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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

almost 7 years
fred did it
deletedalmost 7 years
It's gonna be a joint win between Dean/Dooze/Fanny/Markus KNOW THAT!
almost 7 years

sammy says

Markus is winning KNOW THAT!

Back off hater
deletedalmost 7 years
Markus is winning KNOW THAT!
almost 7 years
Also baabaa!!
almost 7 years
Verumbark for allstars!!! Legit Legend!!!
almost 7 years
Jokers Ratings Week 9:

1. FannyChmelar (+4)
2. Markus (-)
3. deandean (+4)
4. verumbark (+2)
5. Fred (-2)
6. Zarfot (+3)
7. baabaa (+1)
8. dooze (-4)
9. qrstuv (-8)
10. Ginga (-)
11. theturningRAY (-)
12 NoAviNoKnowledge (-)
13 feist (-)
14 blood4bloodgod (-)
15 sigh (-)
16 view (-)

Jokers Ratings Week 10:

1. verumbark (+3)
2. dooze (+6)
3. Markus (-1)
4. Zarfot (+2)
5. Fred (-)
6. deandean (-3)
7. FannyChmelar (-6)
8. baabaa (-1)
9. qrstuv (-)
10. Ginga (-)
11. theturningRAY (-)
12 NoAviNoKnowledge (-)
13 feist (-)
14 blood4bloodgod (-)
15 sigh (-)
16 view (-)
almost 7 years
verumbark's goodbye messages before leaving
almost 7 years
baabaa was robbed
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
[10:12:43 PM] agus strider: Houseguests, congratulations on f6. Half of you will end the season with a trophy and a monetary prize... 50/50 chances now! I'm personally excited to see who it's going to be.
[10:12:57 PM] Will (Markus): congrats u guys!!!
[10:12:59 PM] Dean: If I win a trophy I'll be genuinely shocked
[10:13:15 PM] agus strider: Also please send in a goodbye message for verumbark
[10:13:19 PM] Dean: I am not in a good spot
[10:13:19 PM] dooze .: oh
[10:15:48 PM] dooze .: wait
[10:15:53 PM] dooze .: i cant compete this week
[10:16:08 PM] agus strider: Just a quick reminder: Please do not talk with jurors AT ALL about the game. If you can avoid EVERY kind of interaction, even better.
[10:16:11 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): The announcement for your next HoH competition will come shortly.
[10:16:23 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): Please write your goodbye messages in the meantime!
[10:18:37 PM] dooze .: i would also just like to say to fanny that the closest that baabaa dean and i were was after u claimed we had an alliance
[10:18:43 PM] dooze .: and we then made an alliance
[10:18:50 PM] dooze .: called much to scotts disbelief
[10:18:51 PM] dooze .: rip
[10:18:57 PM] Will (Markus): hahahahahahah
[10:19:03 PM] Dean: True story
deletedalmost 7 years
[10:09:31 PM] Fred: lol
[10:09:32 PM] Ally: good note
[10:09:33 PM] dooze .: LOLOLOL
[10:09:35 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Lmao
[10:09:43 PM] dooze .: they did win most likely to have multiple f2s
[10:09:47 PM] Dean: Welp in two weeks
[10:09:48 PM] dooze .: who had a f2 with verum bc im so sorry
[10:09:49 PM] Will (Markus): lol who were cinna's f2s???
[10:09:50 PM] Fred: Seven little soldier boys picking up sticks, one chopped himself and then there were six
[10:09:54 PM] Dean: Y'all not only took out one of my f2:
[10:09:57 PM] agus strider: nat, roxy, parudoks it is also time for you to go
[10:09:58 PM] Dean: You took out both
[10:10:06 PM] Will (Markus): omg dean hahahahahahahaah
[10:10:06 PM] Dean: So kudos
[10:10:08 PM] Fred: You guys took out my f2, too
[10:10:13 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Final 6!!!
[10:10:20 PM] *** agus strider has renamed this conversation to "Sandbox Big Brother 2: The Virtual World Week 11" ***
[10:10:20 PM] Will (Markus): who was your f2 fred?
[10:10:24 PM] Will (Markus): cinna or emma?
