy
[12:04:45 PM] Markus: Me dooze baabaa and Fede all got "fine"
[12:05:16 PM] Fred: oh man, I couldn’t get a “fine” rating?
[12:05:30 PM] FannyChmelar: Which isn't surprising since dooze/dean/baabaa r a thing.
[12:05:38 PM] Markus: He said he likes you
[12:05:44 PM] Fred: oh I got the “I like Fred” that’s better : D
[12:06:30 PM] baabaa: hello ?
[12:06:35 PM] Fred: gross
[12:06:38 PM] Markus: Hi emma!!
[12:06:43 PM] baabaa: wait what
almost 7 years
[11:58:26 AM] FannyChmelar: is this gonna be like ya'll will try n convince verum that freds the house target and then vote me out instead lmaoo
[11:59:00 AM] Markus: Tbh I didn't expect the ryan vote to have so much traction
[11:59:19 AM] Markus: People surprised me when they were so eager to vote ryan
[11:59:30 AM] Fred: Ryan kind of exploded in the housecoat and I think that had kind of a big impact on him going home
[11:59:34 AM] Fred: *housechat lol
[11:59:44 AM] Markus: When did he explode
[11:59:50 AM] Markus: I don't remember him exploding really
[11:59:56 AM] Fred: well he didn’t explode
[12:00:04 PM] Fred: but he threw a ton of shade on dooze like 5 hours before the eviction
[12:00:18 PM] Fred: it was kind of ugly
[12:01:00 PM] FannyChmelar: was it not tru shade tho
[12:01:04 PM] FannyChmelar: lets get it Real
[12:01:09 PM] Markus: What was the shade I can't remember
[12:01:28 PM] Fred: honestly? All I remember from it was a passive aggressive smiley face
[12:01:37 PM] Fred: but I know there was more, that’s just what my memory chooses to remember
[12:01:41 PM] Fred: lmao
[12:01:44 PM] Markus: Hahahahhaha I love watching passive aggressive fights
[12:01:58 PM] Markus: They're the best, all bubbles under the surface
[12:02:04 PM] Markus: Then pop!!
[12:02:17 PM] Fred: like, when you and I fought Markus, we were being real with each other
[12:02:23 PM] Fred: no passive aggressiveness
[12:02:28 PM] Markus: Everything out in the open
[12:02:32 PM] Fred: yeah
[12:02:34 PM] Markus: Let that fresh air do its magic
[12:02:57 PM] Fred: and it was over in like 2 minutes because of that
almost 7 years
Some drama happens!

[11:45:50 AM] Markus: Auyyyyy scotts here
[11:46:01 AM] Markus: Scott watch deans submission pls
[11:46:01 AM] FannyChmelar: OMG i got a whole 13 points thank u
[11:46:05 AM] Markus: Then return to chat
[11:46:26 AM] FannyChmelar: omg ok i can watch in like 5 mins lmaoo
[11:46:31 AM] Markus: No
[11:46:33 AM] Markus: Watch now
[11:46:37 AM] FannyChmelar: smh
[11:46:38 AM] Markus: Trust me
[11:50:45 AM] FannyChmelar: ohh wow id love to know what im being sneaky ab lol
[11:50:59 AM] FannyChmelar: n how im playing both sides when im not lol..
[11:51:12 AM] Markus: Fight fight fight!!!!
[11:51:15 AM] FannyChmelar: bc any1 can ask me like votes and ill tell you
[11:51:45 AM] FannyChmelar: and sweetie, for ur information i wouldnt have even nommed you
[11:51:49 AM] FannyChmelar: so thanks (:
[11:52:01 AM] Markus: Bet you would now though lol
[11:52:12 AM] FannyChmelar: yeah probably :-)
[11:52:23 AM] FannyChmelar: I have nothing to hide like wtf??
[11:53:00 AM] FannyChmelar: if i was being sneaky i wouldnt have told dooze tht im not voting ryan yet i did soo
[11:53:50 AM] FannyChmelar: not my fault ur a boring that adds zero to this game dean! get it together b4 u wanna try n come for me
[11:54:34 AM] dooze: If you weren't sneaky you wouldn't have told qrstuv that I was trying to put majority on him when it was something I didn't even campaign for since it was already done
[11:55:07 AM] FannyChmelar: yaaa bc its obvious u had smth to do w/ him going like theres no hiding that lmaoo
[11:56:11 AM] dooze: I literally don't??? I was completely honest with you. I said your vote might make it unanimous. That happened. When I asked others, they all said they were voting ryan and that they knew others were too
[11:56:25 AM] dooze: If someone was campaigning it wasn't me hunny :)
[11:56:30 AM] FannyChmelar: u made it seem like u were the ringleader for that vote imo
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
[11:18:27 AM] coolkidrox123: Im using google translate any bad grammar blame it on that
[11:18:30 AM] Zarfot: Congrats verum!
[11:18:39 AM] Parudoks: [11:18 AM] agus strider:

<<< cinnanie: are you single and straight? I have such a lady boner for your submission.
[11:18:46 AM] Zarfot: And thanks judges (hearteyes)
[11:19:21 AM] agus strider: This was verumbark's submission:
[11:19:21 AM] Cinnanie: :o congrats twinna!!
[11:19:32 AM] agus strider: Comments from judges for verumbark:

cinnanie: I think if it had pictures, it'd be amazing. but I can see there's a lot of work put into it

coolkidrox123: if only amelio can turn this into a game

nattless: I'm totally blown away by this submission. You took the theme from the whole season and embedded it perfectly into a creation that you clearly put a huge amount of time and effort into. It highlighted events, the game, the people. Honestly well done i can't wait to find out who did this and congratulate you in person because i truly loved it.

Parudoks: Woah someone spent hours writing this
[11:20:10 AM] coolkidrox123: Paru sounds like more time than you soent on ur comments lmfao
[11:20:23 AM] Parudoks: Short and simple
[11:20:29 AM] coolkidrox123: Like ur...
[11:20:34 AM] Parudoks: ouch
[11:20:34 AM] agus strider: This means that the new HoH is verumbark! They have until 10AM EST on August 21st to send in their nominations, order of keys and speech. (but lowkey it'd be appreciated if it could be done at some point tonight (giggle) )
almost 7 years
[11:16:54 AM] agus strider: The winner is...
[11:16:54 AM] Cinnanie: I meant to type an emoji but made a typo
[11:16:56 AM] Cinnanie: .
[11:17:00 AM] coolkidrox123: Fede
[11:17:05 AM] coolkidrox123: Zarfot
[11:17:09 AM] coolkidrox123:
Tu voz es un encanto, tus miradas son divinas, ¿no serás todas mías?
[11:17:19 AM] Zarfot: Hahahahahha
[11:17:23 AM] agus strider: .
[11:17:30 AM] Parudoks: Smooth
[11:17:43 AM] Parudoks: Amelio the anticipation is killing me
[11:17:45 AM] agus strider: anyways yeah the winner is....
[11:17:49 AM] coolkidrox123: Lmfao
[11:17:50 AM] agus strider: verumbark with a score of 123.2 points (were originally 112 but their advantage gave them +11.2 points) over Zarfot's 106 points.
[11:17:52 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[11:17:52 AM] Markus: WHAT THIS IS A BIG SHOCK I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERUM WINS A CREATIVE COMP??????????
[11:17:56 AM] Zarfot: no serás todo mio is better
[11:18:05 AM] Zarfot: nooo
[11:18:05 AM] agus strider: This was Zarfot's submission:

[11:18:11 AM] Parudoks: Congrats!
[11:18:20 AM] agus strider: Comments from judges for Zarfot:

cinnanie: are you single and straight? I have such a lady boner for your submission.

coolkidrox123: Your accent is super sexy and you are the cutest thing ever you literally made the whole judging team fall in love with you.

nattless: this was flipping awesome and i loved it. It was such a creative way of describing the game! Props to you for being brave enough to do it, well done!