[10:10:25 PM] Fred: baabaa, haha
[10:10:30 PM] Fred: I think everyone knew it at this point
[10:10:31 PM] Will (Markus): I LITERALLY
[10:10:33 PM] Will (Markus): TOLD EVERYONE
[10:10:33 PM] dooze .: WHAT
[10:10:35 PM] Will (Markus): YOU WERE F2
[10:10:38 PM] dooze .: wait
[10:10:40 PM] Will (Markus): AND PEOPLE DID NOT BELIEVE ME
[10:11:04 PM] Will (Markus): AND I WAS LIKE I HAVE A SIXTH SENSE
[10:11:11 PM] Will (Markus): I CAN TELL THESE THINGS
[10:11:18 PM] Fred: its because we pretend we hate each other
[10:11:25 PM] Fred: its our shtick
[10:11:31 PM] Fred: WHOA
deletedalmost 7 years
[10:08:37 PM] c. verum: i love
[10:08:40 PM] c. verum: you all
[10:08:42 PM] c. verum: so much
[10:08:45 PM] c. verum: im tearing up
[10:08:53 PM] c. verum: i legit dont want to say goodbyw ksndknsdkndas
[10:08:56 PM] Will (Markus): BYE CINNA <3
[10:08:57 PM] agus strider: thanks for playing verum it is time to go
[10:09:05 PM] c. verum: I LOEEV
[10:09:05 PM] Fred: bye verum!!!
[10:09:07 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Aww, cya in rs after all this is done!
[10:09:07 PM] c. verum: YUO
[10:09:08 PM] c. verum: OK
[10:09:10 PM] Ally: love you cinna
[10:09:10 PM] c. verum: JSHFJSHDKSBDADB
[10:09:21 PM] c. verum: ALSO I HAD F2S WIT THREE PEOPLE
[10:09:25 PM] c. verum: NOT THE ENTIRE CAST.
[10:09:28 PM] c. verum: THABKS.
[10:09:28 PM] *** agus strider removed c. verum from this conversation. ***
deletedalmost 7 years
[10:00:01 PM] agus strider: This means that the HoH, dooze, will be the one breaking the tie. We will be using her eviction list as reference.
[10:00:02 PM] Will (Markus): hahahahahahahahahahaa
[10:00:04 PM] c. verum: TIEBREAKER VOTE AGAINST ME
[10:00:12 PM] c. verum: DUH, CHECK
[10:00:13 PM] agus strider: dooze has decided to evict...
[10:00:19 PM] c. verum: WE KNOW
[10:00:25 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Verum (heart)
[10:00:26 PM] c. verum: AGUS WE KNOW I WAS AN INITIAL NOM
[10:00:28 PM] Ally: verum once again have u considered: not
[10:00:29 PM] c. verum: KKNFKSNDKSNDKSDNKSND
[10:00:32 PM] dooze .:
[10:00:40 PM] William (TheStyleAisle):
[10:00:42 PM] agus strider: verumbark
[10:00:45 PM] agus strider: verumbark was too fast for everyone as they fell off a cliff and died. Game Over, verumbark.
[10:00:45 PM] Will (Markus): cinna you were a little ray of sunshine, i will miss you <3
[10:00:46 PM] Ally:
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:58:35 PM] agus strider: This means the final nominees are verumbark and Zarfot!
[9:58:43 PM] Ally:
[9:58:43 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Gl verum ;(
[9:58:46 PM] dooze .: if i couldve done fanny>verum>no one i would've
[9:58:50 PM] agus strider: Eviction Ceremony
[9:58:51 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): Is Ally getting an Aneurism from everyone stating things before Host Agus can?
[9:58:52 PM] William (TheStyleAisle):
[9:58:53 PM] Will (Markus): GOOD LUCK YOU TWO
[9:58:55 PM] dooze .: i love ally gifs
[9:59:00 PM | Edited 9:59:01 PM] agus strider: who wants a question?
[9:59:03 PM] dooze .: me
[9:59:04 PM] Will (Markus): ME
[9:59:04 PM] agus strider: jk b*tches
[9:59:07 PM] dooze .: oh
[9:59:08 PM] Fred: ME
[9:59:08 PM] Will (Markus): oh
[9:59:12 PM] agus strider: Moving on to the vote...
[9:59:13 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Lmao
[9:59:16 PM] c. verum: 3-1 VOTE AGAINST ME????
[9:59:21 PM] agus strider: With a vote of...
[9:59:25 PM] dooze .: 4-0
[9:59:41 PM] dooze .: if its 2-2 ur goin
[9:59:44 PM] agus strider: 2-2
[9:59:45 PM] agus strider: It's a tie!
[9:59:46 PM] Ally:
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:58:00 PM] agus strider: dooze stands up.
[9:58:07 PM] dooze .: i think
[9:58:11 PM] agus strider: dooze: My replacement nominee is…
[9:58:20 PM] agus strider: dooze: Zarfot
[9:58:22 PM] Ally:
[9:58:22 PM] Fede (Zarfot): :|
[9:58:27 PM] agus strider: Markus: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:57:00 PM] agus strider: PoV Ceremony
[9:57:06 PM] agus strider: Markus stands up.
[9:57:07 PM] Will (Markus): ooohhh what's markus GONNA DO
[9:57:16 PM] c. verum: markus saves fanny. dooze renoms zarfot. the vote against me is 3-1.
[9:57:17 PM] Fred: Markus is gonna choose to save himself clearly
[9:57:19 PM] agus strider: Markus: As the veto holder, I have the choice to save someone from the nomination block, and therefore…
[9:57:19 PM] dooze .: markus im gonna scream if u saved one of them
[9:57:27 PM] Will (Markus): i'm not nommed thank u fred
[9:57:38 PM] agus strider: Markus: I save FannyChmelar.
[9:57:40 PM] Ally:
[9:57:43 PM] Will (Markus): LMAO
[9:57:44 PM] Dean: Oh my lord
[9:57:45 PM] Fred: hahahahaha
[9:57:47 PM] c. verum: markus saves fanny? check!
[9:57:50 PM] dooze .: sry zarf
[9:57:51 PM] agus strider: Markus: dooze, as I have veto’d one of your nominees, you must name a replacement.
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:55:38 PM] agus strider: 4th place....
[9:55:39 PM] Fred: THIS IS UNFAIR
[9:55:43 PM] Ally: I HAVE AUTHORITY
[9:55:48 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar with 48 points
[9:55:51 PM] Ally: (clap)
[9:55:53 PM] Will (Markus): oh scott
[9:55:57 PM] c. verum: SHE HAS BOLD TEXT
[9:55:57 PM] Fede (Zarfot): lol
[9:55:59 PM] agus strider: 3rd place...
[9:56:00 PM] William (TheStyleAisle):
[9:56:09 PM] agus strider: Zarfot with 775 points
[9:56:15 PM] agus strider: It comes down to Markus and deandean
[9:56:16 PM] Ally: (clap)
[9:56:17 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): (clap)
[9:56:17 PM] Ally:
[9:56:19 PM] Fede (Zarfot): :(
[9:56:20 PM] Will (Markus): hi dean
[9:56:21 PM] Fred: Markus asked so nicely!!
[9:56:22 PM] Dean: THE SHOWDOWN
[9:56:33 PM] agus strider: And the winner is...
[9:56:36 PM] c. verum: literally this determines whether im definitely dead or just probably dead so
[9:56:40 PM] Will (Markus): if i lose i am gonna be so gutted
[9:56:43 PM] agus strider: Markus with 4968 points over deandean with 3724 points
[9:56:44 PM] Ally:
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:54:30 PM] agus strider: participating markus zarfot dean
[9:54:35 PM] Fred: NOOOOO
[9:54:37 PM] agus strider: + noms/hoh
[9:54:38 PM] Will (Markus): oh yay i participate!
[9:54:38 PM] c. verum: aw
[9:54:41 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): me at agus coming back
[9:54:42 PM] Fede (Zarfot): yay
[9:54:42 PM] William (TheStyleAisle):
[9:54:43 PM] Fred: FRED HAS NO FU
[9:54:45 PM] Dean: Will what did you end up with
[9:54:45 PM] Fred: N
[9:54:47 PM] dooze .: lolololol
[9:54:48 PM] Fede (Zarfot): I won't be of much help tho...
[9:54:50 PM] dooze .: gg
[9:54:56 PM] Ally: don't say ur scores
[9:54:59 PM] Will (Markus): you'll see dean....
[9:55:01 PM] Fred: can I say mine
[9:55:03 PM] Ally: let agustin
[9:55:03 PM] Ally: do
[9:55:03 PM] Ally: the
[9:55:04 PM] Ally: RESULTS
[9:55:05 PM] Fred: since I’m not PLAYING apparently
[9:55:06 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): n o
[9:55:09 PM] c. verum: im ready to say my goodbyes
[9:55:09 PM] Will (Markus): yes what was yours fred
[9:55:10 PM] agus strider: 5th place...