Parudoks: Added points for facial expressions.
almost 7 years
[11:13:41 AM] agus strider: In 3rd place...
[11:13:51 AM] Markus: Not interested roxy sorry
[11:14:03 AM] agus strider: dooze with 52.5 points!
[11:14:04 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[11:14:09 AM] coolkidrox123: I spent 30 minutes flirting with. Guy on fb in spanish using Google translate
[11:14:14 AM] coolkidrox123: With a*
[11:14:15 AM] agus strider: This was her submission:
[11:14:20 AM] Zarfot: Lol
[11:14:38 AM] Zarfot: You don't need the translator for me
[11:14:40 AM] agus strider: Comments from judges:

cinnanie: effort was there

coolkidrox123: Its cute but I could do that with my left hand and my eyes closed lol

nattless: I thought this was cute and a cool representation of the contestants. Honestly i would've scored it higher if i wasn't so impressed with the other submissions. It was nice but for me it wasn't quite on the same level. Thanks so much for putting the effort in!

Parudoks: Would've gotten a higher rating if it was colored in, and if there was more continuity (There were stickfigures that don't match with the rest of the people)
[11:15:56 AM] agus strider: It comes down to verumbark vs Zarfot
[11:16:03 AM | Removed 11:16:25 AM] Cinnanie: This message has been removed.
[11:16:08 AM] Cinnanie: :o
[11:16:08 AM] Zarfot: Hahahah dooze (heart)
[11:16:10 AM] Markus: Hahahahha imagine if Fede sniped cinna
[11:16:17 AM] Markus: That'd be something to talk about
[11:16:24 AM] Zarfot: That would be the best thing ever hahah
[11:16:40 AM] Parudoks: I saw what Nadine wrote and then immediately forgot it
[11:16:46 AM] agus strider: I didn't see...
almost 7 years
[11:09:59 AM] agus strider: in 4th place....
[11:10:06 AM] Zarfot: Lmao
[11:10:13 AM] agus strider: deandean with 42 points!
[11:10:15 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[11:10:24 AM] agus strider: This was his submission:
[11:10:59 AM] Markus: I'll watch that soon.....
[11:11:16 AM] agus strider: Comments from judges:

cinnanie: you look like sam from game of thrones

coolkidrox123: :0 whats up with thelat accent djsjs you sound so diff

nattless: like i dunno what to say because you did represent the experience but i don't really know what this was sdfkljsgd you looked like you were in a horror movie scene but also like you were playing video games and talking distractedly in the random direction of the camera.
[11:11:21 AM] Zarfot: Hahaha dean you are the best
[11:11:38 AM] Parudoks: he does look a little like sam
[11:11:51 AM] Zarfot: :o
[11:11:51 AM] coolkidrox123: :0
[11:11:59 AM] coolkidrox123: I dont watch got so I wouldnt know
[11:12:04 AM] Markus: Neither
[11:12:24 AM] TheStyleAisle: Lol who watches GAY of Thrones hahaha...
[11:12:35 AM] Markus: I bet you do William
[11:12:36 AM] Zarfot: Ohh scott you are featuring in his video
[11:12:39 AM] Parudoks: Where is dean from, I need to know the accent
[11:12:40 AM] Cinnanie: omg roxy u sniped me
[11:12:42 AM] Cinnanie: i was afk
[11:12:57 AM] coolkidrox123: Hahaa suct
[11:13:06 AM] agus strider: in Spanish game of thrones sounds like gay mostron which is something like idk show off gay
[11:13:08 AM] agus strider: (giggle)
[11:13:13 AM] Markus: Fede go for nadine over roxy
[11:13:20 AM] coolkidrox123: Omg no
[11:13:22 AM] Markus: Roxy won't be able to spell your name right and that's fact
[11:13:32 AM] Cinnanie: will knows what's up
[11:13:32 AM] coolkidrox123: I spelt his name right u r rude
[11:13:33 AM] agus strider: anyways
[11:13:39 AM] coolkidrox123: This is why you arent an option