[9:55:16 PM] agus strider: verumbark and dooze, who abstained
[9:55:17 PM] Fred: only like 1,400 lmao
[9:55:18 PM] dooze .: dean did u save either of them
[9:55:22 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): HOST ALLY LITERALLY JUST SAID
[9:55:23 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): NOT TO SHARE
[9:55:25 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): YOUR SCORES
[9:55:26 PM] c. verum: imd it crashed my computer
[9:55:27 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): FRED
[9:55:31 PM] Ally: STRIKE 2 FOR FRED
[9:55:31 PM] Will (Markus): fred isn't participating
[9:55:34 PM] Ally: WHO CARES
[9:55:34 PM] Will (Markus): you little trolls
[9:55:34 PM] Fred: NO
[9:55:36 PM] Ally: LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!
[9:55:37 PM] Fred: I’M NOT PLAYING
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:51:01 PM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[9:51:02 PM] c. verum: oh i kno my dude
[9:51:07 PM] agus strider: dooze: As head of household, it is my duty to nominate two players for eviction.
[9:51:09 PM] c. verum: i am Well Aware
[9:51:12 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): me when dooze wins
[9:51:12 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): Ally removed William from this conversation.
[9:51:12 PM] Fred: gg for ROBBING ME
[9:51:14 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): NO
[9:51:15 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): WRONG
[9:51:18 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Dooze just spoiling everything haha
[9:51:19 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): C/P
[9:51:19 PM] Ally: LMFAO WILLIAM
[9:51:20 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): ASJDMSLAMD
[9:51:27 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): ok it'll have to do
[9:51:31 PM] agus strider: dooze: I have nominated verumbark and FannyChmelar for eviction.
[9:51:31 PM] dooze .: what does that mean WILLIAM
[9:51:33 PM] c. verum: (dooze voice) fanny and verum, u guys can eat a sandwich
[9:51:40 PM] Ally:
[9:51:47 PM] agus strider: dooze: The nomination ceremony is adjourned.
[9:51:51 PM] Will (Markus): here come the gifs!!!!!
[9:51:55 PM] Fred: feel like life is passing us by
[9:52:02 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Ally (heart)
[9:52:04 PM] William (TheStyleAisle): me at these nominations
[9:52:04 PM] agus strider: PoV Results
[9:52:05 PM] William (TheStyleAisle):
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:50:39 PM] agus strider: And the winner is dooze with 15606 points over Fred with 14258 points.
[9:50:40 PM] dooze .: stop trying to up ur joker ranking hosts
[9:50:43 PM] dooze .: bye
[9:50:47 PM] Will (Markus): congrats dooze!!
[9:50:50 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Gj dooze
[9:50:51 PM] dooze .: fanny and verum u best know why i nommed you
[9:50:51 PM] Ally:
[9:50:52 PM] agus strider: dooze hoh congrats
[9:50:59 PM] Fred: gg dooze
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:43:56 PM] Ally: (clap)
[9:43:59 PM] Fred: eyyy
[9:44:08 PM] dooze .: like i dont actually hate fanny i just think theyre a snake
[9:44:10 PM] Fede (Zarfot): My fast pc was too much for that game...
[9:44:13 PM] agus strider: in 4th place...
[9:44:17 PM] c. verum: tht makes me feel so much better tbh <3
[9:44:18 PM] Will (Markus): this is me next!
[9:44:29 PM] Will (Markus): livin up the 4th place life
[9:44:39 PM] agus strider: Markus with 7577 points
[9:44:43 PM] dooze .: lol
[9:44:45 PM] Ally: (clap)
[9:44:47 PM] Fred: eyy
[9:44:47 PM] dooze .: im really scared
[9:44:49 PM] dooze .: who is left
[9:44:53 PM] dooze .: verum fanny me fred
[9:44:54 PM] c. verum: dooze you won
[9:44:55 PM] Will (Markus): scott daisy tanner
[9:44:59 PM] Will (Markus): verum is outgoing hoh
[9:45:02 PM] Will (Markus): so doesn't compete
[9:45:02 PM] dooze .: verum do u even know my score
[9:45:02 PM] Fred: I’m livin up the second place life, don’t worry dooze
[9:45:10 PM] dooze .: oh
[9:45:11 PM] c. verum: yeah
[9:45:12 PM] dooze .: right
[9:45:14 PM] agus strider: in 3rd place...
[9:45:20 PM] dooze .: thats nice
[9:45:21 PM] dooze .: lol
[9:45:38 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar with 10447 points
[9:45:40 PM] dooze .: who tf told u my score
[9:45:41 PM] Will (Markus): what's crack up is during the course of F8
[9:45:42 PM] Ally: (clap)
[9:45:45 PM] Will (Markus): dooze, fred and scott
[9:45:48 PM] Will (Markus): were all sure fire winners
[9:45:50 PM] Fred: EVERY TIME
[9:45:51 PM] agus strider: It comes down to Fred and dooze...
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:43:04 PM] agus strider: in 6th place...
[9:43:06 PM] Ally: true.
[9:43:15 PM] dooze .: i love sammy
[9:43:18 PM] agus strider: deandean with 604 points
[9:43:21 PM] Dean: Yikes.
[9:43:23 PM] Ally: (clap)
[9:43:27 PM] Fred: wow
[9:43:29 PM] agus strider: in 5th place...
[9:43:29 PM] dooze .: omg
[9:43:34 PM] Fred: what did you play it once?
[9:43:34 PM] c. verum: dooze are we still cool out of game
[9:43:38 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Not last!
[9:43:38 PM] dooze .: yeh
[9:43:42 PM] dooze .: im just mad at u in game
[9:43:44 PM] Will (Markus): no one dislikes you as a person cinna, it's chill
[9:43:44 PM] c. verum: ok good
[9:43:46 PM] Dean: No it lagged my lagtop
[9:43:47 PM] Dean: So
[9:43:48 PM] c. verum: ok Good
[9:43:50 PM] dooze .: im good at keeping those feelings separated
[9:43:50 PM] Ally: lagtop
[9:43:50 PM] Fred: yeah its not a personal thing verum
[9:43:53 PM] agus strider: Zarfot with 5599 points
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:41:25 PM] Fred: 8 little soldier boys traveling in devon, one thought he’d stay and then there were seven
[9:41:27 PM] c. verum: bc i seriously made a bad choice like
[9:41:42 PM] c. verum: fanny even agrees i shouldve just nommed him and been done with it
[9:42:04 PM] Fred: you shouldn’t have nommed baabaa in the first place
[9:42:12 PM] Fred: you shouldn’t have nommed either of them
[9:42:12 PM] dooze .: true
[9:42:12 PM] *** agus strider has renamed this conversation to "Sandbox Big Brother 2: The Virtual World Week 10" ***
[9:42:14 PM] Fred: me I understand
[9:42:16 PM] dooze .: sweet poor baabaa
[9:42:20 PM] agus strider: Welcome to fast-forward week!
[9:42:28 PM] Will (Markus): vroom vroom!!
[9:42:29 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Shortest week everrr
[9:42:31 PM] c. verum: (sighs)
[9:42:36 PM] c. verum: bye guys
[9:42:44 PM] c. verum: i hope were still cool out-of-game
[9:42:44 PM] Will (Markus): alright this is where gets hectic
[9:42:49 PM] Ally: WEEEEEEW FAST FORWARD!!!!!!!1
[9:42:51 PM] Fred: this is where gets ICONIC
[9:42:55 PM] agus strider: HoH Results
[9:42:55 PM] Ally: lets GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:39:57 PM] c. verum: i realized i f*cked up
[9:39:58 PM] dooze .: ;-;
[9:39:59 PM] Will (Markus): (whew)
[9:40:00 PM] Dean: Yeah :(
[9:40:01 PM] Fred: pack your knives and go
[9:40:04 PM] Ally: :O
[9:40:06 PM] Fede (Zarfot): :(
[9:40:09 PM] Will (Markus): thank you to the lovely people who kept me
[9:40:10 PM] dooze .: f*cked up doesn't fix what just happened
[9:40:14 PM] dooze .: js
[9:40:16 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Congrats will!!
[9:40:18 PM] agus strider: baabaa was stabbed multiple times by Markus during the Open World game... Game Over, baabaa.
[9:40:19 PM] Will (Markus): and the two that didn't, both were honest so can't bash them
[9:40:20 PM] Will (Markus): <3
[9:40:28 PM] dooze .: rude markus
[9:40:32 PM] Will (Markus): woah i didn't even vote her
[9:40:34 PM] dooze .: apologize to baaba's corpse
[9:40:36 PM] Will (Markus): why am i the one stabbing her
[9:40:36 PM] Fred: yea Markus, you know I didn’t want to do this
[9:40:42 PM] agus strider: Now since she isn't here I guess i'll remove her and I'll add her later to say her goodbyes
[9:40:47 PM] *** agus strider removed emmbaa from this conversation. ***
[9:40:50 PM] Fred: it was because these were the worst nominations ever
[9:40:54 PM] Will (Markus): F7!!!!
[9:40:54 PM] dooze .: SHJKFDHAFDS
[9:40:55 PM] Will (Markus): go us!!
[9:40:56 PM] dooze .: ;-;
[9:41:12 PM] c. verum: dooze look it was a me and markus thing and i hope our relationship is on the mend